title: Build an image from the source codes

Docker images are not official ASF releases but provided for convenience. Recommended usage is always to build the source.

Clone the repository

Clone the apisix-docker repository and navigate into the project directory:

git clone https://github.com/apache/apisix-docker.git
cd apisix-docker

Build a Docker image

Choose one of the following approaches to build a Docker image based on your requirements.

Build an image from a release

Find an APISIX release version to build an image of.

Build a Docker image from the release:

APISIX_VERSION=3.9.0    # specify release version
DISTRO=debian           # debian, redhat
make build-on-$DISTRO

Build an image from master branch

This is provided for developer's convenience.

Build a Docker image from the master branch:

APISIX_VERSION=master   # master branch
DISTRO=debian           # debian, redhat
make build-on-$DISTRO

Build an image from locally customized/patched source code

Build a Docker image from locally customized/patched source code with this Dockerfile:

docker build -t apisix-dev-local -f /path/to/debian-dev/Dockerfile.local  .

Check Docker image

Check the built Docker images:

docker images

If the image was built successfully, you should see the image listed, similar to the following:

REPOSITORY        TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
apache/apisix     3.5.0-debian   5c3b6ffdef06   About a minute ago   337MB