committed a bad merge
diff --git a/prepare.xml b/prepare.xml
index 852a4af..8499ea6 100644
--- a/prepare.xml
+++ b/prepare.xml
@@ -21,57 +21,18 @@
 Interim build-snippet.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-The AntLibs depend on the common build infrastructure supplied by the 
-antlibs-common project. In subversion these are included via svn:external
-directive. After migration to git there is need to have successor to that
-directive. Until we have that, we could do a 'manual' git-clone.
->>>>>>> add common submodule
 The original of this snippet is maintained in the antlib-common project. 
 <project default="bootstrap" xmlns:unless="ant:unless" xmlns:if="ant:if">
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-  <!-- AntLib-common Git-URL, so we could 'svn:external' that manually. -->
-  <property name="antlib.common.git" value=""/>
-  <!-- Git executable -->
-  <property name="git" value="git"/>
->>>>>>> add common submodule
   <!-- Which released version of AntUnit to use, where to download, where to store. -->
   <property name="antunit.version" value="1.3"/>
   <property name="antunit.url" value="${antunit.version}/ant-antunit-${antunit.version}.jar"/>
   <property name="antunit.file" value="ant-antunit.jar"/>
   <!-- Skip unnecessary tasks. -->
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-  <available property="common.present"  file="common" type="dir"/>
   <available property="antunit.present" file="${antunit.file}"/>
-  <target name="clone-common" unless="common.present">
-    <echo message="cloning antlib-common"/>
-    <exec executable="${git}" taskname="git">
-      <arg value="clone"/>
-      <arg value="${antlib.common.git}"/>
-      <arg value="common"/>
-    </exec>
-  </target>
-  <target name="update-common" if="common.present">
-    <echo message="updating antlib-common"/>
-    <exec executable="${git}" dir="common" taskname="git">
-      <arg value="pull"/>
-    </exec>
-  </target>
-  <available property="antunit.present" file="${antunit.file}"/>
->>>>>>> add common submodule
   <target name="update-prepare-script">
     <echo>updating prepare.xml</echo>
     <copy file="common/prepare.xml" tofile="prepare.xml"/>
@@ -85,13 +46,8 @@
   <!-- Use a 'bootstrap-phase' so changes of the preparation could be catched in the same CI-cycle. -->
   <target name="bootstrap" 
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-          depends="clone-common,update-common,update-prepare-script"
-          description="Bootstraps the preparation script by cloning the antlib-common and updating this script from there."
           description="Bootstraps the preparation script by updating this script from common."
->>>>>>> add common submodule
     <echo>Bootstrap done. Next step:</echo> 
     <echo>  ant -f prepare.xml prepare</echo>
@@ -106,8 +62,4 @@
     <echo> ant -lib ${antunit.file} -lib build/lib test</echo>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> add common submodule