blob: 976151d562cb48f134b0a3344faf88db57cdf874 [file] [log] [blame]
* TrimPath Template. Release 1.0.38.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Metaha.
* TrimPath Template is licensed under the GNU General Public License
* and the Apache License, Version 2.0, as follows:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var TrimPath;
// TODO: Debugging mode vs stop-on-error mode - runtime flag.
// TODO: Handle || (or) characters and backslashes.
// TODO: Add more modifiers.
(function() { // Using a closure to keep global namespace clean.
if (TrimPath == null)
TrimPath = new Object();
if (TrimPath.evalEx == null)
TrimPath.evalEx = function(src) { return eval(src); };
if (Array.prototype.pop == null) // IE 5.x fix from Igor Poteryaev.
Array.prototype.pop = function() {
if (this.length === 0) {return UNDEFINED;}
return this[--this.length];
if (Array.prototype.push == null) // IE 5.x fix from Igor Poteryaev.
Array.prototype.push = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {this[this.length] = arguments[i];}
return this.length;
TrimPath.parseTemplate = function(tmplContent, optTmplName, optEtc) {
if (optEtc == null)
optEtc = TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc;
var funcSrc = parse(tmplContent, optTmplName, optEtc);
var func = TrimPath.evalEx(funcSrc, optTmplName, 1);
if (func != null)
return new optEtc.Template(optTmplName, tmplContent, funcSrc, func, optEtc);
return null;
try {
String.prototype.process = function(context, optFlags) {
var template = TrimPath.parseTemplate(this, null);
if (template != null)
return template.process(context, optFlags);
return this;
} catch (e) { // Swallow exception, such as when String.prototype is sealed.
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc = {}; // Exposed for extensibility.
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementTag = "forelse|for|if|elseif|else|var|macro";
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementDef = { // Lookup table for statement tags.
"if" : { delta: 1, prefix: "if (", suffix: ") {", paramMin: 1 },
"else" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} else {" },
"elseif" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} else if (", suffix: ") {", paramDefault: "true" },
"/if" : { delta: -1, prefix: "}" },
"for" : { delta: 1, paramMin: 3,
prefixFunc : function(stmtParts, state, tmplName, etc) {
if (stmtParts[2] != "in")
throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "bad for loop statement: " + stmtParts.join(' '));
var iterVar = stmtParts[1];
var listVar = "__LIST__" + iterVar;
return [ "var ", listVar, " = ", stmtParts[3], ";",
// Fix from Ross Shaull for hash looping, make sure that we have an array of loop lengths to treat like a stack.
"var __LENGTH_STACK__;",
"if (typeof(__LENGTH_STACK__) == 'undefined' || !__LENGTH_STACK__.length) __LENGTH_STACK__ = new Array();",
"__LENGTH_STACK__[__LENGTH_STACK__.length] = 0;", // Push a new for-loop onto the stack of loop lengths.
"if ((", listVar, ") != null) { ",
"var ", iterVar, "_ct = 0;", // iterVar_ct variable, added by B. Bittman
"for (var ", iterVar, "_index in ", listVar, ") { ",
iterVar, "_ct++;",
"if (typeof(", listVar, "[", iterVar, "_index]) == 'function') {continue;}", // IE 5.x fix from Igor Poteryaev.
"__LENGTH_STACK__[__LENGTH_STACK__.length - 1]++;",
"var ", iterVar, " = ", listVar, "[", iterVar, "_index];" ].join("");
} },
"forelse" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} } if (__LENGTH_STACK__[__LENGTH_STACK__.length - 1] == 0) { if (", suffix: ") {", paramDefault: "true" },
"/for" : { delta: -1, prefix: "} }; delete __LENGTH_STACK__[__LENGTH_STACK__.length - 1];" }, // Remove the just-finished for-loop from the stack of loop lengths.
