blob: 5c24b592c151e57798e8471688deb5ade390a585 [file] [log] [blame]
= ESA Ant Task
This ant taskdef will help you to generate the Enterprise Subsystem Archive (*.esa) bundles, this could be used in traditional ant `taskdef` way in to the existing ant build scripts.
== Getting Started
Check out *Aries* project and from _esa-ant-task_ project run `mvn clean install`, add the generated jar from the `target` directory to your ant classpath e.g.
~/.ant/lib , or $ANT_HOME/lib etc.,
The following example shows how this task could be integrated into an existing ant build script,
<project name="An ant example for esa-ant" default="default">
A simple build file to demonstrate the use of esa-ant task
<taskdef name="esa" classname="org.apache.aries.ant.taskdefs.EsaTask" />
<target name="default" description="builds esa with supplied SUBSYSTEM.MF">
<esa destfile="demo.esa" symbolicname="test-esa" manifest="${basedir}/SUBSYSTEM.MF">
<fileset dir="/tmp/esa-ant-demo">
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="default2" description="generates the SUSBYSTEM.MF based on esa contents">
<esa destfile="demo2.esa" symbolicname="test-esa" generatemanifest="true">
<fileset dir="/tmp/esa-ant-demo">
<include name="*.jar" />