blob: feba3da63ffe9ed05b07ec3ceb3ebcea3fd19209 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.oscache;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import com.opensymphony.oscache.base.CacheEntry;
import com.opensymphony.oscache.base.NeedsRefreshException;
import com.opensymphony.oscache.general.GeneralCacheAdministrator;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.AbstractCache;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.CacheStatistics;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
* For configuration see documentation :
* @author @author Olivier Lamy
public class OsCacheCache<V, T>
extends AbstractCache<V, T>
implements Cache<V, T>
private GeneralCacheAdministrator generalCacheAdministrator;
private OsCacheStatistics osCacheStatistics;
// Configuration attributes
* use memory cache
private boolean cacheMemory = true;
* maximum item numbers default value -1 means unlimited
private int capacity = -1;
* cache algorithm
private String cacheAlgorithm;
private boolean blockingCache = false;
private boolean cacheUnlimitedDisk = false;
private String cachePersistenceClass;
private String cachePath;
private boolean cachePersistenceOverflowOnly = false;
* A default one will be added to provided CacheStatistics
private List cacheEventListeners;
private String cacheKey;
private boolean cacheUseHostDomainInKey = false;
* in order to add some other osCache properties
private Map additionnalProperties;
* default Value {@link CacheEntry#INDEFINITE_EXPIRY}
private int refreshPeriod = CacheEntry.INDEFINITE_EXPIRY;
// Component lifecycle
public void initialize()
Properties cacheProperties = new Properties();
if ( this.getAdditionnalProperties() != null )
cacheProperties.putAll( this.getAdditionnalProperties() );
if ( this.getCacheAlgorithm() != null )
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_ALGORITHM_KEY, this.getCacheAlgorithm() );
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_BLOCKING_KEY, Boolean.toString( this.isBlockingCache() ) );
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_CAPACITY_KEY, Integer.toString( this.getCapacity() ) );
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_DISK_UNLIMITED_KEY,
Boolean.toString( this.isCacheUnlimitedDisk() ) );
String cacheEventListenersAsString = this.getCacheEventListenersAsString();
if ( cacheEventListenersAsString != null )
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_ENTRY_EVENT_LISTENERS_KEY,
cacheEventListenersAsString );
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_MEMORY_KEY, Boolean.toString( this.isCacheMemory() ) );
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.CACHE_PERSISTENCE_OVERFLOW_KEY,
Boolean.toString( this.isCachePersistenceOverflowOnly() ) );
if ( this.getCachePersistenceClass() != null )
cacheProperties.put( GeneralCacheAdministrator.PERSISTENCE_CLASS_KEY, this.getCachePersistenceClass() );
cacheProperties.put( "cache.unlimited.disk", Boolean.toString( this.isCacheUnlimitedDisk() ) );
if ( this.getCachePath() != null )
cacheProperties.put( "cache.path", this.getCachePath() );
if ( this.getCacheKey() != null )
cacheProperties.put( "cache.key", this.getCacheKey() );
cacheProperties.put( "", Boolean.toString( this.isCacheUseHostDomainInKey() ) );
this.generalCacheAdministrator = new GeneralCacheAdministrator( cacheProperties );
this.osCacheStatistics = new OsCacheStatistics( this.generalCacheAdministrator.getCache() );
// Interface implementation
public void clear()
public T get( V key )
T object = null;
if ( this.getRefreshPeriod() >= 0 )
object = (T) this.generalCacheAdministrator.getFromCache( key.toString(), this.getRefreshPeriod() );
object = (T) this.generalCacheAdministrator.getFromCache( key.toString() );
if ( object != null )
return object;
catch ( NeedsRefreshException e )
this.generalCacheAdministrator.cancelUpdate( key.toString() );
return null;
public CacheStatistics getStatistics()
// osCacheStatistics to update ??
return this.osCacheStatistics;
public boolean hasKey( V key )
// TODO if null increase/decrease statistics ?
