| LABEL = 'ubuntu' |
| buildJdk = 'JDK 1.8 (latest)' |
| buildJdk9 = 'JDK 1.9 (latest)' |
| buildJdk10 = 'JDK 10 (latest)' |
| buildMvn = 'Maven 3.5.2' |
| deploySettings = 'archiva-uid-jenkins' |
| |
| |
| pipeline { |
| agent { |
| label "${LABEL}" |
| } |
| stages { |
| stage('BuildAndDeploy') { |
| steps { |
| timeout(20) { |
| withMaven(maven: buildMvn, jdk: buildJdk, |
| mavenSettingsConfig: deploySettings, |
| mavenLocalRepo: ".repository", |
| options: [concordionPublisher(disabled: true), dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: true), |
| findbugsPublisher(disabled: true), artifactsPublisher(disabled: true), |
| invokerPublisher(disabled: true), jgivenPublisher(disabled: true), |
| junitPublisher(disabled: true, ignoreAttachments: false), |
| openTasksPublisher(disabled: true), pipelineGraphPublisher(disabled: true)] |
| ) |
| { |
| // Run test phase / ignore test failures |
| sh "mvn -B -U -e -fae clean deploy" |
| } |
| // Report failures in the jenkins UI |
| //step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml']) |
| } |
| } |
| post { |
| success { |
| archiveArtifacts '**/target/*-site.xml,pom.xml' |
| } |
| failure { |
| notifyBuild("Failure in BuildAndDeploy stage") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| stage('OtherJdks') { |
| parallel { |
| stage('JDK9') { |
| steps { |
| ws("${env.JOB_NAME}-JDK9") { |
| checkout scm |
| timeout(20) { |
| withMaven(maven: buildMvn, jdk: buildJdk9, |
| mavenSettingsConfig: deploySettings, |
| mavenLocalRepo: ".repository", |
| options: [concordionPublisher(disabled: true), dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: true), |
| findbugsPublisher(disabled: true), artifactsPublisher(disabled: true), |
| invokerPublisher(disabled: true), jgivenPublisher(disabled: true), |
| junitPublisher(disabled: true, ignoreAttachments: false), |
| openTasksPublisher(disabled: true), pipelineGraphPublisher(disabled: true)] |
| ) |
| { |
| // Run test phase / ignore test failures |
| sh "mvn -B -U -e -fae clean install" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| stage('JDK10') { |
| steps { |
| ws("${env.JOB_NAME}-JDK10") { |
| checkout scm |
| timeout(20) { |
| withMaven(maven: buildMvn, jdk: buildJdk9, |
| mavenSettingsConfig: deploySettings, |
| mavenLocalRepo: ".repository", |
| options: [concordionPublisher(disabled: true), dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: true), |
| findbugsPublisher(disabled: true), artifactsPublisher(disabled: true), |
| invokerPublisher(disabled: true), jgivenPublisher(disabled: true), |
| junitPublisher(disabled: true, ignoreAttachments: false), |
| openTasksPublisher(disabled: true), pipelineGraphPublisher(disabled: true)] |
| ) |
| { |
| // Run test phase / ignore test failures |
| sh "mvn -B -U -e -fae clean install" |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| post { |
| unstable { |
| notifyBuild("Unstable Build") |
| } |
| // always { |
| // cleanWs deleteDirs: true, notFailBuild: true, patterns: [[pattern: '.repository', type: 'EXCLUDE'],[pattern: '.repository/**', type: 'EXCLUDE']] |
| // } |
| success { |
| script { |
| def previousResult = currentBuild.previousBuild?.result |
| if (previousResult && !currentBuild.resultIsWorseOrEqualTo(previousResult)) { |
| notifyBuild("Fixed") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Send a notification about the build status |
| def notifyBuild(String buildStatus) { |
| // default the value |
| buildStatus = buildStatus ?: "UNKNOWN" |
| |
| def email = "notifications@archiva.apache.org" |
| def summary = "${env.JOB_NAME}#${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${buildStatus} - ${currentBuild?.currentResult}" |
| def detail = """<h4>Job: <a href='${env.JOB_URL}'>${env.JOB_NAME}</a> [#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]</h4> |
| <p><b>${buildStatus}</b></p> |
| <table> |
| <tr><td>Build</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}'>${env.BUILD_URL}</a></td><tr> |
| <tr><td>Console</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}console'>${env.BUILD_URL}console</a></td><tr> |
| <tr><td>Test Report</td><td><a href='${env.BUILD_URL}testReport/'>${env.BUILD_URL}testReport/</a></td><tr> |
| </table> |
| """ |
| |
| emailext( |
| to: email, |
| subject: summary, |
| body: detail, |
| mimeType: 'text/html' |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| // vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:ft=groovy |