blob: 832f5ae613577f97b08cab3cafca938c91fe6fdd [file] [log] [blame]
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import subprocess
import datetime
from config import Config
from docker import Docker
from vm import VM
import os
import time
from log import Log
from data import Data
class Cluster:
The Cluster instance holds a list of VMs,
it has the methods to request cluster, generate information and run all Ambari-agent and Ambari-server
# The constants represent the state of the cluster
# A newly requested cluster is in FREE state
# A cluster with running Ambari-server and Ambari-agents is in RUNNING state
# A cluster is merged into another cluster and running, is in MERGE state
# the name of the extended cluster is directly following the state String in JSON
def __init__(self):
self.cluster_name = ""
self.state = ""
self.create_time = ""
# The list should only has one or zero VM, which holds the Ambari-server
self.ambari_server_vm = []
# The list of VMs, with Ambari-agents directly inside (not in Docker)
self.service_server_vm_list = []
# The list of VMs, each will hold multiple Docker containers with Ambari-agent inside
self.ambari_agent_vm_list = []
def _get_int_interval(self, int_list):
get the interval of the integer list
example: input[4,5,6,1,2,3], output [(1,3),(4,6)]
example: input[4,5,6,100,2,3], output [(2,3),(4,6),(100,100)]
:param int_list: the list of integer
:return: a tuple, each tuple has 2 integer, representing one interval
interval_list = []
begin = None
end = None
for integer in int_list:
if begin is None:
begin = integer
end = integer
if integer == end + 1:
end = integer
interval_list.append((begin, end))
begin = integer
end = integer
if begin is not None:
interval_list.append((begin, end))
return interval_list
def print_description(self):
print "cluster name: ", self.cluster_name
print "create time: ", self.create_time
print "state: ", self.state
print "Ambari Server: "
ambari_server_vm = self.get_ambari_server_vm()
if ambari_server_vm is None:
print "None"
print ambari_server_vm.domain_name, " ", ambari_server_vm.external_ip, " ",\
print "Service Server with Ambari Agent directly installed: "
if len(self.service_server_vm_list) == 0:
print "None"
for vm in self.service_server_vm_list:
print vm.weave_domain_name, " ", vm.external_ip, " ", vm.weave_internal_ip
print "Ambari Agent in Docker Container: "
int_list = []
for vm in self.ambari_agent_vm_list:
for docker in vm.docker_list:
interval_list = self._get_int_interval(int_list)
for interval in interval_list:
interval_str = ""
if interval[0] == interval[1]:
interval_str = str(interval(0))
interval_str = "[{0}-{1}]".format(interval[0], interval[1])
print Docker.get_pattern_presentation(self.cluster_name, interval_str)
def get_agent_vm(self, vm_ip):
get the VM instance which holds Docker containers from the cluster instance
:param vm_ip: the external IP of the target VM
:return: the VM instance with the specified iP
for vm in self.ambari_agent_vm_list:
if vm.external_ip == vm_ip:
return vm
def get_ambari_server_vm(self):
get the VM instance which hold the Ambari-server
:return: the VM instance hold the Ambari-server, or None if no Ambari-server in this cluster
for vm in self.ambari_server_vm:
return vm
return None
def get_service_server_vm(self, vm_ip):
get the VM instance which directly hold the Ambari-agent
:param vm_ip: the external IP of the target VM
for vm in self.service_server_vm_list:
if vm.external_ip == vm_ip:
return vm
def to_json(self):
create a map to hold the information of the Cluster instance
:return: A map, which is JSON format object.
