blob: 0ff11145bc6d94ee8ebac223bffb3b54420bfe49 [file] [log] [blame]
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const childProcess = require("child_process");
const common = require("./common.js");
const scanFolder = (tarDir) => {
let filePaths = [];
let files = fs.readdirSync(tarDir);
files.forEach((file) => {
const tarPath = path.join(tarDir, file);
let stats = fs.statSync(tarPath);
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
} else {
return filePaths;
const scanLinkInMDFile = (filePath, project) => {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
const regex = /\[[\s\S]*?\]\([\s\S]*?\)/g;
if (fileContent.match(regex)) {
const arrayOfLinks = fileContent.match(regex);
const links = => {
const textHrefDivide = item.split('](');
const text = textHrefDivide[0].replace('[', '');
const url = textHrefDivide[1].replace(')', '');
return ({url, text, file: filePath});
// filter out links to other Markdown files
const filteredList = []; // local files
const unfilteredList = links.filter((link) => { // web links
let url = link.url.trim();
if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://")) {
link.url = url;
return true;
// url preprocess
if (url.startsWith("#") || url.indexOf("#") > 0) { // such as "#abcd"
let split = url.split("#").filter(item => item !== "");
if (split.length > 1) {
link.anchor = "#" + split[1];
url = path.normalize(path.dirname(filePath) + path.sep + link.url);
} else {
link.anchor = link.url;
url = filePath;
} else if (url === "LICENSE" || url === 'logos/apache-apisix.png') {
url = "" + project + "/blob/master/" + url;
} else if (!url.endsWith(".md")) { // not end with ".md"
console.log(filePath, link.url, filePath.startsWith("website\\docs"));
let lang = filePath.startsWith("website" + path.sep + "docs") ? "en" : filePath.split("i18n" + path.sep)[1].split(path.sep)[0];
let subPath = filePath.startsWith("website" + path.sep + "docs") ? path.dirname(filePath.split("docs" + path.sep + project + path.sep)[1]) : path.dirname(filePath.split("docs-" + project + path.sep + "current" + path.sep)[1]);
subPath = subPath !== "." ? subPath + path.sep : "";
let originPath = path.normalize("docs" + path.sep + lang + path.sep + "latest" + path.sep + subPath + url).replace(/\\/g, '/');
url = "" + project + "/blob/master/" + originPath;
} else { // such as "./abcd", "../abcd", "../../../abcd"
url = path.normalize(path.dirname(filePath) + path.sep + url);
// set url
let originLink = link.url;
link.url = url;
// url postprocess
if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) {
return false;
// replace the converted link with the original document
let documentContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
documentContent = documentContent.replace(new RegExp(originLink, "g"), link.url);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, documentContent, 'utf8');
return true;
return {
links: unfilteredList,
filteredLinks: filteredList,
} else {
return {
links: [],
filteredLinks: [],
const linkValidate = (link) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const axios = require("axios");
.then((res) => {
console.log(`[Link Checker] check "${link.url}", result is ${res.statusText}`)
status: res.status,
statusText: res.statusText,
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`[Link Checker] check "${link.url}", result is FAIL`);
status: 0,
statusText: 'FAIL',
(async function main() {
console.log("Start link-checker.js");
console.log("Install dependencies");
childProcess.execSync("npm i --save axios");
console.log("[Document Scanner] Scan all documents");
let allDocuments = [];
common.projectPaths().map((projectInfo) => {
Object.values(projectInfo.paths).forEach((path) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) return;
files: scanFolder(path),
project: projectInfo.project,
console.log("[Link Scanner] Scan all links");
let externalLinks = []; // links to other sites
let internalLinks = []; // links to other Markdown files or anchor
for (const documents of allDocuments) {
documents.files.forEach((file) => {
const scanResult = scanLinkInMDFile(file, documents.project);
//console.log(`[Link Scanner] External Links\n`, => item.url).join("\n"));
//console.log(`[Link Scanner] Internal Links\n`, => item.url).join("\n"));
console.log(`[Link Scanner] Scan result: ${externalLinks.length} external links, ${internalLinks.length} internal links`)
console.log(`[Link Checker] Start external link check`);
let externalBrokenList = [];
let externalLinkCheckPromises = [];
externalLinks.forEach((link) => {
let result = await Promise.all(externalLinkCheckPromises);
externalBrokenList.push(...result.filter((item) => item.status !== 200));
console.log(`[Link Checker] External link check finished`);
console.log(`[Link Checker] Start internal link check`);
let internalBrokenList = [];
internalLinks.forEach((link) => {
let exist = true;
if (!fs.existsSync(link.url)) {
exist = false;
console.log(`[Link Checker] check "${link.url}", result is ${exist}`)
console.log(`[Link Checker] Internal link check finished`);
console.log("[Finish] Write broken list to file");
fs.writeFileSync('./brokenLinks.json', JSON.stringify({
external: externalBrokenList,
internal: internalBrokenList,