4 spaces in place of tabulations
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/easyant/skeletons/trunk@1073349 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/std-ant-plugin/module.ivy b/std-ant-plugin/module.ivy
index 426379e..1eb0351 100644
--- a/std-ant-plugin/module.ivy
+++ b/std-ant-plugin/module.ivy
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-ant-plugin"
- status="integration" revision="0.1">
- <description>Skeleton for creating ant based plugin for easyant</description>
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-ant-plugin"
+ status="integration" revision="0.1">
+ <description>Skeleton for creating ant based plugin for easyant</description>
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
index 1b045ed..982ee19 100644
--- a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
+++ b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
@@ -15,34 +15,34 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
- status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
- <!--
- This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
- <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
- xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
- <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
- </project>
- -->
- <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
- if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
- <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
- <configurations>
- <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
- <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
- <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
- </configurations>
- <publications>
+ <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
+ status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
+ <!--
+ This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
+ <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
+ xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+ <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+ </project>
+ -->
+ <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
+ if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
+ <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
+ <configurations>
+ <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
+ <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
+ <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
+ </configurations>
+ <publications>
<artifact name="@project.module@" type="ant"/>
- <dependencies>
- <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
- <!--
- <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
- -->
- </dependencies>
+ <dependencies>
+ <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
+ -->
+ </dependencies>
diff --git a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
index 41adb7f..866e36d 100644
--- a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
+++ b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#skeleton-postinstall" default="doit">
- <target name="doit">
- <!-- rename the plugin skeleton -->
- <move file="${basedir}/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant"
- tofile="${basedir}/src/main/resources/@project.module@.ant"/>
- <!-- rename the plugin testcase skeleton -->
- <move file="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml"
- tofile="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/@project.module@-test.xml"/>
- </target>
+ <target name="doit">
+ <!-- rename the plugin skeleton -->
+ <move file="${basedir}/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant"
+ tofile="${basedir}/src/main/resources/@project.module@.ant"/>
+ <!-- rename the plugin testcase skeleton -->
+ <move file="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml"
+ tofile="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/@project.module@-test.xml"/>
+ </target>
diff --git a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant.tpl b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant.tpl
index 1438638..353ea22 100644
--- a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant.tpl
+++ b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/temp-plugin.ant.tpl
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
limitations under the License.
<project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
- xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
- xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
- <!--
- Force compliance with easyant-core to 0.7 or higher
- <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.7,+]" />
- -->
- <!-- Sample init target -->
- <target name=":init" phase="validate">
- <!-- you should remove this echo message -->
- <echo level="debug">This is the init target of @project.module@</echo>
- </target>
- <!-- define a generic default target for this plugin -->
- <target name="doit" depends="validate"/>
+ xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+ <!--
+ Force compliance with easyant-core to 0.7 or higher
+ <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.7,+]" />
+ -->
+ <!-- Sample init target -->
+ <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+ <!-- you should remove this echo message -->
+ <echo level="debug">This is the init target of @project.module@</echo>
+ </target>
+ <!-- define a generic default target for this plugin -->
+ <target name="doit" depends="validate"/>
diff --git a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
index 1207d83..ae461ce 100644
--- a/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
+++ b/std-ant-plugin/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
@@ -15,39 +15,39 @@
limitations under the License.
<project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@-test" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">
- <!-- Mocking required phase -->
- <phase name="validate"/>
- <!-- Import your plugin -->
- <import file="../../main/resources/@project.module@.ant"/>
- <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
- <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
- <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
- <include name="**/target/**"/>
- <include name="**/lib/**"/>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="setUp" depends="clean"/>
- <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
- <!-- init test case -->
- <target name="testInit">
- <antcall target=":init"/>
- <au:assertLogContains level="debug" text="This is the init target of @project.module@"/>
- </target>
- <!--
- A sample ant unit test case,
- see the antunit official documentation for more informations
- <target name="testSample" description="a sample of ant unit test case">
- <au:assertTrue>
- <matches string="abc" pattern="abc"/>
- </au:assertTrue>
- </target>
- -->
+ <!-- Mocking required phase -->
+ <phase name="validate"/>
+ <!-- Import your plugin -->
+ <import file="../../main/resources/@project.module@.ant"/>
+ <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
+ <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
+ <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
+ <include name="**/target/**"/>
+ <include name="**/lib/**"/>
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <target name="setUp" depends="clean"/>
+ <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
+ <!-- init test case -->
+ <target name="testInit">
+ <antcall target=":init"/>
+ <au:assertLogContains level="debug" text="This is the init target of @project.module@"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ A sample ant unit test case,
+ see the antunit official documentation for more informations
+ <target name="testSample" description="a sample of ant unit test case">
+ <au:assertTrue>
+ <matches string="abc" pattern="abc"/>
+ </au:assertTrue>
+ </target>
+ -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/std-java-application/module.ivy b/std-java-application/module.ivy
index 90bede2..62bbcb3 100644
--- a/std-java-application/module.ivy
+++ b/std-java-application/module.ivy
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-java-application"
- status="integration" revision="0.1">
- <description>Skeleton for creating standard java application</description>
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-java-application"
+ status="integration" revision="0.1">
+ <description>Skeleton for creating standard java application</description>
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-java-application/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl b/std-java-application/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
index 13f35f5..5520e14 100644
--- a/std-java-application/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
+++ b/std-java-application/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
@@ -15,30 +15,30 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
- status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
- <!--
- This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
- <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
- xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
- <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-java" revision="0.2"/>
- </project>
- -->
- <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
- if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
