| #!/usr/bin/env ambari-python-wrap |
| |
| ''' |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| ''' |
| |
| import sys |
| sys.path.append("/usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/") # this file can be run with python2.7 that why we need this |
| |
| # On Linux, the bootstrap process is supposed to run on hosts that may have installed Python 2.4 and above (CentOS 5). |
| # Hence, the whole bootstrap code needs to comply with Python 2.4 instead of Python 2.6. Most notably, @-decorators and |
| # {}-format() are to be avoided. |
| |
| import time |
| import logging |
| import pprint |
| import os |
| from ambari_commons import subprocess32 |
| import threading |
| import traceback |
| import re |
| from datetime import datetime |
| from ambari_commons import OSCheck, OSConst |
| from ambari_commons.os_family_impl import OsFamilyFuncImpl, OsFamilyImpl |
| |
| if OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| from ambari_commons.os_utils import run_os_command, run_in_shell |
| else: |
| from resource_management.core.shell import quote_bash_args |
| |
| # how many parallel bootstraps may be run at a time |
| # How many seconds to wait between polling parallel bootstraps |
| DEBUG = False |
| DEFAULT_AGENT_TEMP_FOLDER = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp" |
| DEFAULT_AGENT_DATA_FOLDER = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/data" |
| DEFAULT_AGENT_LIB_FOLDER = "/var/lib/ambari-agent" |
| SERVER_AMBARI_SUDO = os.getenv('ROOT','/').rstrip('/') + "/var/lib/ambari-server/ambari-sudo.sh" |
| CREATE_PYTHON_WRAP_SCRIPT = os.getenv('ROOT','/').rstrip('/') + "/var/lib/ambari-server/create-python-wrap.sh" |
| REMOTE_CREATE_PYTHON_WRAP_SCRIPT = os.path.join(DEFAULT_AGENT_TEMP_FOLDER, 'create-python-wrap.sh') |
| AMBARI_SUDO = os.path.join(DEFAULT_AGENT_TEMP_FOLDER, 'ambari-sudo.sh') |
| |
| class HostLog: |
| """ Provides per-host logging. """ |
| |
| def __init__(self, log_file): |
| self.log_file = log_file |
| |
| def write(self, log_text): |
| """ |
| Writes log to file. Closes file after each write to make content accessible |
| for poller in ambari-server |
| """ |
| logFile = open(self.log_file, "a+") |
| text = str(log_text) |
| if not text.endswith("\n"): |
| text += "\n" |
| logFile.write(text) |
| logFile.close() |
| |
| |
| class SCP: |
| """ SCP implementation that is thread based. The status can be returned using |
| status val """ |
| def __init__(self, user, sshPort, sshkey_file, host, inputFile, remote, bootdir, host_log): |
| self.user = user |
| self.sshPort = sshPort |
| self.sshkey_file = sshkey_file |
| self.host = host |
| self.inputFile = inputFile |
| self.remote = remote |
| self.bootdir = bootdir |
| self.host_log = host_log |
| pass |
| |
| |
| def run(self): |
| scpcommand = ["scp", |
| "-r", |
| "-o", "ConnectTimeout=60", |
| "-o", "BatchMode=yes", |
| "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-P", self.sshPort, |
| "-i", self.sshkey_file, self.inputFile, self.user + "@" + |
| self.host + ":" + self.remote] |
| if DEBUG: |
| self.host_log.write("Running scp command " + ' '.join(scpcommand)) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================") |
| self.host_log.write("\nCommand start time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| scpstat = subprocess32.Popen(scpcommand, stdout=subprocess32.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess32.PIPE) |
| log = scpstat.communicate() |
| errorMsg = log[1] |
| log = log[0] + "\n" + log[1] |
| self.host_log.write(log) |
| self.host_log.write("scp " + self.inputFile) |
| self.host_log.write("host=" + self.host + ", exitcode=" + str(scpstat.returncode) ) |
| self.host_log.write("Command end time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| return {"exitstatus": scpstat.returncode, "log": log, "errormsg": errorMsg} |
| |
| |
| class SSH: |
| """ Ssh implementation of this """ |
| def __init__(self, user, sshPort, sshkey_file, host, command, bootdir, host_log, errorMessage = None): |
| self.user = user |
| self.sshPort = sshPort |
| self.sshkey_file = sshkey_file |
| self.host = host |
| self.command = command |
| self.bootdir = bootdir |
