fix: update translation content
1 file changed
tree: c890637446bfeea81138e01fd033bc6fc98c1652
  1. .github/
  2. blog/
  3. community/
  4. docs/
  5. i18n/
  6. plugins/
  7. scripts/
  8. src/
  9. static/
  10. .asf.yaml
  11. .editorconfig
  12. .eslintrc
  13. .gitignore
  14. babel.config.js
  15. crowdin.yml
  16. Dockerfile
  17. docusaurus.config.js
  18. package.json
  19. pnpm-lock.yaml
  21. redirects.js
  22. sidebars.js
  23. sidebarsCommunity.js
  24. tsconfig.json


Apache Answer official website is built using Docusaurus, and we use pnpm to manage dependencies.

# Directory description
├── blog       # blog posts
├── community  # community docs
├── docs       # using docs
├── i18n       # translation files
├── plugins    # plugin config
├── src        # components, custom css and pages
├── static     # static files
└── ...


# pnpm version should > 8
pnpm i

Local Development

pnpm start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.

[!WARNING] Please edit .drawio.svg files in the editor to avoid losing file layer information.


pnpm build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Update Contributor data

// github code contributors pnpm contributors