title: Proxy the httpbin service

This document explains how apisix-ingress-controller guides Apache APISIX routes traffic to httpbin service correctly.


Deploy httpbin service

We use kennethreitz/httpbin as the service image, See its overview page for details.

Now, try to deploy it to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl run httpbin --image kennethreitz/httpbin --port 80
kubectl expose pod httpbin --port 80

Resource Delivery

In order to let Apache APISIX proxies requests to httpbin, we need to create an ApisixRoute resource, if you're not familiar with it, see the reference for the details.

# httpbin-route.yaml
apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2
kind: ApisixRoute
  name: httpserver-route
  - name: rule1
      - local.httpbin.org
      - /*
       - serviceName: httpbin
         servicePort: 80

The YAML snippet shows a simple ApisixRoute configuration, which tells Apache APISIX to route all requests with Host local.httpbin.org to the httpbin service. Now try to create it.

kubectl apply -f httpbin-route.yaml


Run curl call in one of Apache APISIX Pods to check whether the resource was delivered to it. Note you should replace the value of --default-apisix-cluster-admin-key to the real admin_key value in your Apache APISIX cluster.

kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl -H 'X-API-Key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1'

And request to Apache APISIX to verify the route.

kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl -H 'Host: local.httpbin.org'

In case of success, you'll see a JSON string which contains all requests headers carried by curl like:

  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.64.1",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5ffc3273-2928e0844e19c9810d1bbd8a"