cluster = {}
cluster["cluster_name"] = self.cluster_name
cluster["create_time"] = self.create_time
cluster["state"] = self.state
cluster["ambari_server_vm"] = []
for vm in self.ambari_server_vm:
cluster["service_server_vm_list"] = []
for vm in self.service_server_vm_list:
cluster["ambari_agent_vm_list"] = []
for vm in self.ambari_agent_vm_list:
return cluster
def load_from_json(cluster_name):
load the cluster information from json file
:param cluster_name: the name of the cluster
:return: a Cluster instance or None if no such cluster
data = Data()
json_data = data.read_cluster_json(cluster_name)
if json_data is None:
return None
ambari_server_vm = []
service_server_vm_list = []
ambari_agent_vm_list = []
for vm_json in json_data["ambari_server_vm"]:
for vm_json in json_data["service_server_vm_list"]:
for vm_json in json_data["ambari_agent_vm_list"]:
cluster = Cluster()
cluster.cluster_name = cluster_name
cluster.state = json_data["state"]
cluster.create_time = json_data["create_time"]
cluster.ambari_server_vm = ambari_server_vm
cluster.service_server_vm_list = service_server_vm_list
cluster.ambari_agent_vm_list = ambari_agent_vm_list
return cluster
def _extract_vm_fqdn_ip(self, gce_info_file_name):
exatract domain name and IP address of VMs from the output file of GCE
:param gce_info_file_name: output file of "GCE info" command
:return: A list of tuple, each tuple has domain name and IP of a VM
lines = []
with open(gce_info_file_name) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
vm_list = []
# the first line in the output file is title
for line in lines[1:]:
tokens = line.split()
fqdn_ip = (tokens[0], tokens[1])
return vm_list
def request_vm(self, name, vm_num, gce_vm_type, gce_vm_os, gce_extra_cmd):
Request VMs from GCE
:param name: the name prefix of all requesting VMs
:param vm_num: the number of VM
:param gce_vm_type: the type of VM
:param gce_vm_os: the OS of VM
:param gce_extra_cmd: extra command for requesting the VMs
:return: A list of tuple, each tuple has domain name and IP of a VM
gce_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["gce_controller_key_file"]
gce_login = "{0}@{1}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["gce_controller_user"], Config.ATTRIBUTES["gce_controller_ip"])
gce_up_cmd = "gce up {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(name, vm_num, gce_vm_type, gce_vm_os, gce_extra_cmd)["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", gce_key, gce_login, gce_up_cmd])
Log.write("cluster launched, wait for cluster info ... ...")
fqdn_ip_pairs = []
# wait for long enough. the more VM, more time it takes.
for retry in range(max(6, vm_num)):
# request cluster info
with open(Config.ATTRIBUTES["gce_info_output"], "w") as gce_info_output_file:
gce_info_cmd = "gce info {0}".format(name)["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", gce_key, gce_login, gce_info_cmd],
fqdn_ip_pairs = self._extract_vm_fqdn_ip(Config.ATTRIBUTES["gce_info_output"])
if len(fqdn_ip_pairs) == vm_num:
Log.write("Get info for all ", str(len(fqdn_ip_pairs)), " VMs successfully")
Log.write("Only get info for ", str(len(fqdn_ip_pairs)), " VMs, retry ... ...")
