title: ApisixClusterConfig keywords:

  • APISIX ingress
  • Apache APISIX
  • ApisixClusterConfig description: Guide to using ApisixClusterConfig custom Kubernetes resource.

ApisixClusterConfig is a Kubernetes CRD resource that can be used to describe an APISIX cluster and manage it.


By default, monitoring is not enabled in an APISIX cluster. You can enable it by creating an ApisixClusterConfig resource.

The example below enabled Prometheus and SkyWalking for the “default” APISIX cluster (in multi-cluster deployments).

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2
kind: ApisixClusterConfig
  name: default
      enable: true
      enable: true
      sampleRatio: 0.5

Admin configuration

Instead of changing the deployment or pod definition files, you can use the ApisixClusterConfig resource to change the admin configurations.

The example below configures the base URL and admin key for the APISIX cluster “default”:

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2
kind: ApisixClusterConfig
  name: default
    baseURL: http://apisix-gw.default.svc.cluster.local:9180/apisix/admin
    adminKey: "123456"

Once configured, other resources (Route, Upstream, etc) will be forwarded to the new address with the new admin key.

Multi-cluster management

The ApisixClusterConfig resource can also be used to manage multiple APISIX clusters. This function is not enabled currently and it can only manage the cluster configured through --default-apisix-cluster-name attribute.


Deleting an ApisixClusterConfig resource will only reset the configurations of an APISIX cluster and will not affect its running.