| self.errorMessage = errorMessage |
| self.host_log = host_log |
| pass |
| |
| |
| def run(self): |
| sshcommand = ["ssh", |
| "-o", "ConnectTimeOut=60", |
| "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", |
| "-o", "BatchMode=yes", |
| "-tt", # Should prevent "tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified" warning |
| "-i", self.sshkey_file, "-p", self.sshPort, |
| self.user + "@" + self.host, self.command] |
| if DEBUG: |
| self.host_log.write("Running ssh command " + ' '.join(sshcommand)) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================") |
| self.host_log.write("\nCommand start time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| sshstat = subprocess32.Popen(sshcommand, stdout=subprocess32.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess32.PIPE) |
| log = sshstat.communicate() |
| errorMsg = log[1] |
| if self.errorMessage and sshstat.returncode != 0: |
| errorMsg = self.errorMessage + "\n" + errorMsg |
| log = log[0] + "\n" + errorMsg |
| self.host_log.write(log) |
| self.host_log.write("SSH command execution finished") |
| self.host_log.write("host=" + self.host + ", exitcode=" + str(sshstat.returncode)) |
| self.host_log.write("Command end time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| return {"exitstatus": sshstat.returncode, "log": log, "errormsg": errorMsg} |
| |
| |
| class PSR: |
| """ PowerShell Remoting implementation of this """ |
| def __init__(self, command, host, host_log, params=None, errorMessage=None): |
| self.command = command |
| self.host = host |
| self.host_log = host_log |
| self.params = params |
| self.errorMessage = errorMessage |
| pass |
| |
| def run(self): |
| #os.environ['COMSPEC'] = 'c:\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe' |
| psrcommand = ["powershell.exe", |
| "-NoProfile", |
| "-InputFormat", "Text", |
| "-ExecutionPolicy", "unrestricted", |
| "-Command", self.command] |
| if self.params: |
| psrcommand.extend([self.params]) |
| if DEBUG: |
| self.host_log.write("Running PowerShell command " + ' '.join(psrcommand)) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================") |
| self.host_log.write("\nCommand start time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(psrcommand) |
| errorMsg = stderr |
| if self.errorMessage and retcode != 0: |
| errorMsg = self.errorMessage + "\n" + stderr |
| log = stdout + "\n" + errorMsg |
| self.host_log.write(log) |
| self.host_log.write("PowerShell command execution finished") |
| self.host_log.write("host=" + self.host + ", exitcode=" + str(retcode)) |
| self.host_log.write("Command end time " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
| return {"exitstatus": retcode, "log": log, "errormsg": errorMsg} |
| |
| |
| class Bootstrap(threading.Thread): |
| """ Bootstrap the agent on a separate host""" |
| SETUP_SCRIPT_FILENAME = "setupAgent.py" |
| |
| def __init__(self, host, shared_state): |
| threading.Thread.__init__(self) |
| self.host = host |
| self.shared_state = shared_state |
| self.status = { |
| "start_time": None, |
| "return_code": None, |
| } |
| log_file = os.path.join(self.shared_state.bootdir, self.host + ".log") |
| self.host_log = HostLog(log_file) |
| self.daemon = True |
| |
| if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| else: |
| |
| # This method is needed to implement the descriptor protocol (make object |
| # to pass self reference to mockups) |
| def __get__(self, obj, objtype): |
| def _call(*args, **kwargs): |
| self(obj, *args, **kwargs) |
| return _call |
| |
| def try_to_execute(self, action): |
| last_retcode = {"exitstatus": 177, "log":"Try to execute '{0}'".format(str(action)), "errormsg":"Execute of '{0}' failed".format(str(action))} |
| try: |
| retcode = action() |
| if isinstance(retcode, int): |
| last_retcode["exitstatus"] = retcode |
| else: |
| last_retcode = retcode |
| except Exception: |
| self.host_log.write("Traceback: " + traceback.format_exc()) |
| return last_retcode |
| |
| def getAmbariVersion(self): |
| ambari_version = self.shared_state.ambari_version |
| if ambari_version is None or ambari_version == "null": |
| return "" |
| else: |
| return ambari_version |
| |
