title: ApisixTls keywords:

  • APISIX ingress
  • Apache APISIX
  • ApisixTls description: Guide to using ApisixTls custom Kubernetes resource.

ApisixTls is a Kubernetes CRD object used to create an APISIX SSL object. It uses a Kubernetes secret with two keys, cert containing the certificate, and key containing the private key in PEM format.

See reference for the full API documentation.

The example below shows how you can configure an ApisixTls resource:

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2
kind: ApisixTls
  name: sample-tls
  - httpbin.org
    name: htpbin-cert
    namespace: default


Make sure that the hosts field is accurate. APISIX uses the host field to match the correct certificate. It should also match the Server Name Indication extension in TLS, or the TLS handshake might fail.


APISIX Ingress will watch the secret resources referred by ApisixTls objects and re-translates it to APISIX resources if they are changed.