The Phone List Upgrade view is upgraded version of Phone List View, that demonstrates changing the data schema and data migration from previous version. The new version adds support of storing user surname, in addition to names and phone numbers. The user may add, modify or delete numbers from the list through the view UI. This document also describes migration process and how to add data migration support to any view.
Any view instance can have two types of persistent data: persistence entities (separate table for each one) and instance data (key-value storage). So the view should support migration of both types of data.
To initiate the migration process, API should be called
PUT http://<server>:8080/api/v1/views/<targetView>/versions/<targetVersion>/instances/<targetInstance>/migrate/<originVersion>/<originInstance>
In the case of Phone List Upgrade View, to test migration of persistence entities it would be
PUT http://<server>:8080/api/v1/views/PHONE_LIST/versions/2.0.0/instances/LIST_2/migrate/1.0.0/LIST_2
And for the instance data (key-value storage):
PUT http://<server>:8080/api/v1/views/PHONE_LIST/versions/2.0.0/instances/LIST_1/migrate/1.0.0/LIST_1
In order to support data migration, view should implement the ViewDataMigrator interface and define the data-version in view.xml.
NOTE: Data migration for instances of same data-versions (including those which does not define data-version) IS supported and in fact just copies all data - the class defined in the data-migrator-class in view.xml WILL NOT be instantiated.
View can define the data version and ViewDataMigrator implementation in the view.xml.
<view> <name>PHONE_LIST</name> <label>The Phone List View</label> <version>2.0.0</version> <data-version>1</data-version> <data-migrator-class>org.apache.ambari.view.phonelist.DataMigrator</data-migrator-class> </view>
If data-version is not defined, 0 is implied.
To support migrations between different data versions, view should implement ViewDataMigrator interface. Views framework calls beforeMigration() method to check if view is ready to migrate data. View can return false and the migration will be canceled. Otherwise, methods will be called in this order:
In the DataMigrator object the ViewDataMigrationContext is injected. It provides all needed methods to operate with both origin and current DataStore/instance data and also some utility methods to simplify copying data.
public class DataMigrator implements ViewDataMigrator { @Inject private ViewDataMigrationContext migrationContext; @Override public boolean beforeMigration() { return migrationContext.getOriginDataVersion() == 1; } @Override public void afterMigration() { } @Override public void migrateEntity(Class originEntityClass, Class currentEntityClass) throws ViewDataMigrationException { if (currentEntityClass == PhoneUser.class) { migrationContext.copyAllObjects(originEntityClass, currentEntityClass, new PhoneUserConverter()); } else { migrationContext.copyAllObjects(originEntityClass, currentEntityClass); } } @Override public void migrateInstanceData() { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> userData : migrationContext.getOriginInstanceDataByUser().entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userData.getValue().entrySet()) { String newValue = String.format("<no surname>;%s", entry.getValue()); migrationContext.putCurrentInstanceData(userData.getKey(), entry.getKey(), newValue); } } } private static class PhoneUserConverter implements EntityConverter { @Override public void convert(Object orig, Object dest) { PhoneUser destPhone = (PhoneUser) dest; BeanUtils.copyProperties(orig, dest); if (destPhone.getName() == null) { destPhone.setSurname("<no surname>"); } else { String[] parts = destPhone.getName().split(" "); if (parts.length > 1) { destPhone.setSurname(parts[parts.length - 1]); } else { destPhone.setSurname("<no surname>"); } } } } }
In this example, migrator supports both migration of persistence entity and instance data.