Apache APISIX Dashboard

APISIX Dashboard is designed to make it as easy as possible for users to operate Apache APISIX through a frontend interface.

This chart bootstraps an apisix-dashboard deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


APISIX Dashboard requires Kubernetes version 1.14+.

Get Repo Info

helm repo add apisix https://charts.apiseven.com
helm repo update

Install Chart

Important: only helm3 is supported

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] apisix/apisix-dashboard --namespace ingress-apisix --create-namespace

The command deploys apisix-dashboard on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

See configuration below.

See helm install for command documentation.

Uninstall Chart

helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME] --namespace ingress-apisix

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] [CHART] --install

See helm upgrade for command documentation.



autoscaling.enabledboolfalseEnable autoscaling for Apache APISIX Dashboard deployment
autoscaling.maxReplicasint100Maximum number of replicas to scale out
autoscaling.minReplicasint1Minimum number of replicas to scale back
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentageint80Target CPU utilization percentage
autoscaling.versionstring"v2"HPA version, the value is “v2” or “v2beta1”, default “v2”
config.authentication.expireTimeint3600JWT token expire time, in second
config.authentication.secretstring"secret"Secret for jwt token generation
config.authentication.userslist[{"password":"admin","username":"admin"}]Specifies username and password for login manager api.
config.conf.etcd.endpointslist["apisix-etcd:2379"]Supports defining multiple etcd host addresses for an etcd cluster
config.conf.etcd.mtlsExistingSecretstring""Specifies a secret to be mounted on /etc/etcd for mtls usage
config.conf.etcd.passwordstringnilSpecifies etcd basic auth password if enable etcd auth
config.conf.etcd.prefixstring"/apisix"apisix configurations prefix
config.conf.etcd.usernamestringnilSpecifies etcd basic auth username if enable etcd auth
config.conf.listen.hoststring""The address on which the Manager API should listen. The default value is, if want to specify, please enable it. This value accepts IPv4, IPv6, and hostname.
config.conf.listen.portint9000The port on which the Manager API should listen.
config.conf.log.accessLog.filePathstring"/dev/stdout"Error log path
config.conf.log.errorLogobject{"filePath":"/dev/stderr","level":"warn"}Error log level. Supports levels, lower to higher: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
config.conf.log.errorLog.filePathstring"/dev/stderr"Access log path
fullnameOverridestring""String to fully override apisix-dashboard.fullname template
image.pullPolicystring"IfNotPresent"Apache APISIX Dashboard image pull policy
image.repositorystring"apache/apisix-dashboard"Apache APISIX Dashboard image repository
imagePullSecretslist[]Docker registry secret names as an array
ingress.annotationsobject{}Ingress annotations
ingress.classNamestring""Kubernetes 1.18+ support ingressClassName attribute
ingress.enabledboolfalseSet to true to enable ingress record generation
ingress.hostslist[{"host":"apisix-dashboard.local","paths":[]}]The list of hostnams to be covered with this ingress record
ingress.tlslist[]Create TLS Secret
labelsOverrideobject{}Override default labels assigned to Apache APISIX dashboard resource
nameOverridestring""String to partially override apisix-dashboard.fullname template (will maintain the release name)
nodeSelectorobject{}Node labels for pod assignment
podAnnotationsobject{}Apache APISIX Dashboard Pod annotations
podSecurityContextobject{}Set the securityContext for Apache APISIX Dashboard pods
priorityClassNamestring""Set the priorityClassName for pods
replicaCountint1Number of Apache APISIX Dashboard nodes
securityContextobject{}Set the securityContext for Apache APISIX Dashboard container
service.portint80Service HTTP port
service.typestring"ClusterIP"Service type
serviceAccount.annotationsobject{}Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.createbooltrueSpecifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.namestring""The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerationslist[]Tolerations for pod assignment
topologySpreadConstraintslist[]Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment spread across your cluster among failure-domains ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/#spread-constraints-for-pods
updateStrategyobject{}Update strategy for apisix dashboard deployment