things I should have done, or could have done better
diff --git a/ReleaseInstructions b/ReleaseInstructions
index 2716041..98dbc7a 100644
--- a/ReleaseInstructions
+++ b/ReleaseInstructions
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
distribution files to
+ Copy the file README.html from dist-bin to
+ as
+ RELEASE-NOTES-x.y.z.html.
To upload mvn artifacts to the Nexus repository manager run
ant upload -Dupload.user=YOUR-ASF-ID -Dupload.password=SVN-PASSWORD
@@ -107,22 +111,22 @@
(log in using your ASF credentials).
+12. Once this is committed send a release vote email on dev@ant.
+ The email will typically mention :
+ - the git tag for the release including commit hash,
+ - the location of the tarballs, including revision number in
+ repository
+ - the URL for the maven artifacts
+ - pointers to the KEYS file containing the key used to sign the artifacts
+ The vote will only pass if at least three PMC members have voted +1
+ and more +1s than -1s have been cast. The vote will run for 3 days.
-12. This step may become meaningful once you do a second release ;-)
- Copy the file README.html from dist-bin to
- as
- RELEASE-NOTES-x.y.z.html.
-13. Once this is uploaded and committed call for a release vote on
- dev@ant. The vote will only pass if at least three PMC members
- have voted +1 and more +1s than -1s have been cast. The vote will
- run for a week.
14. Once the vote has passed, push the release and RELEASE-NOTES files
into the release directory.