title: ApisixUpstream

ApisixUpstream is the decorator of Kubernetes Service. It's designed to have same name with its target Kubernetes Service, it makes the Kubernetes Service richer by adding load balancing, health check, retry, timeout parameters and etc.

Resort to ApisixUpstream and the Kubernetes Service, apisix ingress controller will generates the APISIX Upstream(s). To learn more, please check the Apache APISIX architecture-design docs.

Configuring Load Balancer

A proper load balancing algorithm is required to scatter requests reasonably for a Kubernetes Service.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: httpbin
    type: ewma
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: httpbin
    app: httpbin
  - name: http
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080

The above example shows that ewma is used as the load balancer for Service httpbin.

Sometimes the session sticky is desired, and you can use the Consistent Hashing load balancing algorithm.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: httpbin
    type: chash
    hashOn: header
    key: "user-agent"

With the above settings, Apache APISIX will distributes requests according to the User-Agent header.

Configuring Health Check

Although Kubelet already provides probes to detect whether pods are healthy, you may still need more powerful health check mechanism, like the passive feedback capability.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: httpbin
          - 500
          - 502
          - 503
          - 504
        httpFailures: 3
        timeout: 5s
      type: http
      httpPath: /healthz
      timeout: 5s
      host: www.foo.com
        successes: 3
        interval: 2s
          - 200
          - 206

The above YAML snippet defines a passive health checker to detect the unhealthy state for endpoints, once there are three consecutive requests with bad status code (one of 500, 502, 503, 504), the endpoint will be set to unhealthy and no requests can be routed there until it's healthy again.

That's why the active health checker comes in, endpoints might be down for a short while and ready again, the active health checker detects these unhealthy endpoints continuously, and pull them up once the healthy conditions are met (three consecutive requests got good status codes, e.g. 200 and 206).

Note the active health checker is somewhat duplicated with the liveness/readiness probes but it's required if the passive feedback mechanism is in use. So once you use the health check feature in ApisixUpstream, the active health checker is mandatory.

Configuring Retry and Timeout

You may want the proxy to retry when requests occur faults like transient network errors or service unavailable, by default the retry count is 1. You can change it by specifying the retries field.

The following configuration configures the retries to 3, which indicates there'll be at most 3 requests sent to Kubernetes service httpbin's endpoints.

One should bear in mind that passing a request to the next endpoint is only possible if nothing has been sent to a client yet. That is, if an error or timeout occurs in the middle of the transferring of a response, fixing this is impossible.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: httpbin
  retries: 3

The default connect, read and send timeout are 60s, which might not proper for some applications, just change them in the timeout field.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: httpbin
    connect: 5s
    read: 10s
    send: 10s

The above examples sets the connect, read and timeout to 5s, 10s, 10s respectively.

Port Level Settings

Once in a while a single Kubernetes Service might expose multiple ports which provides distinct functions and different Upstream configurations are required. In that case, you can create configurations for individual port.

apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1
kind: ApisixUpstream
  name: foo
    type: roundrobin
  - port: 7000
    scheme: http
  - port: 7001
    scheme: grpc
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: foo
    app: foo
  - name: http
    port: 7000
    targetPort: 7000
  - name: grpc
    port: 7001
    targetPort: 7001

The foo service exposes two ports, one of them use HTTP protocol and the other uses grpc protocol. In the meanwhile, the ApisixUpstream foo sets http scheme for port 7000 and grpc scheme for 7001 (all ports are the service port). But both ports shares the load balancer configuration.

PortLevelSettings is not mandatory if the service only exposes one port but is useful when multiple ports are defined.