return this.get( key ) == null;
public void register( V key, T value )
this.generalCacheAdministrator.putInCache( key.toString(), value );
public T put( V key, T value )
Object previous = null;
previous = this.generalCacheAdministrator.getFromCache( key.toString(), this.getRefreshPeriod() );
catch ( NeedsRefreshException e )
// ignore this because the content will be updated
this.generalCacheAdministrator.putInCache( key.toString(), value );
return (T) previous;
public T remove( V key )
Object previous = null;
previous = this.generalCacheAdministrator.getFromCache( key.toString(), this.getRefreshPeriod() );
catch ( NeedsRefreshException e )
// ignore this because the content will be updated
this.generalCacheAdministrator.cancelUpdate( key.toString() );
this.generalCacheAdministrator.flushEntry( key.toString() );
return (T) previous;
// getters/setters
public Map getAdditionnalProperties()
return additionnalProperties;
public void setAdditionnalProperties( Map additionnalProperties )
this.additionnalProperties = additionnalProperties;
public boolean isBlockingCache()
return blockingCache;
public void setBlockingCache( boolean blockingCache )
this.blockingCache = blockingCache;
public String getCacheAlgorithm()
return cacheAlgorithm == null ? "com.opensymphony.oscache.base.algorithm.UnlimitedCache" : cacheAlgorithm;
public void setCacheAlgorithm( String cacheAlgorithm )
this.cacheAlgorithm = cacheAlgorithm;
public List getCacheEventListeners()
return cacheEventListeners;
* @return list values in a String separated with comma
private String getCacheEventListenersAsString()
if ( this.getCacheEventListeners() == null )
return null;
if ( this.getCacheEventListeners().isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder();
for ( Iterator iterator = this.getCacheEventListeners().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
stringBuffer.append( ).append( ',' );
return stringBuffer.toString().substring( 0, stringBuffer.toString().length() - 1 );
public void setCacheEventListeners( List cacheEventListeners )
this.cacheEventListeners = cacheEventListeners;
public String getCacheKey()
return cacheKey == null ? "cacheKey" : cacheKey;
public void setCacheKey( String cacheKey )
this.cacheKey = cacheKey;
public boolean isCacheMemory()
return cacheMemory;
public void setCacheMemory( boolean cacheMemory )
this.cacheMemory = cacheMemory;
public String getCachePath()
return cachePath;
public void setCachePath( String cachePath )
this.cachePath = cachePath;
public String getCachePersistenceClass()
return cachePersistenceClass;
public void setCachePersistenceClass( String cachePersistenceClass )
this.cachePersistenceClass = cachePersistenceClass;
public boolean isCachePersistenceOverflowOnly()
return cachePersistenceOverflowOnly;
public void setCachePersistenceOverflowOnly( boolean cachePersistenceOverflowOnly )
this.cachePersistenceOverflowOnly = cachePersistenceOverflowOnly;
public boolean isCacheUnlimitedDisk()
return cacheUnlimitedDisk;
public void setCacheUnlimitedDisk( boolean cacheUnlimitedDisk )
this.cacheUnlimitedDisk = cacheUnlimitedDisk;
public boolean isCacheUseHostDomainInKey()
return cacheUseHostDomainInKey;
public void setCacheUseHostDomainInKey( boolean cacheUseHostDomainInKey )
this.cacheUseHostDomainInKey = cacheUseHostDomainInKey;
public int getCapacity()
return capacity;
public void setCapacity( int capacity )
this.capacity = capacity;
public GeneralCacheAdministrator getGeneralCacheAdministrator()
return generalCacheAdministrator;
public void setGeneralCacheAdministrator( GeneralCacheAdministrator generalCacheAdministrator )
this.generalCacheAdministrator = generalCacheAdministrator;
public int getRefreshPeriod()
return refreshPeriod;
public void setRefreshPeriod( int refreshPeriod )
this.refreshPeriod = refreshPeriod;