| def createDoneFile(self, retcode): |
| """ Creates .done file for current host. These files are later read from Java code. |
| If .done file for any host is not created, the bootstrap will hang or fail due to timeout""" |
| params = self.shared_state |
| doneFilePath = os.path.join(params.bootdir, self.host + ".done") |
| if not os.path.exists(doneFilePath): |
| doneFile = open(doneFilePath, "w+") |
| doneFile.write(str(retcode)) |
| doneFile.close() |
| |
| def getStatus(self): |
| return self.status |
| |
| def interruptBootstrap(self): |
| """ |
| Thread is not really interrupted (moreover, Python seems to have no any |
| stable/portable/official api to do that: _Thread__stop only marks thread |
| as stopped). The bootstrap thread is marked as a daemon at init, and will |
| exit when the main parallel bootstrap thread exits. |
| All we need to do now is a proper logging and creating .done file |
| """ |
| self.host_log.write("Automatic Agent registration timed out (timeout = {0} seconds). " \ |
| "Check your network connectivity and retry registration," \ |
| " or use manual agent registration.".format(HOST_BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT)) |
| self.createDoneFile(199) |
| |
| |
| |
| @OsFamilyImpl(os_family=OSConst.WINSRV_FAMILY) |
| class BootstrapWindows(Bootstrap): |
| CREATE_REMOTING_DIR_SCRIPT_NAME = "Create-RemotingDir.ps1" |
| SEND_REMOTING_FILE_SCRIPT_NAME = "Send-RemotingFile.ps1" |
| UNZIP_REMOTING_SCRIPT_NAME = "Unzip-RemotingFile.ps1" |
| RUN_REMOTING_SCRIPT_NAME = "Run-RemotingScript.ps1" |
| CONFIGURE_CHOCOLATEY_SCRIPT_NAME = "Configure-Chocolatey.ps1" |
| |
| BOOTSTRAP_ARCHIVE_NAME = "bootstrap.zip" |
| CHOCOLATEY_INSTALL_VAR_NAME = "ChocolateyInstall" |
| CHOCOLATEY_CONFIG_FILENAME = "chocolatey.config" |
| chocolateyConfigName = "chocolatey.config" |
| |
| def getTempFolder(self): |
| installationDrive = os.path.splitdrive(self.shared_state.script_dir)[0] |
| return os.path.join(installationDrive, os.sep, "var", "temp", "bootstrap", self.getAmbariVersion()) |
| |
| def createTargetDir(self): |
| # Creating target dir |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Creating target directory...") |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.CREATE_REMOTING_DIR_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} {1}".format(self.host, self.getTempFolder())) |
| retcode = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def unzippingBootstrapArchive(self): |
| # Unzipping bootstrap archive |
| zipFile = os.path.join(self.getTempFolder(), self.BOOTSTRAP_ARCHIVE_NAME) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Unzipping bootstrap archive...") |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.UNZIP_REMOTING_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} {1} {2}".format(self.host, zipFile, self.getTempFolder())) |
| result = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def copyBootstrapArchive(self): |
| # Copying the bootstrap archive file |
| fileToCopy = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, os.path.dirname(self.shared_state.script_dir), self.shared_state.setup_agent_file) |
| target = os.path.join(self.getTempFolder(), self.BOOTSTRAP_ARCHIVE_NAME) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying bootstrap archive...") |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.SEND_REMOTING_FILE_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} {1} {2}".format(self.host, fileToCopy, target)) |
| result = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def copyChocolateyConfig(self): |
| # Copying chocolatey.config file |
| fileToCopy = getConfigFile() |
| target = os.path.join(self.getTempFolder(), self.CHOCOLATEY_CONFIG_FILENAME) |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying chocolatey config file...") |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.SEND_REMOTING_FILE_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} {1} {2}".format(self.host, fileToCopy, target)) |
| result = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def configureChocolatey(self): |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Running configure chocolatey script...") |
