blob: e37004751a7df56fb9b8fa389e345ced1dab20c9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.ehcache;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.Status;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.DiskStoreConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.MemoryUnit;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.CacheStatistics;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
* EhcacheCache
* configuration document available <a href="">EhcacheUserGuide</a>
* @author <a href="">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
public class EhcacheCache<V, T>
implements org.apache.archiva.redback.components.cache.Cache<V, T>
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );
class Stats
implements CacheStatistics
public void clear()
// TODO not supported anymore
public double getCacheHitRate()
double hits = getCacheHits();
double miss = getCacheMiss();
if ( ( hits == 0 ) && ( hits == 0 ) )
return 0.0;
return hits / ( hits + miss );
public long getCacheHits()
return ehcache.getStatistics().cacheHitCount();//.getCacheHits();
public long getCacheMiss()
return ehcache.getStatistics().cacheMissCount();// .getCacheMisses();
public long getSize()
return ehcache.getStatistics().getSize();
public long getInMemorySize()
return ehcache.getStatistics().getLocalHeapSizeInBytes();
//return ehcache.calculateInMemorySize();
* how often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 seconds plus is recommended
private long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600;
* Whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts.
private boolean diskPersistent = true;
* Location on disk for the ehcache store.
private String diskStorePath = System.getProperty( "" ) + "/ehcache";
private boolean eternal = false;
private int maxElementsInMemory = 0;
private String memoryEvictionPolicy = "LRU";
private String name = "cache";
* Flag indicating when to use the disk store.
private boolean overflowToDisk = false;
private int timeToIdleSeconds = 600;
private int timeToLiveSeconds = 300;
* @since 2.0
private boolean overflowToOffHeap = false;
* @since 2.0
private long maxBytesLocalHeap;
* @since 2.0
private long maxBytesLocalOffHeap;
private boolean failOnDuplicateCache = false;
* @since 2.1
private int maxElementsOnDisk;
* @since 2.1
//private String persistenceStrategy =;
* @since 2.1
//private boolean synchronousWrites = false;
private boolean statisticsEnabled = true;
private CacheManager cacheManager = null;//CacheManager.getInstance();
private net.sf.ehcache.Cache ehcache;
private Stats stats;
public void clear()
public void initialize()
stats = new Stats();
boolean cacheManagerExists = CacheManager.getCacheManager( getName() ) != null;
if ( cacheManagerExists )
if ( failOnDuplicateCache )
throw new RuntimeException( "A previous cacheManager with name [" + getName() + "] exists." );
log.warn( "skip duplicate cache {}", getName() );
cacheManager = CacheManager.getCacheManager( getName() );
this.cacheManager = new CacheManager( new Configuration().name( getName() ).diskStore(
new DiskStoreConfiguration().path( getDiskStorePath() ) ) );
boolean cacheExists = cacheManager.cacheExists( getName() );
if ( cacheExists )
if ( failOnDuplicateCache )
throw new RuntimeException( "A previous cache with name [" + getName() + "] exists." );
log.warn( "skip duplicate cache {}", getName() );
ehcache = cacheManager.getCache( getName() );
if ( !cacheExists )
CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration =
new CacheConfiguration().name( getName() ).memoryStoreEvictionPolicy(
getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy() ).eternal( isEternal() ).timeToLiveSeconds(
getTimeToLiveSeconds() ).timeToIdleSeconds(
getTimeToIdleSeconds() ).diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds(
getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds() ).overflowToOffHeap(
isOverflowToOffHeap() ).maxEntriesLocalDisk( getMaxElementsOnDisk() ).diskPersistent(
isDiskPersistent() ).overflowToDisk( overflowToDisk );
if ( getMaxElementsInMemory() > 0 )
cacheConfiguration = cacheConfiguration.maxEntriesLocalHeap( getMaxElementsInMemory() );
if ( getMaxBytesLocalHeap() > 0 )
cacheConfiguration = cacheConfiguration.maxBytesLocalHeap( getMaxBytesLocalHeap(), MemoryUnit.BYTES );
if ( getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap() > 0 )
cacheConfiguration =
cacheConfiguration.maxBytesLocalOffHeap( getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap(), MemoryUnit.BYTES );
ehcache = new Cache( cacheConfiguration );
cacheManager.addCache( ehcache );
// TODO not supported anymore?
