feat: update plugin (#505)

2 files changed
tree: c1ad5490a9b6dd6fafbbe622acb198c64d2eae53
  1. .actions/
  2. .github/
  3. api/
  4. compose/
  5. config/
  6. docker/
  7. images/
  8. licenses/
  9. mock/
  10. public/
  11. scripts/
  12. src/
  13. tests/
  14. .asf.yaml
  15. .dockerignore
  16. .editorconfig
  17. .eslintignore
  18. .eslintrc.js
  19. .gitignore
  20. .prettierignore
  21. .prettierrc.js
  22. .stylelintrc.js
  23. CHANGELOG.md
  26. Dockerfile
  27. I18N_USER_GUIDE.md
  28. jest.config.js
  29. jsconfig.json
  31. Makefile
  32. manager-api.md
  33. NOTICE
  34. package.json
  35. README.md
  36. README.zh-CN.md
  37. tsconfig.json
  38. USER_GUIDE.md
  39. yarn.lock

English | 简体中文

Apache APISIX Dashboard

Dashboard for Apache APISIX

Online Demo, Username/Password: admin.

User Guide

Please refer to User Guide

Deploy with Docker

Please refer to Deploy with Docker README

Deploy Manually

Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/apache/apisix-dashboard.git

$ cd apisix-dashboard

Build the manager-api

The manager-api is used to provide APIs for Dashboard, just like a bridge between the Apache APISIX and the Dashboard. Here are the steps to build it manually:

  1. We need MySQL/Golang to be preinstalled.
# e.g Initialization for MySQL, please use a more secure Password instead of 123456.
$ mysql uroot p123456
> source ./api/script/db/schema.sql
  1. Start the Apache APISIX.

Please follow this guide

  1. Check environment variables

According to your local deployment environment, check the environment variables in ./api/run/run.sh, modify the environment variables if needed.

For most users in China, we could use Goproxy to speed up downloading modules.

  1. Build
$ cd api && go build -o ../manager-api . && cd ..
  1. Run
$ sh ./api/run/run.sh &

Build the Dashboard

This project is initialized with Ant Design Pro. The following are some quick guides for how to use.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js(version 10.0.0+)/Nginx installed on your machine.
  2. Install yarn.
  3. Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
  1. Build
$ yarn build
  1. The bundled files are under /dist folder if the step 4 is successful, then we recommend using nginx to handle those files, please install nginx manually, then refer to the nginx conf compose/dashboard_conf/nginx.conf.
  2. Move files under dist folder to nginx's default html folder, then visit in your browser.


  1. Make sure you have Node.js(version 8.10.0+)/Nginx installed on your machine.
  2. Install yarn.
  3. Install dependencies:
  4. If we want to modify the API, please refer to the config/proxy.ts file.
$ yarn install

$ yarn start


  1. If you need the dashboard-1.0 which is built with Vue.js, please refer to master-vue.

  2. More information about the new dashboard and manager-api please refer to here