| tmpConfig = os.path.join(self.getTempFolder(), self.CHOCOLATEY_CONFIG_FILENAME) |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.CONFIGURE_CHOCOLATEY_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} {1}".format(self.host, tmpConfig)) |
| result = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def getRunSetupCommand(self, expected_hostname): |
| setupFile = os.path.join(self.getTempFolder(), self.SETUP_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| passphrase = os.environ[AMBARI_PASSPHRASE_VAR_NAME] |
| user_run_as = self.shared_state.user_run_as |
| server = self.shared_state.ambari_server |
| version = self.getAmbariVersion() |
| return ' '.join(['python', setupFile, expected_hostname, passphrase, server, user_run_as, version]) |
| |
| def runSetupAgent(self): |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Running setup agent script...") |
| command = os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.RUN_REMOTING_SCRIPT_NAME) |
| psr = PSR(command, self.host, self.host_log, params="{0} \"{1}\"".format(self.host, self.getRunSetupCommand(self.host))) |
| retcode = psr.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def getConfigFile(self): |
| |
| def run(self): |
| """ Copy files and run commands on remote host """ |
| self.status["start_time"] = time.time() |
| # Population of action queue |
| action_queue = [self.createTargetDir, |
| self.copyBootstrapArchive, |
| self.unzippingBootstrapArchive, |
| self.copyChocolateyConfig, |
| self.configureChocolatey, |
| self.runSetupAgent |
| ] |
| |
| last_retcode = 0 |
| |
| if os.path.exists(getConfigFile()) : |
| # Checking execution result # Execution of action queue |
| while action_queue and last_retcode == 0: |
| action = action_queue.pop(0) |
| ret = self.try_to_execute(action) |
| last_retcode = ret["exitstatus"] |
| err_msg = ret["errormsg"] |
| std_out = ret["log"] |
| else: |
| # If config file is not found, then assume that the hosts have |
| # already been provisioned. Attempt to run the setupAgent script alone. |
| ret = self.try_to_execute(self.runSetupAgent) |
| last_retcode = ret["exitstatus"] |
| err_msg = ret["errormsg"] |
| std_out = ret["log"] |
| pass |
| if last_retcode != 0: |
| message = "ERROR: Bootstrap of host {0} fails because previous action " \ |
| "finished with non-zero exit code ({1})\nERROR MESSAGE: {2}\nSTDOUT: {3}".format(self.host, last_retcode, err_msg, std_out) |
| self.host_log.write(message) |
| logging.error(message) |
| |
| self.createDoneFile(last_retcode) |
| self.status["return_code"] = last_retcode |
| |
| |
| |
| @OsFamilyImpl(os_family=OsFamilyImpl.DEFAULT) |
| class BootstrapDefault(Bootstrap): |
| ambari_commons="/usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/ambari_commons" |
| OS_CHECK_SCRIPT_FILENAME = "os_check_type.py" |
| PASSWORD_FILENAME = "host_pass" |
| |
| def getRemoteName(self, filename): |
| full_name = os.path.join(self.TEMP_FOLDER, filename) |
| remote_files = self.shared_state.remote_files |
| if not remote_files.has_key(full_name): |
| remote_files[full_name] = self.generateRandomFileName(full_name) |
| return remote_files[full_name] |
| |
| def generateRandomFileName(self, filename): |
| if filename is None: |
| return self.getUtime() |
| else: |
| name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) |
| return str(name) + str(self.getUtime()) + str(ext) |
| |
| def getRepoDir(self): |
| if OSCheck.is_redhat_family(): |
| return "/etc/yum.repos.d" |
| elif OSCheck.is_suse_family(): |
| return "/etc/zypp/repos.d" |
| elif OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| return "/etc/apt/sources.list.d" |
| else: |
| raise Exception("Unsupported OS family '{0}'".format(OSCheck.get_os_family())) |
| |
| def getRepoFile(self): |
| """ Ambari repo file for Ambari.""" |
| return os.path.join(self.getRepoDir(), self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) |
| |
| def getOsCheckScript(self): |
| return os.path.join(self.shared_state.script_dir, self.OS_CHECK_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| |
| def getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation(self): |
| return self.getRemoteName(self.OS_CHECK_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| |
