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<p>Simple graph implementation and utility for graph traversal.</p>
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<p>The implementation provides some base classes and interfaces for graph modeling.</p>
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<p>A graph is build from the following components:</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p><code>Node</code> which represents a single node in the graph model</p>
<p><code>Edge</code> that represents the connection between two nodes. Edges have always a direction.</p>
<p><code>Graph</code> which references the nodes manages the connections between nodes. Nodes and Edges are
always bound to their graph implementation.</p>
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<p>The <code>Traversal</code> utility allows to traverse the graph using depth-first or breadth-first algorithms.
It is also able to find loops in the graph.</p>
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<p>Nodes can be flagged by categories to easily build subgraphs of certain nodes.</p>
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<p>Edges always have a Label, that describes the purpose of the connection.</p>
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<p>The implementations provided here are basic implementations and provide no special functionality like
search or indexing.</p>
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<a href="">The Apache Software Foundation</a>.
All rights reserved.</p>
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