# Aries Containers
Aries Containers is a project to manage container deployment, such as docker containers, from a Java API.

Many technologies exist to manage container deployments. Examples include Kubernetes, Marathon/Mesos, Docker Swarm, Amazon ECS 
and others. While each technology provides specific features, many of these management technologies share common behaviour.
Aries Containers provides an abstraction that allows users to easily switch between these technologies. 


  - Requirements change - container users may find that they need to change target platforms at short notice. Using an abstraction API 
helps making such changes without too much additional work.
  - Testing - many container management systems require cluster of machines or otherwise large setup which may make testing during
development difficult. Aries Containers also contains a `docker.local` binding which makes it possible to run the same code with a different 
binding on a local developer machine, as long as docker is installed there.

Current modules:

  - `containers-api` - the API implemented by the various bindings.
  - `containers-docker-local` - Binding that uses the local docker installation.
  - `containers-marathon` - Marathon binding.
  - `containers-parent` - Parent pom.
  - `containers-examples` - Examples.
  - ...

This project may be used as input to the design process of the [OSGi RFP 179][1].

# Source
The Aries RSA source is in a separate [git repository aries-containers][2] there is also a [mirror on github][3].

To build the source, just run:

`mvn install`

Java 1.8 or higher is required. Maven 3.3.9+ is recommended.

# Quick Start
The easiest way to get started is with the examples and the local docker binding. Aries Containers work well in an OSGi 
environment where bindings are provided as OSGi services.

As an alternative, Aries Containers can also be used in a plain Java environment. Instead of obtaining the bindings
from the service registry, they need to be instantiated directly in this case.

This quick start focuses on a number of examples to suit your environment.

## OSGi example

## Plain Java example

This example launches a small Java Application to create a service deployment. Initially a single container is deployed. The user can 
modify the number of replicas using the application.

The code can be found here: [Main.java][4]

The main functionality is:

            ServiceManager sm = new LocalDockerServiceManager();

            // If you want to run with Marathon, use the following line
            // ServiceManager sm = new MarathonServiceManager("");

            ServiceConfig sc = ServiceConfig.builder("mytesthttpd", "httpd").
            Service svc = sm.getService(sc);
            // The service is now created

If you are running this the Docker local binding, you can see the docker container created:

    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND              STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
    7cc5c753777e        httpd               "httpd-foreground"   Up 4 seconds>80/tcp   mytesthttpd

The example also allows scaling up and down of replica containers for this service.


##Docker Local

This binding works by issuing `docker` commands on the local machine and is very useful for testing. Make sure the environment 
variables normally provided via `docker-machine env <myenv>` are set.

OSGi ServiceManager identifier: `container.factory.binding = docker.local`

Constructor, for use outside of OSGi: `org.apache.aries.containers.docker.local.impl.LocalDockerServiceManager`


This binding uses Marathon as the underlying container manager. It requires the following configuration to be set:

    service.pid: org.apache.aries.containers.marathon
      marathon.url=<the URL where marathon can be contacted>

Once configured, the Marathon binding will register its OSGi service. 
OSGi ServiceManager identifier: `container.factory.binding = marathon`

Constructors, for use outside of OSGi: `org.apache.aries.containers.marathon.impl.MarathonServiceManager`

     * Create the Marathon Service Manager.
     * @param marathonURL The Marathon URL
    public MarathonServiceManager(String marathonURL);

     * Create the Marathon Service Manager for use with DC/OS.
     * @param marathonURL The Marathon URL.
     * @param dcosUser The DCOS user or service-user.
     * @param passToken The password or token to use.
     * @param serviceAcct `true` if this is a service account `false` if this is a plain user.
    public MarathonServiceManager(String marathonURL, String dcosUser, String passToken, boolean serviceAcct);

  [1]: https://github.com/osgi/design/blob/master/rfps/rfp-0179-ComputeManagementService.pdf
  [2]: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/aries-containers.git
  [3]: https://github.com/apache/aries-containers
  [4]: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=aries-containers.git;a=blob;f=containers-examples/containers-example-javaapp/src/main/java/org/apache/aries/containers/examples/javaapp/Main.java;h=0f06a304fc5ec96ce3f50e6af338b5b320d901d1;hb=HEAD

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/aries/site/trunk/content@1796650 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 file changed