//ehcache.setStatisticsEnabled( statisticsEnabled );
public void dispose()
if ( cacheManager.getStatus().equals( Status.STATUS_ALIVE ) )
{ "Disposing cache: {}", ehcache );
if ( this.ehcache != null )
cacheManager.removeCache( this.ehcache.getName() );
ehcache = null;
log.debug( "Not disposing cache, because cacheManager is not alive: {}", ehcache );
public T get( V key )
if ( key == null )
return null;
Element elem = ehcache.get( key );
if ( elem == null )
return null;
return (T) elem.getObjectValue();
public long getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds()
return diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds;
public String getDiskStorePath()
return diskStorePath;
public int getMaxElementsInMemory()
return maxElementsInMemory;
public String getMemoryEvictionPolicy()
return memoryEvictionPolicy;
public MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy()
return MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.fromString( memoryEvictionPolicy );
public String getName()
return name;
public CacheStatistics getStatistics()
return stats;
public int getTimeToIdleSeconds()
return timeToIdleSeconds;
public int getTimeToLiveSeconds()
return timeToLiveSeconds;
public boolean hasKey( V key )
return ehcache.isKeyInCache( key );
public boolean isDiskPersistent()
return diskPersistent;
public boolean isEternal()
return eternal;
public boolean isOverflowToDisk()
return overflowToDisk;
public void register( V key, T value )
ehcache.put( new Element( key, value ) );
public T put( V key, T value )
// Multiple steps done to satisfy Cache API requirement for Previous object return.
Element elem = null;
Object previous = null;
elem = ehcache.get( key );
if ( elem != null )
previous = elem.getObjectValue();
elem = new Element( key, value );
ehcache.put( elem );
return (T) previous;
public T remove( V key )
Element elem = null;
Object previous = null;
elem = ehcache.get( key );
if ( elem != null )
previous = elem.getObjectValue();
ehcache.remove( key );
return (T) previous;
public void setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds( long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds )
this.diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds;
public void setDiskPersistent( boolean diskPersistent )
this.diskPersistent = diskPersistent;
public void setDiskStorePath( String diskStorePath )
this.diskStorePath = diskStorePath;
public void setEternal( boolean eternal )
this.eternal = eternal;
public void setMaxElementsInMemory( int maxElementsInMemory )
this.maxElementsInMemory = maxElementsInMemory;
if ( this.ehcache != null )
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().setMaxElementsInMemory( this.maxElementsInMemory );
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().setMaxEntriesLocalHeap( this.maxElementsInMemory );
public void setMemoryEvictionPolicy( String memoryEvictionPolicy )
this.memoryEvictionPolicy = memoryEvictionPolicy;
public void setName( String name )
{ = name;
public void setOverflowToDisk( boolean overflowToDisk )
this.overflowToDisk = overflowToDisk;
public void setTimeToIdleSeconds( int timeToIdleSeconds )
if ( this.ehcache != null )
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().setTimeToIdleSeconds( timeToIdleSeconds );
this.timeToIdleSeconds = timeToIdleSeconds;
public void setTimeToLiveSeconds( int timeToLiveSeconds )
if ( this.ehcache != null )
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().setTimeToLiveSeconds( timeToIdleSeconds );
this.timeToLiveSeconds = timeToLiveSeconds;
public boolean isStatisticsEnabled()
return statisticsEnabled;
public void setStatisticsEnabled( boolean statisticsEnabled )
this.statisticsEnabled = statisticsEnabled;
public boolean isFailOnDuplicateCache()
return failOnDuplicateCache;
public void setFailOnDuplicateCache( boolean failOnDuplicateCache )
this.failOnDuplicateCache = failOnDuplicateCache;
public boolean isOverflowToOffHeap()
return overflowToOffHeap;
public void setOverflowToOffHeap( boolean overflowToOffHeap )
this.overflowToOffHeap = overflowToOffHeap;
public long getMaxBytesLocalHeap()
return maxBytesLocalHeap;
public void setMaxBytesLocalHeap( long maxBytesLocalHeap )
this.maxBytesLocalHeap = maxBytesLocalHeap;
public long getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap()
return maxBytesLocalOffHeap;
public void setMaxBytesLocalOffHeap( long maxBytesLocalOffHeap )
this.maxBytesLocalOffHeap = maxBytesLocalOffHeap;
public int getMaxElementsOnDisk()
return maxElementsOnDisk;
public void setMaxElementsOnDisk( int maxElementsOnDisk )
this.maxElementsOnDisk = maxElementsOnDisk;
if ( this.ehcache != null )
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().setMaxElementsOnDisk( this.maxElementsOnDisk );
this.ehcache.getCacheConfiguration().maxEntriesLocalDisk( this.maxElementsOnDisk );
/*public String getPersistenceStrategy()
return persistenceStrategy;
public void setPersistenceStrategy( String persistenceStrategy )
this.persistenceStrategy = persistenceStrategy;
public boolean isSynchronousWrites()
return synchronousWrites;
public void setSynchronousWrites( boolean synchronousWrites )
this.synchronousWrites = synchronousWrites;