ivy.xml didn't mention snappy
diff --git a/ivy.xml b/ivy.xml
index 87c0722..3d32abb 100644
--- a/ivy.xml
+++ b/ivy.xml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
     <description homepage="http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/compress/">
       Provides tasks and types that deal with AR, ARJ, CPIO, TAR,
-      DUMP, 7Z and ZIP archives as well as BZIP2, PACK200, GZIP, LZMA
-      and XZ compressed files based on Apache Commons Compress.
+      DUMP, 7Z and ZIP archives as well as BZIP2, PACK200, GZIP, LZMA,
+      Snappy and XZ compressed files based on Apache Commons Compress.