return fqdn_ip_pairs
def request_ambari_server_vm(self, name):
request a VM for holding Ambari-server
:param name: the name prefix of all requesting VMs
:return: A list of tuple, each tuple has domain name and IP of a VM
# only 1 ambari server
vm_num = 1
gce_vm_type = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_server_vm_type"]
gce_vm_os = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_server_vm_os"]
gce_extra_cmd = ""
if "ambari_server_vm_extra" in Config.ATTRIBUTES:
gce_extra_cmd = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_server_vm_extra"]
fqdn_ip_pairs = self.request_vm(name, vm_num, gce_vm_type, gce_vm_os, gce_extra_cmd)
return fqdn_ip_pairs
def reqeust_service_server_vm(self, vm_num, name):
Request VMs to directly hold Ambari-agent (not inside Docker)
:param vm_num: the number of VM to request
:param name: the name prefix of all requesting VMs
:return: A list of tuple, each tuple has domain name and IP of a VM
gce_vm_type = Config.ATTRIBUTES["service_server_vm_type"]
gce_vm_os = Config.ATTRIBUTES["service_server_vm_os"]
gce_extra_cmd = ""
if "service_server_vm_extra" in Config.ATTRIBUTES:
gce_extra_cmd = Config.ATTRIBUTES["service_server_vm_extra"]
fqdn_ip_pairs = self.request_vm(name, vm_num, gce_vm_type, gce_vm_os, gce_extra_cmd)
return fqdn_ip_pairs
def request_agent_vm(self, vm_num, name):
Request VMs to hold Docker containers, each with Ambari-agent inside
:param vm_num: the number of VM to request
:param name: the name prefix of all requesting VMs
:return: A list of tuple, each tuple has domain name and IP of a VM
gce_vm_type = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_agent_vm_type"]
gce_vm_os = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_agent_vm_os"]
gce_extra_disk = ""
if "ambari_agent_vm_extra_disk" in Config.ATTRIBUTES:
gce_extra_disk = Config.ATTRIBUTES["ambari_agent_vm_extra_disk"]
fqdn_ip_pairs = self.request_vm(name, vm_num, gce_vm_type, gce_vm_os, gce_extra_disk)
return fqdn_ip_pairs
def request_gce_cluster(self, ambari_agent_vm_num, docker_num,
service_server_num, with_ambari_server, cluster_name):
Request a cluster from GCE
:param ambari_agent_vm_num: number of VMs to hold Docker containers
:param docker_num: number of Docker containers inside each VM
:param service_server_num: number of VMs which has Ambari-agent directly installed (not in Docker)
:param with_ambari_server: True or False, whether to request a VM to hold Ambari-server
:param cluster_name: the name of the cluster
:return: None
ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs = []
if with_ambari_server is True:
ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs = self.request_ambari_server_vm(VM.get_ambari_server_vm_name(cluster_name))
service_server_fqdn_ip_pairs = self.reqeust_service_server_vm(service_server_num,
ambari_agent_fqdn_ip_pairs = self.request_agent_vm(ambari_agent_vm_num,
# prepare all attributes of the cluster, write to a file
self.generate_cluster_info(cluster_name, ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs, service_server_fqdn_ip_pairs,
ambari_agent_fqdn_ip_pairs, docker_num)
def generate_cluster_info(self, cluster_name, ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs, service_server_fqdn_ip_pairs,
ambari_agent_fqdn_ip_pairs, docker_num):
generate VM and docker info for this cluster
set up parameter of the class instance as this info
:param cluster_name: the name of the cluster
:param ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs: the domain name and IP pairs for Ambari-server
:param service_server_fqdn_ip_pairs: the domain name and IP pairs for VMs with Ambari-agent installed
:param ambari_agent_fqdn_ip_pairs: the domain name and IP pairs for VM with Docker containers
:param docker_num: the number of Dockers inside each VMs
:return: None
weave_ip_base = Config.ATTRIBUTES["weave_ip_base"]
weave_ip_mask = Config.ATTRIBUTES["weave_ip_mask"]
current_ip = weave_ip_base
for vm_domain_name, vm_ip in ambari_server_fqdn_ip_pairs:
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
weave_dns_ip = current_ip
vm = VM(vm_ip, vm_domain_name, weave_dns_ip, weave_ip_mask)
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
vm.weave_internal_ip = current_ip
for vm_domain_name, vm_ip in service_server_fqdn_ip_pairs:
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
weave_dns_ip = current_ip
vm = VM(vm_ip, vm_domain_name, weave_dns_ip, weave_ip_mask)
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
vm.weave_internal_ip = current_ip
vm_index = 0
for vm_domain_name, vm_ip in ambari_agent_fqdn_ip_pairs:
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
weave_dns_ip = current_ip
vm = VM(vm_ip, vm_domain_name, weave_dns_ip, weave_ip_mask)
for docker_index in range(0, docker_num):
current_ip = self._increase_ip(current_ip, 1)
docker_ip_str = current_ip
total_docker_index = vm_index * docker_num + docker_index
docker_domain_name = Docker.get_weave_domain_name(cluster_name, total_docker_index)
docker = Docker(docker_ip_str, str(weave_ip_mask), docker_domain_name)
