This project contains applications showcasing different Parsers and Formatters present in the Malhar Library. For all the apps, parameters are configurable in META_INF/properties.xml.

  • Json Parser App
    This app showcases Json Parser. Data generator sends Json data to the Json Parser which emits each record as POJO on the output port. The parser also has parsedOutput port that outputs each record as JSONObject and error port that emits a error records as key value pair.

  • Csv Parser App

This application showcases how to use CsvParser from Apex Malhar library. The CsvParser converts your delimited data to a key-value pair map or concrete java class also know as POJO. The parser emits key-value pair map on parsedOutput port. It emits POJO on out and error records on err port.

Follow these steps to run this application:

Step 1: Build the code:

shell> mvn clean install

Step 2: Upload the target/parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apa to the UI console if available or launch it from the commandline using apex cli script.

Step 3: During launch use src/main/resources/META-INF/properties-csvParseApplication.xml as a custom configuration file; then verify that the output by checking hdfs file path configured in properties-csvParseApplication.xml

  • Xml Parser App

This application showcases how to use XmlParser from Apex Malhar library. The XmlParser Operator converts XML string to POJO. The parser emits dom based Document on parsedOutput port. It emits POJO on out and error records on err port. Follow these steps to run this application:

Step 1: Build the code:

shell> mvn clean install

Step 2: Upload the target/parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apa to the UI console if available or launch it from the commandline using apex cli script.

Step 3: During launch use src/main/resources/META-INF/properties-xmlParseApplication.xml as a custom configuration file; then verify that the output by checking hdfs file path configured in properties-xmlParseApplication.xml