title: Customize Nginx configuration

The Nginx configuration used by APISIX is generated via the template file apisix/cli/ngx_tpl.lua and the options from conf/config-default.yaml / conf/config.yaml.

You can take a look at the generated Nginx configuration in conf/nginx.conf after running ./bin/apisix start.

If you want to customize the Nginx configuration, please read through the nginx_config in conf/config-default.yaml. You can override the default value in the conf/config.yaml. For instance, you can inject some snippets in the conf/nginx.conf via configuring the xxx_snippet entries:

# put this in config.yaml:
    main_configuration_snippet: |
        daemon on;
    http_configuration_snippet: |
            listen 45651;
            server_name _;
            access_log off;

            location /ysec_status {
                deny all;

        chunked_transfer_encoding on;

    http_server_configuration_snippet: |
        set $my "var";
    http_admin_configuration_snippet: |
        log_format admin "$request_time $pipe";
    http_end_configuration_snippet: |
        server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;
    stream_configuration_snippet: |
        tcp_nodelay off;

Pay attention to the indent of nginx_config and sub indent of the sub entries, the incorrect indent may cause ./bin/apisix start to fail to generate Nginx configuration in conf/nginx.conf.