vm_index += 1
self.cluster_name = cluster_name
self.create_time = str(
self.state = Cluster.STATE_FREE
# update config file.
# This step makes the user avoid reconfiguring the IP for next cluster creation
Config.update("weave", "weave_ip_base", current_ip)
def _increase_ip(self, base_ip_str, increase):
increase the IP address.
example:, increased by 1:
example:, increased by 2:
:param base_ip_str: the IP to be increased
:param increase: the amount of increase
:return: the new IP address, in String
base_ip = base_ip_str.split(".")
new_ip = [int(base_ip[0]), int(base_ip[1]), int(base_ip[2]), int(base_ip[3])]
new_ip[3] = new_ip[3] + increase
for index in reversed(range(0, 4)):
if new_ip[index] > 255:
new_ip[index - 1] += (new_ip[index] / 256)
new_ip[index] %= 256
return "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}".format(new_ip[0], new_ip[1], new_ip[2], new_ip[3])
def _scp_upload(self, vm_external_ip):
upload all the code in a VM
:param vm_external_ip: the external IP of the VM
:return: None
# upload necessary file to VM
vm_directory = "{0}@{1}:{2}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_user"], vm_external_ip,
vm_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_key_file"]
upload_return_code = 0
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as shutup:
upload_return_code =["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i",
vm_key, "-r", ".", vm_directory],
stdout=shutup, stderr=shutup)
if upload_return_code == 0:
Log.write("VM ", vm_external_ip, " file upload succeed")
Log.write("VM ", vm_external_ip, " file upload fail")
def _set_executable_permission(self, vm_external_ip):
Set all shell file to be executable
:param vm_external_ip: the external IP of the VM
:return: None
vm_ssh_login = "{0}@{1}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_user"], vm_external_ip)
vm_ssh_cd_cmd = "cd {0}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_code_directory"])
vm_ssh_chmod_cmd = "chmod a+x **/*.sh"
vm_ssh_cmd = "{0};{1}".format(vm_ssh_cd_cmd, vm_ssh_chmod_cmd)
vm_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_key_file"]
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as shutup:
subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t", "-i", vm_key,
vm_ssh_login, vm_ssh_cmd],
stdout=shutup, stderr=shutup)
def run_cluster(self, server_weave_ip, server_external_ip):
Run all Ambari-agents and Ambari-server in the cluster in parallel
Wait until all processes finish
:param server_weave_ip: the Weave IP of Ambari-server
:param server_external_ip: the external IP of Ambari-server
:return: None
process_list = {}
process_list.update(self.run_service_server_asyn(server_weave_ip, server_external_ip))
process_list.update(self.run_docker_on_cluster_asyn(server_weave_ip, server_external_ip))
terminate_state_list = {}
for hostname in process_list:
terminate_state_list[hostname] = False
Log.write("Wait for all VMs to finish configuration ... ...")
# Wait for all configuration subprocesses
while True:
all_finished = True
for hostname in process_list:
output_file, output_file_path, process = process_list[hostname]
if terminate_state_list[hostname] is False:
all_finished = False
returncode = process.poll()
if returncode is None:
Log.write("VM ", hostname, " configuration completed, return code: ", str(returncode),
", output file path: ", output_file_path)
terminate_state_list[hostname] = True
if all_finished:
Log.write("All VM configuration completed.")
