apisix ingress controller e2e test suites


a e2e test scaffold is prepared to run test cases easily. The source codes are in directory test/e2e/scaffold, it builds necessary running environment:

  • Create a brand new namespace;
  • Create etcd deployment and etcd service in the specified namespace;
  • Create apisix deployment and apisix service in the specified namespace (note both the control plane and data plane are created);
  • Create apisix-ingress-controller deployment in the specified namespace;
  • Create a http server with kennethreitz/httpbin as the upstream.

The above mentioned steps are run before each case starts and all resources will be destroyed after the case finishes. Sepecially, if test case failed and e2e-test run in dev mode, the related resources will not be destroyed. This fearure is useful for debugging. Also, you can disable this feature by unset E2E_ENV=dev.


Test cases inside plugins directory test the availability about APISIX plugins.


Test case inside features directory test some features about APISIX, such as traffic-split, health check and so on.

Quick Start

Run make e2e-test-local to run the e2e test suites in your development environment, a several stuffs that this command will do:

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster by kind, please installing in advance.
  2. Build and push all related images to this cluster.
  3. Run e2e test suites.

Run make e2e-test to run the e2e test suites in an existing cluster, you can specify custom registry by passing REGISTRY(eg docker.io).

Step 1 and 2 can be skipped by passing E2E_SKIP_BUILD=1 to this directive, also, you can customize the running concurrency of e2e test suites by passing E2E_NODES=X where X is the desired number of cases running in parallel.

You can run specific test cases by passing the environment variable E2E_FOCUS=suite-<suite name>, where <suite name> can be found under test/e2e directory. For example, E2E_FOCUS=suite-plugins* make e2e-test will only run test cases in test/e2e/suite-plugins directory.

Run make kind-reset to delete the cluster that created by make e2e-test.

How to name test cases

Because we use ginkgo --focus option and the prefix suite-<suite name> to split test cases and make them run in parallel in CI, test cases should be named in the following way:

  • All test cases are grouped by directories, and their names should have suite- prefix
  • All top level specs (i.e. ginkgo.Describe) under the suite directory should have corresponding suite-<suite-name>: prefix.

Run make names-check to check the above naming convention.