Deploy manually

Clone the project

$ git clone

$ cd apisix-dashboard

Build the manager-api

The manager-api is used to provide APIs for Dashboard, just like a bridge between the Apache APISIX and the Dashboard. Here are the steps to build it manually:

  1. We need Go 1.13+ and Lua 5.1+ to be preinstalled.

  2. Check environment variables

  • enable Go MODULE
$ go env -w GO111MODULE=on
  • According to your local deployment environment, check the environment variables in ./api/, modify the environment variables if needed. For example, change the ETCD endpoints to your ETCD instances work with APISIX:

If you have multiple instances, please use commas to separate:

  • For most users in China, we could use Goproxy to speed up downloading modules.
$ go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
  1. Build and Run
$ ./api/ &

Build the frontend

This project is initialized with Ant Design Pro. The following are some quick guides for how to use.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js(version 10.0.0+)/Nginx installed on your machine.
  2. Install yarn.
  3. Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
  1. Build
$ yarn build
  1. The bundled files are under /dist folder if the step 4 is successful.
  2. Move files under dist folder to manager-api's dist folder, then visit in your browser, 8080 is the default listen port of manager-api.