"var" : { delta: 0, prefix: "var ", suffix: ";" },
"macro" : { delta: 1,
prefixFunc : function(stmtParts, state, tmplName, etc) {
var macroName = stmtParts[1].split('(')[0];
return [ "var ", macroName, " = function",
stmtParts.slice(1).join(' ').substring(macroName.length),
"{ var _OUT_arr = []; var _OUT = { write: function(m) { if (m) _OUT_arr.push(m); } }; " ].join('');
} },
"/macro" : { delta: -1, prefix: " return _OUT_arr.join(''); };" }
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef = {
"eat" : function(v) { return ""; },
"escape" : function(s) { return String(s).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); },
"capitalize" : function(s) { return String(s).toUpperCase(); },
"default" : function(s, d) { return s != null ? s : d; }
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef.h = TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef.escape;
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.Template = function(tmplName, tmplContent, funcSrc, func, etc) {
this.process = function(context, flags) {
if (context == null)
context = {};
if (context._MODIFIERS == null)
context._MODIFIERS = {};
if (context.defined == null)
context.defined = function(str) { return (context[str] != undefined); };
for (var k in etc.modifierDef) {
if (context._MODIFIERS[k] == null)
context._MODIFIERS[k] = etc.modifierDef[k];
if (flags == null)
flags = {};
var resultArr = [];
var resultOut = { write: function(m) { resultArr.push(m); } };
try {
func(resultOut, context, flags);
} catch (e) {
if (flags.throwExceptions == true)
throw e;
var result = new String(resultArr.join("") + "[ERROR: " + e.toString() + (e.message ? '; ' + e.message : '') + "]");
result["exception"] = e;
return result;
return resultArr.join("");
} = tmplName;
this.source = tmplContent;
this.sourceFunc = funcSrc;
this.toString = function() { return "TrimPath.Template [" + tmplName + "]"; }
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.ParseError = function(name, line, message) { = name;
this.line = line;
this.message = message;
TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.ParseError.prototype.toString = function() {
return ("TrimPath template ParseError in " + + ": line " + this.line + ", " + this.message);
var parse = function(body, tmplName, etc) {
body = cleanWhiteSpace(body);
var funcText = [ "var TrimPath_Template_TEMP = function(_OUT, _CONTEXT, _FLAGS) { with (_CONTEXT) {" ];
var state = { stack: [], line: 1 }; // TODO: Fix line number counting.
var endStmtPrev = -1;
while (endStmtPrev + 1 < body.length) {
var begStmt = endStmtPrev;
// Scan until we find some statement markup.
begStmt = body.indexOf("{", begStmt + 1);
while (begStmt >= 0) {
var endStmt = body.indexOf('}', begStmt + 1);
var stmt = body.substring(begStmt, endStmt);
var blockrx = stmt.match(/^\{(cdata|minify|eval)/); // From B. Bittman, minify/eval/cdata implementation.
if (blockrx) {
var blockType = blockrx[1];
var blockMarkerBeg = begStmt + blockType.length + 1;
var blockMarkerEnd = body.indexOf('}', blockMarkerBeg);
if (blockMarkerEnd >= 0) {
var blockMarker;
if( blockMarkerEnd - blockMarkerBeg <= 0 ) {
blockMarker = "{/" + blockType + "}";
} else {
blockMarker = body.substring(blockMarkerBeg + 1, blockMarkerEnd);
var blockEnd = body.indexOf(blockMarker, blockMarkerEnd + 1);
if (blockEnd >= 0) {
emitSectionText(body.substring(endStmtPrev + 1, begStmt), funcText);
var blockText = body.substring(blockMarkerEnd + 1, blockEnd);
if (blockType == 'cdata') {
emitText(blockText, funcText);
} else if (blockType == 'minify') {
emitText(scrubWhiteSpace(blockText), funcText);
} else if (blockType == 'eval') {
if (blockText != null && blockText.length > 0) // From B. Bittman, eval should not execute until process().
funcText.push('_OUT.write( (function() { ' + blockText + ' })() );');
begStmt = endStmtPrev = blockEnd + blockMarker.length - 1;
} else if (body.charAt(begStmt - 1) != '$' && // Not an expression or backslashed,
body.charAt(begStmt - 1) != '\\') { // so check if it is a statement tag.
var offset = (body.charAt(begStmt + 1) == '/' ? 2 : 1); // Close tags offset of 2 skips '/'.
// 10 is larger than maximum statement tag length.
if (body.substring(begStmt + offset, begStmt + 10 + offset).search(TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementTag) == 0)
break; // Found a match.
begStmt = body.indexOf("{", begStmt + 1);
if (begStmt < 0) // In "a{for}c", begStmt will be 1.
var endStmt = body.indexOf("}", begStmt + 1); // In "a{for}c", endStmt will be 5.
if (endStmt < 0)
emitSectionText(body.substring(endStmtPrev + 1, begStmt), funcText);
emitStatement(body.substring(begStmt, endStmt + 1), state, funcText, tmplName, etc);
endStmtPrev = endStmt;
emitSectionText(body.substring(endStmtPrev + 1), funcText);
if (state.stack.length != 0)
throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "unclosed, unmatched statement(s): " + state.stack.join(","));
funcText.push("}}; TrimPath_Template_TEMP");
return funcText.join("");
var emitStatement = function(stmtStr, state, funcText, tmplName, etc) {
var parts = stmtStr.slice(1, -1).split(' ');
var stmt = etc.statementDef[parts[0]]; // Here, parts[0] == for/if/else/...
if (stmt == null) { // Not a real statement.
