Sample mysql implementation

This project contains two applications to read records from a table in MySQL, create POJOs and write them to a file in the user specified directory in HDFS.

  1. SimpleJdbcToHDFSApp: Reads table records as per given query and emits them as POJOs.
  2. PollJdbcToHDFSApp: Reads table records using partitions in parallel fashion also polls for newly appended records and emits them as POJOs.

Follow these steps to run these applications:

Step 1: Update these properties in the file src/main/resources/META_INF/properties-<applicationName>.xml:

Property NameDescription URL of the form jdbc:mysql://hostName:portNumber/dbName user name user password
dt.application..operator.FileOutputOperator.filePathHDFS output directory path

Step 2: Create database table and add entries

Go to the MySQL console and run (where {path} is a suitable prefix):

mysql> source {path}/src/test/resources/example.sql

After this, please verify that testDev.test_event_table is created and has 10 rows:

mysql> select count(*) from testDev.test_event_table;
| count(*) |
|       10 |

Step 3: Create HDFS output directory if not already present ({path} should be the same as specified in META_INF/properties-<applicationName>.xml):

hadoop fs -mkdir -p {path}

Step 4: Build the code:

shell> mvn clean install

Upload the target/jdbcInput-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apa to the UI console if available or launch it from the commandline using apexcli.

Step 5: During launch use src/main/resources/META_INF/properties-<applicationName>.xml as a custom configuration file; then verify that the output directory has the expected output:

shell> hadoop fs -cat <hadoop directory path>/2_op.dat.* | wc -l

This should return 10 as the count.

Sample Output:

hadoop fs -cat <path_to_file>/2_op.dat.0
PojoEvent [accountNumber=1, name=User1, amount=1000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=2, name=User2, amount=2000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=3, name=User3, amount=3000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=4, name=User4, amount=4000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=5, name=User5, amount=5000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=6, name=User6, amount=6000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=7, name=User7, amount=7000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=8, name=User8, amount=8000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=9, name=User9, amount=9000]
PojoEvent [accountNumber=10, name=User10, amount=1000]