Deploy with Docker

  1. Build image
# NOTE: $tag should be set manually
$ docker build -t apisix-dashboard:{$tag} .
  1. Prepare the configuration file

Before starting the container, the configuration file conf.yaml needs to be prepared inside the host to override the default configuration file inside the container. Please refer to example configuration file.

Example configuration notes:

  • To listen for IP within the container, it must be, so the host can access the container's network.
  • conf.listen.port The default is 8080 for the container listening port. If you need to change it, please change the Dockerfile too.
  • conf.etcd.endpoints For the list of ETCD hosts, multiple nodes are connected with English commas. Make sure the container has access to these hosts. e.g. Example configuration conf.etcd.endpoints for host.docker.internal is intended to allow the container to access the network on the host.
  1. Run container
$ docker run -d -p 80:8080 -v /path/to/conf.yaml:/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf/conf.yaml --name apisix-dashboard apisix-dashboard:{$tag}


  1. After building the image, if you want to modify the configuration file, you can use the docker -v /local-path-to-conf-file:/conf/conf.yaml parameter to specify the configuration file required for manager-api to be loaded dynamically when the container is started.
  2. For users in China, we could use the ENABLE_PROXY flag to speed up dependencies downloading.
$ docker build -t apisix-dashboard:{$tag} . --build-arg ENABLE_PROXY=true
  1. If it's not the first time to build, it is recommended not to use cache.
$ docker build -t apisix-dashboard:{$tag} . --build-arg ENABLE_PROXY=true --no-cache=true