How to use this Non-intrusive framework

  • target: we can use this framework to achieve adding customized authentication method to dashboard
  • implementation: we use middleware to check user permissions. The way to check can be decided by developer, if not, we provide a default way for developers
  • usage:

1.we open the switch to adapt the default authentication method:


​ the default strategy where we use the casbin framework to achieve. Also, we can add and delete this route in internal/pkg/iam/demo/policy.csv that only can be accessed by admin

2.Adopt a customized authentication method

# at first, we should close this switch to support customized authentication method
// then, we should create struct to implement this interface
// parameters explanation. identity -> username(user or admin) resource -> url action -> method
// in the method Check, you can customize some way to authenticate these interviewers
// if interviewers aren't permitted to request this resource. you can throw an error
type Access interface {
    Check(identity, resource, action string) error

type MyAccess struct{}
func (m MyAccess)Check(identity, resource, action string) error {
	// customized way
func main(){
	// add your customized method into APISIX-DashBoard
    ok := SetAccessImplementation(MyAccess{})
	if ok {
		// add successfully
    } else {
		// there is an existing method in dashboard