feat: release APISIX 2.8 (#431)

1 file changed
tree: a4d2c697cc961744a23196530aab7999057db60c
  1. .github/
  2. website/
  3. .asf.yaml
  4. .dockerignore
  5. .gitignore
  6. .markdownlint.yml
  7. .yamllint
  8. common.js
  9. docker-compose.yml
  10. Dockerfile
  11. link-checker.js
  12. README.md
  13. sync-docs.js

Apache APISIX™ Website

Netlify Status

The website of Apache APISIX™, a cloud-native microservices api gateway.


$ cd website

$ yarn

$ yarn start

Thanks to docusaurus