- <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-java" revision="0.2"/>
- </info>
- <configurations>
- <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
- <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
- <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
- </configurations>
- <dependencies>
- <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
- <!--
- <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
- -->
- </dependencies>
+ <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
+ status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
+ <!--
+ This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
+ <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
+ xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+ <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-java" revision="0.2"/>
+ </project>
+ -->
+ <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
+ if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
+ <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-java" revision="0.2"/>
+ </info>
+ <configurations>
+ <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
+ <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
+ <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
+ </configurations>
+ <dependencies>
+ <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
+ -->
+ </dependencies>
diff --git a/std-java-webapplication/module.ivy b/std-java-webapplication/module.ivy
index a8f1c37..24dddc0 100644
--- a/std-java-webapplication/module.ivy
+++ b/std-java-webapplication/module.ivy
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-java-webapplication"
- status="integration" revision="0.1">
- <description>Skeleton for creating standard java web application</description>
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-java-webapplication"
+ status="integration" revision="0.1">
+ <description>Skeleton for creating standard java web application</description>
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-java-webapplication/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl b/std-java-webapplication/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
index 8b6f10d..64f7308 100644
--- a/std-java-webapplication/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
+++ b/std-java-webapplication/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
@@ -15,30 +15,30 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
- status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
- <!--
- This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
- <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
- xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
- <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-webapp-java" revision="0.1"/>
- </project>
- -->
- <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
- if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
- <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-webapp-java" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
- <configurations>
- <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
- <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
- <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
- </configurations>
- <dependencies>
- <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
- <!--
- <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
- -->
- </dependencies>
+ <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
+ status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
+ <!--
+ This easyant section is equivalent to having a module.ant like this:
+ <project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@"
+ xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+ <ea:import organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-webapp-java" revision="0.1"/>
+ </project>
+ -->
+ <!-- note that in a module.ivy the organisation attribute is not mandatory
+ if not specified easyant will use the default organisation for build type / plugin -->
+ <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-webapp-java" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
+ <configurations>
+ <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
+ <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
+ <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
+ </configurations>
+ <dependencies>
+ <!-- your project dependencies goes here -->
+ <!--
+ <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="test->default" />
+ -->
+ </dependencies>
diff --git a/std-skeleton/module.ivy b/std-skeleton/module.ivy
index ede369b..e2f13d9 100644
--- a/std-skeleton/module.ivy
+++ b/std-skeleton/module.ivy
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-skeleton"
- status="integration" revision="0.1">
- <description>Emtpy skeleton structure</description>
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.skeletons" module="std-skeleton"
+ status="integration" revision="0.1">
+ <description>Emtpy skeleton structure</description>
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
index 736c8cf..822876c 100644
--- a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
+++ b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
- status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
- <!--
- <description>YOUR SKELETON DESCRIPTION GOES HERE</description>
- -->
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
+ status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
+ <!--
+ <description>YOUR SKELETON DESCRIPTION GOES HERE</description>
+ -->
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
index 2b2153a..8d3ae13 100644
--- a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
+++ b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/skeleton.postinstall.ant.tpl
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#skeleton-postinstall" default="doit">
- <target name="doit">
- <!-- rename the plugin skeleton -->
- <move file="${basedir}/src/main/resources/module.ivy"
- tofile="${basedir}/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl"/>
- <!-- rename the plugin testcase skeleton -->
- <move file="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml"
- tofile="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/@project.module@-test.xml"/>
- </target>
+ <target name="doit">
+ <!-- rename the plugin skeleton -->
+ <move file="${basedir}/src/main/resources/module.ivy"
+ tofile="${basedir}/src/main/resources/module.ivy.tpl"/>
+ <!-- rename the plugin testcase skeleton -->
+ <move file="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml"
+ tofile="${basedir}/src/test/antunit/@project.module@-test.xml"/>
+ </target>
diff --git a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/module.ivy b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/module.ivy
index 736c8cf..822876c 100644
--- a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/module.ivy
+++ b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/main/resources/module.ivy
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
limitations under the License.
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org">
- <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
- status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
- <!--
- <description>YOUR SKELETON DESCRIPTION GOES HERE</description>
- -->
- <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
- </info>
+ <info organisation="@project.organisation@" module="@project.module@"
+ status="integration" revision="@project.revision@">
+ <!--
+ <description>YOUR SKELETON DESCRIPTION GOES HERE</description>
+ -->
+ <ea:build module="build-std-skeleton" revision="0.1"/>
+ </info>
diff --git a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
index ac02273..fd2abf9 100644
--- a/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
+++ b/std-skeleton/src/main/resources/src/test/antunit/temp-plugin-test.xml.tpl
@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@
limitations under the License.
<project name="@project.organisation@;@project.module@-test" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">
- <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
- <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
- <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
- <include name="**/target/**"/>
- <include name="**/lib/**"/>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="setUp" depends="clean"/>
- <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
- <!--
- A sample ant unit test case,
- see the antunit official documentation for more informations
- <target name="testSample" description="a sample of ant unit test case">
- <au:assertTrue>
- <matches string="abc" pattern="abc"/>
- </au:assertTrue>
- </target>
- -->
+ <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
+ <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
+ <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
+ <include name="**/target/**"/>
+ <include name="**/lib/**"/>
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <target name="setUp" depends="clean"/>
+ <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
+ <!--
+ A sample ant unit test case,
+ see the antunit official documentation for more informations
+ <target name="testSample" description="a sample of ant unit test case">
+ <au:assertTrue>
+ <matches string="abc" pattern="abc"/>
+ </au:assertTrue>
+ </target>
+ -->