| def getCommonFunctionsRemoteLocation(self): |
| return self.TEMP_FOLDER; |
| |
| def getUtime(self): |
| return int(time.time()) |
| |
| def getPasswordFile(self): |
| return self.getRemoteName(self.PASSWORD_FILENAME) |
| |
| def hasPassword(self): |
| password_file = self.shared_state.password_file |
| return password_file is not None and password_file != 'null' |
| |
| def copyAmbariSudo(self): |
| # Copying the os check script file |
| target = self.TEMP_FOLDER |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying ambari sudo script...") |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| result = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def copyCreatePythonWrapScript(self): |
| # Copying the script which will create python wrap |
| target = self.TEMP_FOLDER |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying create-python-wrap script...") |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| result = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def copyOsCheckScript(self): |
| # Copying the os check script file |
| fileToCopy = self.getOsCheckScript() |
| target = self.getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation() |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying OS type check script...") |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| result = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return result |
| |
| def copyCommonFunctions(self): |
| # Copying the os check script file |
| fileToCopy = self.ambari_commons |
| target = self.getCommonFunctionsRemoteLocation() |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying common functions script...") |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| result = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| result["exitstatus"] = 0 # ignore not copied *.pyc files with permission denied. |
| return result |
| |
| def getMoveRepoFileWithPasswordCommand(self, targetDir): |
| return "{sudo} -S mv ".format(sudo=AMBARI_SUDO) + str(self.getRemoteName(self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME)) \ |
| + " " + os.path.join(str(targetDir), self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) + \ |
| " < " + str(self.getPasswordFile()) |
| |
| def getMoveRepoFileWithoutPasswordCommand(self, targetDir): |
| return "{sudo} mv ".format(sudo=AMBARI_SUDO) + str(self.getRemoteName(self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME)) \ |
| + " " + os.path.join(str(targetDir), self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) |
| |
| def getMoveRepoFileCommand(self, targetDir): |
| if self.hasPassword(): |
| return self.getMoveRepoFileWithPasswordCommand(targetDir) |
| else: |
| return self.getMoveRepoFileWithoutPasswordCommand(targetDir) |
| |
| def getAptUpdateCommand(self): |
| return "%s apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=\"%s/%s\" -o API::Get::List-Cleanup=\"0\" --no-list-cleanup" %\ |
| (AMBARI_SUDO, "sources.list.d", self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) |
| |
| def getRepoFileChmodCommand(self): |
| return "{0} chmod 644 {1}".format(AMBARI_SUDO, self.getRepoFile()) |
| |
| def copyNeededFiles(self): |
| # get the params |
| params = self.shared_state |
| |
| # Copying the files |
| fileToCopy = self.getRepoFile() |
| target = self.getRemoteName(self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) |
| |
| if (os.path.exists(fileToCopy)): |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying repo file to 'tmp' folder...") |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode1 = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| |
| # Move file to repo dir |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Moving file to repo dir...") |
| targetDir = self.getRepoDir() |
| command = self.getMoveRepoFileCommand(targetDir) |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode2 = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| |
| # Change permissions on ambari.repo |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Changing permissions for ambari.repo...") |
| command = self.getRepoFileChmodCommand() |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode4 = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| |
