blob: b8f52085b162f48e1f46da2b2da42e34ac921f68 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
define("OPT", "opts");
define("STAGE", "stage");
define("SERVICESTATE", "service_state");
class NodeManifest {
private $node;
private $roles;
function __construct($n) {
$this->node = $n;
$this->roles = array();
public function setRoleStage($r, $stage) {
$this->setRoleState($r, STAGE, $stage);
public function setRoleState($r, $stateKey, $stateValue) {
if (!isset($this->roles[$r])) {
$this->roles[$r] = array();
$this->roles[$r][$stateKey] = $stateValue;
} else {
$this->roles[$r][$stateKey] = $stateValue;
public function setRoleOpt($r, $optKey, $optVal) {
if (!isset($this->roles[$r])) {
$this->roles[$r] = array();
if (!isset($this->roles[$r][OPT])) {
$this->roles[$r][OPT] = array();
$this->roles[$r][OPT][$optKey] = $optVal;
} else {
$this->roles[$r][OPT][$optKey] = $optVal;
private function generateStageChain() {
$chain = "";
$stages = array();
foreach($this->roles as $roleName => $val) {
$stages[] = $val[STAGE];
asort($stages, SORT_NUMERIC);
$first = true;
foreach ($stages as $s) {
if ($first) {
$first = false;
} else {
$chain = $chain . " -> ";
$chain = $chain . "stage{" . $s . " :}";
return $chain;
private function generateOptList($optList) {
$optChain = "";
$first = true;
foreach($optList as $key => $val) {
if ($first) {
$first = false;
} else {
$optChain = $optChain . ", ";
$optChain = $optChain . $key . " => " . $val ;
return $optChain;
private function generateRoleLine($r) {
$roleLine = "";
$roleLine = $roleLine . "class {'" . $r . "': ";
$isFirst = true;
if (isset($this->roles[$r][OPT])) {
$roleLine = $roleLine . OPT . " => {";
$roleLine = $roleLine . $this->generateOptList($this->roles[$r][OPT]);
$roleLine = $roleLine . "}";
$isFirst = false;
foreach($this->roles[$r] as $key => $value) {
if ($key != OPT) {
if (!$isFirst) {
$roleLine = $roleLine . ", ";
} else {
$isFirst = false;
$roleLine = $roleLine . $key . " => " . $value;
$roleLine = $roleLine . "}";
return $roleLine;
public function generateNodeManifest() {
$manifest = "node /" . $this->node . "/ {\n";
$manifest = $manifest . $this->generateStageChain();
$manifest = $manifest . "\n";
$stages = array();
foreach($this->roles as $roleName => $val) {
$stages[] = $val[STAGE];
asort($stages, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach($stages as $theStage) {
//Print in the order of the stages
foreach ($this->roles as $roleName => $roleVal) {
if ($roleVal[STAGE] == $theStage) {
$manifest = $manifest . $this->generateRoleLine($roleName);
$manifest = $manifest . "\n";
$manifest = $manifest . "}\n";
return $manifest;
public function setNamenodeRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::namenode";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setSecondaryNamenodeRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::snamenode";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setDatanodeRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::datanode";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setJobTrackerRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::jobtracker";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setTaskTrackerRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::tasktracker";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setHadoopClientRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hadoop::client";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setZooKeeperRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-zookeeper";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setZooKeeperClientRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-zookeeper::client";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setHbaseMasterRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hbase::master";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setHbaseRegionServerRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hbase::regionserver";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);
public function setHbaseClientRoleState($state, $stage) {
$role = "hdp-hbase::client";
$this->setRoleState($role, SERVICESTATE, $state);
$this->setRoleStage($role, $stage);