Modify Authentication Source

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Update an existing authentication source identified by :source_id for a user identified by :user_name. If the AuthenticationSourceInfo/authentication_type is set the found authentication source resource is tested to ensure it matches the expected value.

PUT /user/:user_name/sources/:source_id



Update an authentication source for user jdoe when authenticated as a user administrator.

PUT /users/jdoe/sources/1234

  "AuthenticationSourceInfo": {
    "key": "new_secret"

200 OK

Update an authentication source for user jdoe when authenticated as a user administrator, verifying that the authentication source resource is a LOCAL authentication source.

PUT /users/jdoe/sources/1234

  "AuthenticationSourceInfo": {
    "authentication_type": "LOCAL",
    "key": "new_secret"

200 OK

Update an authentication source for user jdoe when authenticated as jdoe.

PUT /users/jdoe/sources/1234

  "AuthenticationSourceInfo": {
    "old_key": "secret",
    "key": "new_secret"

200 OK