| # Update repo cache for ubuntu OS |
| if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Update apt cache of repository...") |
| command = self.getAptUpdateCommand() |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode2 = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| |
| retcode = max(retcode1["exitstatus"], retcode2["exitstatus"], retcode4["exitstatus"]) |
| else: |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying required files...") |
| self.host_log.write("Ambari repo file not found: {0}".format(self.getRepoFile())) |
| retcode = -1 |
| pass |
| |
| # copy the setup script file |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Copying setup script file...") |
| fileToCopy = params.setup_agent_file |
| target = self.getRemoteName(self.SETUP_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, fileToCopy, |
| target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode3 = scp.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| |
| return max(retcode, retcode3["exitstatus"]) |
| |
| def getAmbariPort(self): |
| server_port = self.shared_state.server_port |
| if server_port is None or server_port == "null": |
| return "null" |
| else: |
| return server_port |
| |
| def getRunSetupWithPasswordCommand(self, expected_hostname): |
| setupFile = self.getRemoteName(self.SETUP_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| passphrase = os.environ[AMBARI_PASSPHRASE_VAR_NAME] |
| server = self.shared_state.ambari_server |
| user_run_as = self.shared_state.user_run_as |
| version = self.getAmbariVersion() |
| port = self.getAmbariPort() |
| passwordFile = self.getPasswordFile() |
| return "{sudo} -S python ".format(sudo=AMBARI_SUDO) + str(setupFile) + " " + str(expected_hostname) + \ |
| " " + str(passphrase) + " " + str(server)+ " " + quote_bash_args(str(user_run_as)) + " " + str(version) + \ |
| " " + str(port) + " < " + str(passwordFile) |
| |
| def getRunSetupWithoutPasswordCommand(self, expected_hostname): |
| setupFile=self.getRemoteName(self.SETUP_SCRIPT_FILENAME) |
| passphrase=os.environ[AMBARI_PASSPHRASE_VAR_NAME] |
| server=self.shared_state.ambari_server |
| user_run_as = self.shared_state.user_run_as |
| version=self.getAmbariVersion() |
| port=self.getAmbariPort() |
| return "{sudo} python ".format(sudo=AMBARI_SUDO) + str(setupFile) + " " + str(expected_hostname) + \ |
| " " + str(passphrase) + " " + str(server)+ " " + quote_bash_args(str(user_run_as)) + " " + str(version) + \ |
| " " + str(port) |
| |
| def runCreatePythonWrapScript(self): |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Running create-python-wrap script...") |
| |
| command = "chmod a+x {script} && {sudo} {script}".format(sudo=AMBARI_SUDO, script=REMOTE_CREATE_PYTHON_WRAP_SCRIPT) |
| |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def runOsCheckScript(self): |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Running OS type check...") |
| |
| command = "chmod a+x %s && %s %s %s" % \ |
| (self.getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation(), |
| PYTHON_ENV, self.getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation(), params.cluster_os_type) |
| |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def checkSudoPackage(self): |
| """ Checking 'sudo' package on remote host """ |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Checking 'sudo' package on remote host...") |
| params = self.shared_state |
| if OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family(): |
| command = "dpkg --get-selections|grep -e '^sudo\s*install'" |
| else: |
| command = "rpm -qa | grep -e '^sudo\-'" |
| command = "[ \"$EUID\" -eq 0 ] || " + command |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log, |
| errorMessage="Error: Sudo command is not available. " |
| "Please install the sudo command.") |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def copyPasswordFile(self): |
| # Copy the password file |
| self.host_log.write("Copying password file to 'tmp' folder...") |
| params = self.shared_state |
| scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, params.password_file, |
