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Description:Route matches requests based on preset rules, and loads the appropriate plugin according to the matching result, then forwarding requests to target Upstream.

Request Methods:

MethodRequest URIRequest BodyDescription
GET/apisix/admin/routes/{id}NULLFetch resource
PUT/apisix/admin/routes/{id}{...}Create resource by ID
POST/apisix/admin/routes{...}Create resource, and ID is generated by server
DELETE/apisix/admin/routes/{id}NULLRemove resource
PATCH/apisix/admin/routes/{id}/{path}{...}Update targeted content

URI Request Parameters:

ttlFalseAuxiliaryExpires after target secondsttl=1

Request Body Parameters:

descFalseAuxiliaryIdentifies route names, usage scenarios, and more.customer xxxx
uriTrueMatch RulesIn addition to full matching such as /foo/bar/foo/gloo, using different Router allows more advanced matching, see Router for more.“/hello”
hostFalseMatch RulesCurrently requesting a domain name, such as; pan-domain names such as * are also supported.“”
hostsFalseMatch RulesThe host in the form of a list means that multiple different hosts are allowed, and match any one of them.{“”, “*”}
remote_addrFalseMatch RulesThe client requests an IP address:,, and CIDR format support In particular, APISIX also fully supports IPv6 address matching: ::1, fe80::1, fe80::1/64, etc.“”
remote_addrsFalseMatch RulesThe remote_addr in the form of a list indicates that multiple different IP addresses are allowed, and match any one of them.{“”, “”, “::1”}
methodsFalseMatch RulesIf empty or without this option, there are no method restrictions, and it can be a combination of one or more: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH, HEAD,OPTIONS,CONNECT,TRACE.{“GET”, “POST”}
priorityFalseMatch RulesIf different routes contain the same uri, determine which route is matched first based on the attribute priority, the default value is 0.priority = 10
varsFalseMatch Rules (only radixtree route is supported)A list of one or more {var, operator, val} elements, like this: {{var, operator, val}, {var, operator, val}, ...}. For example: {"arg_name", "==", "json"} means that the current request parameter name is json. The var here is consistent with the internal variable name of Nginx, so you can also use request_uri, host, etc. For the operator part, the currently supported operators are ==, ~=,>, <, and ~~. For the > and < operators, the result is first converted to number and then compared. See a list of supported operators{{“arg_name”, “==”, “json”}, {“arg_age”, “>”, 18}}
filter_funcFalseMatch RulesUser-defined filtering function. You can use it to achieve matching requirements for special scenarios. This function accepts an input parameter named vars by default, which you can use to get Nginx variables.function(vars) return vars[“arg_name”] == “json” end
pluginsFalsePluginSee Plugin for more
upstreamFalseUpstreamEnabled Upstream configuration, see Upstream for more
upstream_idFalseUpstreamEnabled upstream id, see Upstream for more
service_idFalseServiceBinded Service configuration, see Service for more
service_protocolFalseUpstream protocol typeonly grpc and http are supportedhttp is the default value; Must set grpc if using gRPC proxy or gRPC transcode

For the same type of parameters, such as host and hosts, remote_addr and remote_addrs cannot exist at the same time, only one of them can be selected. If enabled at the same time, the API will response an error.


# Create a route
$ curl -X PUT -i -d '
    "uri": "/index.html",
    "hosts": ["", "*"],
    "remote_addrs": [""],
    "methods": ["PUT", "GET"],
    "upstream": {
        "type": "roundrobin",
        "nodes": {
            "": 1

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 01:17:15 GMT

# Create a route expires after 60 seconds, then it's deleted automatically
$ curl -X PUT -i -d '
    "uri": "/aa/index.html",
    "upstream": {
        "type": "roundrobin",
        "nodes": {
            "": 1

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 01:17:15 GMT

Response Parameters

Return response from etcd currently.

Available Operators

==Equal{“arg_name”, “==”, “json”}
~=Not Equal{“arg_name”, “~=”, “json”}
>Greater Than{“arg_age”, “>”, 24}
<Less Than{“arg_age”, “<”, 24}
~~Regex{“arg_name”, “~~”, “[a-z]+”}

Consider the following example: matching requests whose request name is equal to json, age is greater than 18, and address begins with China:

curl -X PUT -i -d '
    "uri": "/index.html",
    "vars": [
        ["arg_name", "==", "json"],
        ["arg_age", ">", "18"],
        ["arg_address", "~~", "China.*"]
    "upstream": {
        "type": "roundrobin",
        "nodes": {
            "": 1

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