blob: df1f36baa14f5db148ae3af93192e6065116c92a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include_once '../util/Logger.php';
include_once '../conf/';
include_once 'localDirs.php';
include_once "../util/lock.php";
include_once '../db/HMCDBAccessor.php';
include_once "../util/clusterState.php";
include_once '../util/util.php';
include_once './commandUtils.php';
$logger = new HMCLogger("UploadFiles");
$dbAccessor = new HMCDBAccessor($GLOBALS["DB_PATH"]);
$clusterName = $_GET['clusterName'];
/* Figure out whether it's a fresh install or an AddNodesWizard-ish flow. */
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
if ($clusterStateResponse['result'] != 0) {
print json_encode($clusterStateResponse);
$clusterState = json_decode($clusterStateResponse['state'], true);
$freshInstall = ($clusterState['state'] == 'CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS') ? true : false;
$clusterDir = getClusterDir($clusterName);
$logString = "Cluster Name: $clusterName Cleanup required? $freshInstall and type: ".gettype($freshInstall);
// Validate clusterName: TODO; FIXME
// We need to clean up prior instances for this
// cluster name if this is a fresh install
if ($freshInstall) {
// Read from the input
$deployUser = $_POST['ClusterDeployUser'];
/////// Remove the cluster directory before copying the files
$clusterDir = getClusterDir($clusterName);
if (!is_dir($clusterDir) && !mkdir($clusterDir, 0700, true)) {
print json_encode(array( "result" => 1, "error" => 'Failed to create directory...'));
////// end of directory removal
$identityFileDestination = getSshKeyFilePath($clusterName);
$hostsFileDestination = getHostsFilePath($clusterName);
// TODO: FIXME: Change echos to return error codes.
//echo '<pre>';
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['clusterDeployUserIdentityFile']['tmp_name'], $identityFileDestination)) {
//echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
// Set the permissions
chmod($identityFileDestination, 0400);// TODO: Error conditions
} else {
$logger->log_error("Identity file copy to loc ".$identityFileDestination." failed");
//echo "Possible file upload attack!\n";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['clusterHostsFile']['tmp_name'], $hostsFileDestination)) {
//echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
} else {
$logger->log_error("Hosts file copy to loc ".$hostsFileDestination." failed");
//echo "Possible file upload attack!\n";
header("Content-type: application/json");
// Validate that there are no nodes that are already in use in case of addNodesWizard
$logger->log_info("Doing a fresh install: $freshInstall");
if (!$freshInstall) {
// Get the list of current nodes
$allHostsInfoResult = $dbAccessor->getAllHostsInfo("", array());
if ($allHostsInfoResult["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while getting hostInfo for $host :" .$allHostsInfoResult["error"]);
print json_encode($allHostsInfoResult);
$unassignedHostResult = $dbAccessor->getAllUnassignedHosts($clusterName);
if ($unassignedHostResult["result"] != 0) {
print json_encode($unassignedHostResult);
$unassignedHostList = $unassignedHostResult["hosts"];
// See if they are duplicates
$newHosts = readHostsFile($hostsFileDestination);
$duplicateHosts = array();
$logger->log_debug("Checking for Duplicate Hosts.");
foreach ($allHostsInfoResult["hosts"] as $hostInfo) {
$logger->log_debug("Checking for Duplicate Hosts. hostname = ".
$hostInfo["hostName"]. " key does not exist? " .
array_key_exists($hostInfo["hostName"], $unassignedHostList).
" incoming cluster name: $clusterName, host is part of cluster "
if (in_array($hostInfo["hostName"], $newHosts) &&
(!(array_key_exists($hostInfo["hostName"], $unassignedHostList))
|| ($hostInfo["clusterName"] != $clusterName))) {
if (!array_key_exists($hostInfo["clusterName"], $duplicateHosts)) {
$duplicateHosts[$hostInfo["clusterName"]] = array();
$numDupHosts = count($duplicateHosts);
$numNewHosts = count($newHosts);
if ($numDupHosts != 0) {
$logger->log_warn("Trying to add duplicate nodes to the cluster, dups="
. print_r($duplicateHosts, true));
print (json_encode(array("result" => 3, "error" => "Some hosts in the given file are already being used in cluster", "hosts" => $duplicateHosts)));
} else {
// Update the state of the cluster.
$displayName = "Configuration in progress";
$context = array (
'stage' => "ADD_NODES"
$retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $context);
print (json_encode(array("result" => 0)));
$outjson = array(
"errorCode"=> $retval['result'],
// "clusterName" => $clusterName,
// "finalDestination" => $identityFileDestination,
// "fileToBeMoved" => $_FILES['clusterDeployUserIdentityFile']['tmp_name'],
// TODO: FIXME: Check file lengths.