| self.getPasswordFile(), params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode1 = scp.run() |
| |
| self.copied_password_file = True |
| |
| # Change password file mode to 600 |
| self.host_log.write("Changing password file mode...") |
| command = "chmod 600 " + self.getPasswordFile() |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode2 = ssh.run() |
| |
| self.host_log.write("Copying password file finished") |
| return max(retcode1["exitstatus"], retcode2["exitstatus"]) |
| |
| def changePasswordFileModeOnHost(self): |
| # Change password file mode to 600 |
| self.host_log.write("Changing password file mode...") |
| params = self.shared_state |
| command = "chmod 600 " + self.getPasswordFile() |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("Change password file mode on host finished") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def deletePasswordFile(self): |
| # Deleting the password file |
| self.host_log.write("Deleting password file...") |
| params = self.shared_state |
| command = "rm " + self.getPasswordFile() |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("Deleting password file finished") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def createTargetDir(self): |
| # Creating target dir |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Creating target directory...") |
| params = self.shared_state |
| user = params.user |
| |
| command = "SUDO=$([ \"$EUID\" -eq 0 ] && echo || echo sudo) ; $SUDO mkdir -p {0} ; $SUDO chown -R {1} {0} ; $SUDO chmod 755 {3} ; $SUDO chmod 755 {2} ; $SUDO chmod 1777 {0}".format( |
| |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def getRunSetupCommand(self, expected_hostname): |
| if self.hasPassword(): |
| return self.getRunSetupWithPasswordCommand(expected_hostname) |
| else: |
| return self.getRunSetupWithoutPasswordCommand(expected_hostname) |
| |
| def runSetupAgent(self): |
| params = self.shared_state |
| self.host_log.write("==========================\n") |
| self.host_log.write("Running setup agent script...") |
| command = self.getRunSetupCommand(self.host) |
| ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshPort, params.sshkey_file, self.host, command, |
| params.bootdir, self.host_log) |
| retcode = ssh.run() |
| self.host_log.write("\n") |
| return retcode |
| |
| def run(self): |
| """ Copy files and run commands on remote host """ |
| self.status["start_time"] = time.time() |
| # Population of action queue |
| action_queue = [self.createTargetDir, |
| self.copyAmbariSudo, |
| self.copyCommonFunctions, |
| self.copyCreatePythonWrapScript, |
| self.copyOsCheckScript, |
| self.runCreatePythonWrapScript, |
| self.runOsCheckScript, |
| self.checkSudoPackage |
| ] |
| if self.hasPassword(): |
| action_queue.extend([self.copyPasswordFile, |
| self.changePasswordFileModeOnHost]) |
| action_queue.extend([ |
| self.copyNeededFiles, |
| self.runSetupAgent, |
| ]) |
| |
| # Execution of action queue |
| last_retcode = 0 |
| while action_queue and last_retcode == 0: |
| action = action_queue.pop(0) |
| ret = self.try_to_execute(action) |
| last_retcode = ret["exitstatus"] |
| err_msg = ret["errormsg"] |
| std_out = ret["log"] |
| # Checking execution result |
| if last_retcode != 0: |
| message = "ERROR: Bootstrap of host {0} fails because previous action " \ |
| "finished with non-zero exit code ({1})\nERROR MESSAGE: {2}\nSTDOUT: {3}".format(self.host, last_retcode, err_msg, std_out) |
| self.host_log.write(message) |
| logging.error(message) |
| # Try to delete password file |
| if self.hasPassword() and self.copied_password_file: |
| retcode = self.try_to_execute(self.deletePasswordFile) |
| if retcode["exitstatus"] != 0: |
| message = "WARNING: failed to delete password file " \ |
| "at {0}. Please delete it manually".format(self.getPasswordFile()) |
| self.host_log.write(message) |
| logging.warn(message) |
| |
| self.createDoneFile(last_retcode) |
| self.status["return_code"] = last_retcode |
| |
| |
| |
| class PBootstrap: |
| """ BootStrapping the agents on a list of hosts""" |
| def __init__(self, hosts, sharedState): |
| self.hostlist = hosts |
| self.sharedState = sharedState |
| pass |
| |
| def run_bootstrap(self, host): |
