blob: ac64a3b7bbf111a822c85671a87da700128dcd22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.apex.malhar.contrib.misc.math;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.util.BaseNumberKeyValueOperator;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.util.KeyValPair;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableDouble;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultInputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.OutputPortFieldAnnotation;
* Operator compares <key,value> pairs arriving at data and base input ports and stores <key,value> pairs arriving at base port in hash map across the windows.
* <p/>
* The &lt;key,value&gt; pairs that arrive at data port are compared with base value if the key exists in the hash map.&nbsp;
* Change value and percentage are emitted on separate ports.
* StateFull : Yes, base map values are stored across windows. <br>
* Partitions : Yes, values on the base port are replicated across all partitions. However the order of tuples on the
* output stream may change.
* <br>
* <b>Ports</b>:<br>
* <b>data</b>: expects KeyValPair&lt;K,V extends Number&gt;<br>
* <b>base</b>: expects KeyValPair&lt;K,V extends Number&gt;<br>
* <b>change</b>: emits KeyValPair&lt;K,V&gt;(1)<br>
* <b>percent</b>: emits KeyValPair&lt;K,Double&gt;(1)<br>
* <br>
* <br>
* <b>Properties</b>:<br>
* <b>inverse</b>: if set to true the key in the filter will block tuple<br>
* <b>filterBy</b>: List of keys to filter on<br>
* @displayName Change Key Value
* @category Math
* @tags change, key value
* @since 0.3.3
* @deprecated
public class ChangeKeyVal<K, V extends Number> extends BaseNumberKeyValueOperator<K, V>
* basemap is a stateful field. It is retained across windows
private HashMap<K, MutableDouble> basemap = new HashMap<K, MutableDouble>();
* Input data port that takes key value pairs.
public final transient DefaultInputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>> data = new DefaultInputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>>()
* Process each key, compute change or percent, and emit it.
public void process(KeyValPair<K, V> tuple)
K key = tuple.getKey();
if (!doprocessKey(key)) {
MutableDouble bval = basemap.get(key);
if (bval != null) { // Only process keys that are in the basemap
double cval = tuple.getValue().doubleValue() - bval.doubleValue();
change.emit(new KeyValPair<K, V>(cloneKey(key), getValue(cval)));
percent.emit(new KeyValPair<K, Double>(cloneKey(key), (cval / bval.doubleValue()) * 100));
* Base value input port, stored in base map for comparison.
public final transient DefaultInputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>> base = new DefaultInputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>>()
* Process each key to store the value. If same key appears again update
* with latest value.
public void process(KeyValPair<K, V> tuple)
if (tuple.getValue().doubleValue() != 0.0) { // Avoid divide by zero, Emit
// an error tuple?
MutableDouble val = basemap.get(tuple.getKey());
if (val == null) {
val = new MutableDouble(0.0);
basemap.put(cloneKey(tuple.getKey()), val);
* Key, Change output port.
@OutputPortFieldAnnotation(optional = true)
public final transient DefaultOutputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>> change = new DefaultOutputPort<KeyValPair<K, V>>();
* Key, Percentage Change pair output port.
@OutputPortFieldAnnotation(optional = true)
public final transient DefaultOutputPort<KeyValPair<K, Double>> percent = new DefaultOutputPort<KeyValPair<K, Double>>();