JdbcToJdbc App

This application reads from a source table in MySQL, creates POJO‘s and writes the POJO’s to another table in MySQL.

Steps :

Step 1 : Update the below properties in the properties file - src/site/conf/example.xml


  • data base URL of the form jdbc:mysql://hostName:portNumber/dbName 2.dt.application.JdbcToJdbcApp.operator.JdbcInput.prop.store.userName
  • mysql user name 3.dt.application.JdbcToJdbcApp.operator.JdbcInput.prop.store.password
  • password 4.dt.application.JdbcToJdbcApp.operator.JdbcOutput.prop.store.databaseUrl
  • data base URL of the form jdbc:mysql://hostName:portNumber/dbName 5.dt.application.JdbcToJdbcApp.operator.JdbcOutput.prop.store.userName
  • mysql user name 6.dt.application.JdbcToJdbcApp.operator.JdbcOutput.prop.store.password
  • password

Step 2: Create database, table and add entries

Go to mysql console and run the below command, mysql> source src/test/resources/example.sql

After this is done, please verify that testDev.test_event_table is created and has 10 rows.It will also create an output table by the name testDev.test_output_event_table

mysql> select count() from testDev.test_event_table; +----------+ | count() | +----------+ | 10 | +----------+

Step 3: Build the code, shell> mvn clean install

Upload the target/jdbcInput-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apa to the gateway

Step 4 : During launch use “Specify custom properties” option and select example.xml

Verification :

Log on to the mysql console

mysql> select count() from testDev.test_event_table; +----------+ | count() | +----------+ | 10 | +----------+