| bootstrap = Bootstrap(host, self.sharedState) |
| bootstrap.start() |
| return bootstrap |
| |
| def run(self): |
| """ Run up to MAX_PARALLEL_BOOTSTRAPS at a time in parallel """ |
| logging.info("Executing parallel bootstrap") |
| queue = list(self.hostlist) |
| queue.reverse() |
| running_list = [] |
| finished_list = [] |
| while queue or running_list: # until queue is not empty or not all parallel bootstraps are |
| # poll running bootstraps |
| for bootstrap in running_list: |
| if bootstrap.getStatus()["return_code"] is not None: |
| finished_list.append(bootstrap) |
| else: |
| starttime = bootstrap.getStatus()["start_time"] |
| elapsedtime = time.time() - starttime |
| if elapsedtime > HOST_BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT: |
| # bootstrap timed out |
| logging.warn("Bootstrap at host {0} timed out and will be " |
| "interrupted".format(bootstrap.host)) |
| bootstrap.interruptBootstrap() |
| finished_list.append(bootstrap) |
| # Remove finished from the running list |
| running_list[:] = [b for b in running_list if not b in finished_list] |
| # Start new bootstraps from the queue |
| free_slots = MAX_PARALLEL_BOOTSTRAPS - len(running_list) |
| for i in range(free_slots): |
| if queue: |
| next_host = queue.pop() |
| bootstrap = self.run_bootstrap(next_host) |
| running_list.append(bootstrap) |
| time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL_SEC) |
| logging.info("Finished parallel bootstrap") |
| |
| |
| class SharedState: |
| def __init__(self, user, sshPort, sshkey_file, script_dir, boottmpdir, setup_agent_file, |
| ambari_server, cluster_os_type, ambari_version, server_port, |
| user_run_as, password_file = None): |
| self.hostlist_to_remove_password_file = None |
| self.user = user |
| self.sshPort = sshPort |
| self.sshkey_file = sshkey_file |
| self.bootdir = boottmpdir |
| self.script_dir = script_dir |
| self.setup_agent_file = setup_agent_file |
| self.ambari_server = ambari_server |
| self.cluster_os_type = cluster_os_type |
| self.ambari_version = ambari_version |
| self.user_run_as = user_run_as |
| self.password_file = password_file |
| self.statuses = None |
| self.server_port = server_port |
| self.remote_files = {} |
| self.ret = {} |
| pass |
| |
| |
| def main(argv=None): |
| scriptDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(argv[0])) |
| onlyargs = argv[1:] |
| if len(onlyargs) < 3: |
| sys.stderr.write("Usage: <comma separated hosts> " |
| "<tmpdir for storage> <user> <sshPort> <sshkey_file> <agent setup script>" |
| " <ambari-server name> <cluster os type> <ambari version> <ambari port> <user_run_as> <passwordFile>\n") |
| sys.exit(2) |
| pass |
| |
| |
| #Parse the input |
| hostList = onlyargs[0].split(",") |
| bootdir = onlyargs[1] |
| user = onlyargs[2] |
| sshPort = onlyargs[3] |
| sshkey_file = onlyargs[4] |
| setupAgentFile = onlyargs[5] |
| ambariServer = onlyargs[6] |
| cluster_os_type = onlyargs[7] |
| ambariVersion = onlyargs[8] |
| server_port = onlyargs[9] |
| user_run_as = onlyargs[10] |
| passwordFile = onlyargs[11] |
| |
| if not OSCheck.is_windows_family(): |
| # ssh doesn't like open files |
| subprocess32.Popen(["chmod", "600", sshkey_file], stdout=subprocess32.PIPE) |
| |
| if passwordFile is not None and passwordFile != 'null': |
| subprocess32.Popen(["chmod", "600", passwordFile], stdout=subprocess32.PIPE) |
| |
| logging.info("BootStrapping hosts " + pprint.pformat(hostList) + |
| " using " + scriptDir + " cluster primary OS: " + cluster_os_type + |
| " with user '" + user + "'with ssh Port '" + sshPort + "' sshKey File " + sshkey_file + " password File " + passwordFile +\ |
| " using tmp dir " + bootdir + " ambari: " + ambariServer +"; server_port: " + server_port +\ |
| "; ambari version: " + ambariVersion+"; user_run_as: " + user_run_as) |
| sharedState = SharedState(user, sshPort, sshkey_file, scriptDir, bootdir, setupAgentFile, |
| ambariServer, cluster_os_type, ambariVersion, |
| server_port, user_run_as, passwordFile) |
| pbootstrap = PBootstrap(hostList, sharedState) |
| pbootstrap.run() |
| return 0 # Hack to comply with current usage |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
| main(sys.argv) |