blob: f3abc55eb0415da06b774dfcec8b2556dae4dc7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package ${package};
import org.apache.archiva.redback.components.registry.Registry;
// Util imports
import java.util.*;
// Model class imports
#foreach ( $class in $classes )
#if ( ${class.packageName} != ${package} )
import ${class.packageName}.${};
## TODO! make it possible to change property name via metadata
## TODO! handle other types
#macro ( writePrimitive $type $value $name )
#if ( $type == "boolean" )
registry.setBoolean( prefix + $name, $value );
#elseif ( $type == "char" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "double" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "float" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "int" )
registry.setInt( prefix + $name, $value );
#elseif ( $type == "long" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "short" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "String" )
registry.setString( prefix + $name, $value );
#elseif ( $type == "Boolean" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "Date" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
#elseif ( $type == "DOM" )
$ "Type not yet handled: $type" )
$ "Unknown type: $type" )
#macro ( writeValueChecker $type $value $field )
#if ( $type == "double" || $type == "float" || $type == "int" || $type == "long" || $type == "short" )
$value != $field.defaultValue
#elseif ( $type == "boolean" )
#elseif ( $type == "char" )
$value != '$field.defaultValue'
#elseif ( $type == "java.util.List" || $type == "java.util.Set" || $type == "java.util.Map" || $type == "java.util.Properties" )
$value != null && ${value}.size() > 0
#elseif ( $type == "String" && $field.defaultValue )
$value != null && !${value}.equals( "$field.defaultValue" )
#elseif ( $type == "Date" && $field.defaultValue )
$value != null && !${value}.equals( "$field.defaultValue" )
$value != null
* Generate Plexus Registry output mechanism for model '${}'.
public class ${}RegistryWriter
public void write( ${} model, Registry registry )
#set ( $root = $model.getClass( $model.getRoot( $version ), $version ) )
write${}( "", model, registry );
#foreach ( $class in $classes )
private void write${}( String prefix, ${} value, Registry registry )
if ( value != null )
#foreach ( $field in $class.getAllFields( $version, true ) )
#set ( $uncapFieldName = $javaTool.uncapitalise($ )
#set ( $value = "value.${javaTool.makeGetter( $field )}()" )
#if ( $field.primitive )
#if ($field.type != "boolean")
if ( #writeValueChecker( $field.type $value $field ) )
String $uncapFieldName = "$uncapFieldName";
#writePrimitive( $field.type $value $uncapFieldName )
#if ($field.type != "boolean")
#set ( $assoc = $field )
#if ( $assoc.multiplicity == "1" )
if ( #writeValueChecker( $field.type $value $field ) )
write${}( prefix + "${uncapFieldName}.", $value, registry );
if ( #writeValueChecker( $assoc.type $value $field ) )
#if ( $assoc.type == "java.util.List" || $assoc.type == "java.util.Set" )
## TODO! make it possible to have unwrapped lists via metadata
registry.removeSubset( prefix + "${uncapFieldName}" );
int count = 0;
for ( Iterator iter = ${value}.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); count++ )
#set ( $singularFieldName = $javaTool.singular($uncapFieldName) )
String name = "${uncapFieldName}.${singularFieldName}(" + count + ")";
#if ( $model.hasClass( $, $version ) )
$ o = ( $ );
write${}( prefix + name + ".", o, registry );
$ $singularFieldName = ( $ );
#writePrimitive( $ $singularFieldName "name" )
#elseif ( $assoc.type == "java.util.Map" || $assoc.type == "java.util.Properties" )
## TODO! make it possible to have exploded maps in xml via metadata
## TODO! make it possible to have unwrapped lists via metadata
registry.removeSubset( prefix + "${uncapFieldName}" );
for ( Iterator iter = ${value}.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
String key = (String);
String v = (String) ${value}.get( key );
registry.setString( prefix + "${uncapFieldName}." + key, v );
$ "Unknown collection type: $assoc.type" )