Apache APISIX Dashboard

Dashboard for Apache APISIX

Deploy with Docker

Please refer to Deploy with Docker README

Deploy Manually

Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/apache/apisix-dashboard.git

$ cd apisix-dashboard

Build the manager-api

The manager-api is used to provide APIs for Dashboard, just like a bridge between the Apache APISIX and the Dashboard. Here are the steps to build it manually:

  1. We need MySQL/Golang to be preinstalled.
# e.g Initialization for MySQL
$ mysql uroot p123456
> source ./api/script/db/schema.sql
  1. Start the Apache APISIX.

Please follow this guide

  1. Check environment variables

According to your local deployment environment, check the environment variables in ./api/run/run.sh, modify the environment variables if needed.

  1. Build
$ cd api && go build -o ../manager-api . && cd ..
  1. Run
$ sh ./api/run/run.sh &

Build the Dashboard

This project is initialized with Ant Design Pro. The following are some quick guides for how to use.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js(version 8.10.0+)/Nginx installed on your machine.
  2. Install yarn.
  3. Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
  1. Build
$ yarn build
  1. The bundled files are under /dist folder if the step 4 is successful, then We recommend using nginx to handle those files: just move them to nginx‘s default html folder, then visit in your browser. The default Setting page would be shown, and you should set the API field to the manager api’s address, e.g .


  1. If you need the elder dashboard which is built with Vue.js, please refer to master-vue.