def run_ambari_server_asyn(self):
Run configuration for Ambari-server in this cluster
Set up Ambari-server and Weave network
The method is NON-BLOCK
:return: a map of tuple, the key of the map is the host name of the VM,
the tuple has 3 elements: the file handler of the output of the VM,
the file path of the output of the VM,
and the process object of configuration for the VM
process_list = {}
for vm in self.ambari_server_vm:
vm_external_ip = vm.external_ip
vm_output_file_path = vm.get_ssh_output_file_path()
vm_output_file = open(vm_output_file_path, "w")
# ssh install server
vm_ssh_login = "{0}@{1}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_user"], vm_external_ip)
vm_ssh_cd_cmd = "cd {0}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_code_directory"])
vm_ssh_python_cmd = "python {0}".format(self.cluster_name)
vm_ssh_cmd = "{0};{1}".format(vm_ssh_cd_cmd, vm_ssh_python_cmd)
vm_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_key_file"]
process = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t", "-i", vm_key,
vm_ssh_login, vm_ssh_cmd],
stdout=vm_output_file, stderr=vm_output_file)
process_list[vm.hostname] = (vm_output_file, vm_output_file_path, process)
Log.write("Configuring VM ", vm.hostname, " ... ...")
return process_list
def run_service_server_asyn(self, server_weave_ip, server_external_ip):
Run configuration, set up Ambari-agent in this VM, and the Weave network
:param server_weave_ip: the Weave IP of the Ambari-server
:param server_external_ip: the external IP of the Ambari-server
The method is NON-BLOCK
:return: a map of tuple, the key of the map is the host name of the VM,
the tuple has 3 elements: the file handler of the output of the VM,
the file path of the output of the VM,
and the process object of configuration for the VM
process_list = {}
for vm in self.service_server_vm_list:
vm_external_ip = vm.external_ip
vm_output_file_path = vm.get_ssh_output_file_path()
vm_output_file = open(vm_output_file_path, "w")
# ssh install server
vm_ssh_login = "{0}@{1}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_user"], vm_external_ip)
vm_ssh_cd_cmd = "cd {0}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_code_directory"])
vm_ssh_python_cmd = "python {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(
vm_external_ip, server_weave_ip, server_external_ip, self.cluster_name)
vm_ssh_cmd = "{0};{1}".format(vm_ssh_cd_cmd, vm_ssh_python_cmd)
vm_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_key_file"]
process = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t", "-i", vm_key,
vm_ssh_login, vm_ssh_cmd],
stdout=vm_output_file, stderr=vm_output_file)
process_list[vm.hostname] = (vm_output_file, vm_output_file_path, process)
Log.write("Configuring VM ", vm.hostname, " ... ...")
return process_list
def run_docker_on_cluster_asyn(self, server_weave_ip, server_external_ip):
Run configuration, set up Docker and Weave network
run all containers, each with Ambari-agent inside
:param server_weave_ip: the Weave IP of the Ambari-server
:param server_external_ip: the external IP of the Ambari-server
The method is NON-BLOCK
:return: a map of tuple, the key of the map is the host name of the VM,
the tuple has 3 elements: the file handler of the output of the VM,
the file path of the output of the VM,
and the process object of configuration for the VM
process_list = {}
for vm in self.ambari_agent_vm_list:
vm_external_ip = vm.external_ip
vm_output_file_path = vm.get_ssh_output_file_path()
vm_output_file = open(vm_output_file_path, "w")
vm_ssh_login = "{0}@{1}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_user"], vm_external_ip)
vm_ssh_cd_cmd = "cd {0}".format(Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_code_directory"])
vm_ssh_python_cmd = "python {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(
vm_external_ip, server_weave_ip, server_external_ip, self.cluster_name)
vm_ssh_cmd = "{0};{1}".format(vm_ssh_cd_cmd, vm_ssh_python_cmd)
vm_key = Config.ATTRIBUTES["vm_key_file"]
process = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t", "-i", vm_key,
vm_ssh_login, vm_ssh_cmd],
stdout=vm_output_file, stderr=vm_output_file)
process_list[vm.hostname] = (vm_output_file, vm_output_file_path, process)
Log.write("Configuring VM ", vm.hostname, " ... ...")
return process_list