title: Developer Guide


This documentation explains how to develop this project.


  • Python 3.7+
  • APISIX 2.7.0


  • Run make setup installation dependencies
  • Run make install installation runner to system
  • Run make dev to start it


Plugin directory


the .py files in this directory autoload

Plugin example


Plugin Format

from apisix.runner.plugin.base import Base
from apisix.runner.http.request import Request
from apisix.runner.http.response import Response

class Test(Base):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Test, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__)

    def filter(self, request: Request, response: Response):
        The plugin executes the main function
        :param request:
            request parameters and information
        :param response:
            response parameters and information
        # Get plugin configuration information through `self.config`
        # print(self.config)

        # Setting the request object will continue to forward the request

        # Rewrite request headers
        request.headers["X-Resp-A6-Runner"] = "Python"

        # Rewrite request args
        request.args["a6_runner"] = "Python"

        # Rewrite request path
        request.path = "/a6/python/runner"

        # Setting the response object will terminate the request and respond to the data

        # Set response headers
        response.headers["X-Resp-A6-Runner"] = "Python"

        # Set response body
        response.body = "Hello, Python Runner of APISIX"

        # Set response status code
        response.status_code = 201
  • The plugin must inherit the Base class
  • The plugin must implement the filter function
  • filter function parameters can only contain Request and Response classes as parameters
  • Request parameter can get and set request information
  • Response parameter can set response information
  • self.config can get plug-in configuration information


Run make test.

Data Format


Data Protocol

1 byte of type + 3 bytes of length + data