emitSectionText(stmtStr, funcText);
if ( < 0) {
if (state.stack.length <= 0)
throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "close tag does not match any previous statement: " + stmtStr);
if ( > 0)
if (stmt.paramMin != null &&
stmt.paramMin >= parts.length)
throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "statement needs more parameters: " + stmtStr);
if (stmt.prefixFunc != null)
funcText.push(stmt.prefixFunc(parts, state, tmplName, etc));
if (stmt.suffix != null) {
if (parts.length <= 1) {
if (stmt.paramDefault != null)
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (i > 1)
funcText.push(' ');
var emitSectionText = function(text, funcText) {
if (text.length <= 0)
var nlPrefix = 0; // Index to first non-newline in prefix.
var nlSuffix = text.length - 1; // Index to first non-space/tab in suffix.
while (nlPrefix < text.length && (text.charAt(nlPrefix) == '\n'))
while (nlSuffix >= 0 && (text.charAt(nlSuffix) == ' ' || text.charAt(nlSuffix) == '\t'))
if (nlSuffix < nlPrefix)
nlSuffix = nlPrefix;
if (nlPrefix > 0) {
funcText.push('if (_FLAGS.keepWhitespace == true) _OUT.write("');
var s = text.substring(0, nlPrefix).replace('\n', '\\n'); // A macro IE fix from BJessen.
if (s.charAt(s.length - 1) == '\n')
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
var lines = text.substring(nlPrefix, nlSuffix + 1).split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
emitSectionTextLine(lines[i], funcText);
if (i < lines.length - 1)
if (nlSuffix + 1 < text.length) {
funcText.push('if (_FLAGS.keepWhitespace == true) _OUT.write("');
var s = text.substring(nlSuffix + 1).replace('\n', '\\n');
if (s.charAt(s.length - 1) == '\n')
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
var emitSectionTextLine = function(line, funcText) {
var endMarkPrev = '}';
var endExprPrev = -1;
while (endExprPrev + endMarkPrev.length < line.length) {
var begMark = "${", endMark = "}";
var begExpr = line.indexOf(begMark, endExprPrev + endMarkPrev.length); // In "a${b}c", begExpr == 1
if (begExpr < 0)
if (line.charAt(begExpr + 2) == '%') {
begMark = "${%";
endMark = "%}";
var endExpr = line.indexOf(endMark, begExpr + begMark.length); // In "a${b}c", endExpr == 4;
if (endExpr < 0)
emitText(line.substring(endExprPrev + endMarkPrev.length, begExpr), funcText);
// Example: exprs == 'firstName|default:"John Doe"|capitalize'.split('|')
var exprArr = line.substring(begExpr + begMark.length, endExpr).replace(/\|\|/g, "#@@#").split('|');
for (var k in exprArr) {
if (exprArr[k].replace) // IE 5.x fix from Igor Poteryaev.
exprArr[k] = exprArr[k].replace(/#@@#/g, '||');
emitExpression(exprArr, exprArr.length - 1, funcText);
endExprPrev = endExpr;
endMarkPrev = endMark;
emitText(line.substring(endExprPrev + endMarkPrev.length), funcText);
var emitText = function(text, funcText) {
if (text == null ||
text.length <= 0)
text = text.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
text = text.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
text = text.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
var emitExpression = function(exprArr, index, funcText) {
// Ex: foo|a:x|b:y1,y2|c:z1,z2 is emitted as c(b(a(foo,x),y1,y2),z1,z2)
var expr = exprArr[index]; // Ex: exprArr == [firstName,capitalize,default:"John Doe"]
if (index <= 0) { // Ex: expr == 'default:"John Doe"'
var parts = expr.split(':');
funcText.push(parts[0]); // The parts[0] is a modifier function name, like capitalize.
emitExpression(exprArr, index - 1, funcText);
if (parts.length > 1) {
var cleanWhiteSpace = function(result) {
result = result.replace(/\t/g, " ");
result = result.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
result = result.replace(/\r/g, "\n");
result = result.replace(/^(\s*\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, '$1'); // Right trim by Igor Poteryaev.
return result;
var scrubWhiteSpace = function(result) {
result = result.replace(/^\s+/g, "");
result = result.replace(/\s+$/g, "");
result = result.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
result = result.replace(/^(\s*\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, '$1'); // Right trim by Igor Poteryaev.
return result;
// The DOM helper functions depend on DOM/DHTML, so they only work in a browser.
// However, these are not considered core to the engine.
TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate = function(elementId, optDocument, optEtc) {
if (optDocument == null)
optDocument = document;
var element = optDocument.getElementById(elementId);
var content = element.value; // Like textarea.value.
if (content == null)
content = element.innerHTML; // Like textarea.innerHTML.
content = content.replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
return TrimPath.parseTemplate(content, elementId, optEtc);
TrimPath.processDOMTemplate = function(elementId, context, optFlags, optDocument, optEtc) {
return TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate(elementId, optDocument, optEtc).process(context, optFlags);
}) ();