Workflow Manager-UI

This is the repository for the Workflow Manager web UI . This has Dashboard where Oozie jobs can be monitored, run, stip etc..It also has a desiger which allows you to develop a oozie work flow in a graphical interface.

Technologies Used. it uses Ember as underline JS framework. JsPlbumb for designer. Dagre for layout in designer. bootstrap for css.


If you are not building using maven, you will need the following things properly installed on your computer. Maven build would download and setup the prerequisites for you.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • To build the deployable war file, run mvn clean package

in the main directory, just do mvn install.

For doing local development

Go to folder under wfmanager\src\main\resources\ui.

  • npm install
  • bower install

Running / Development using node and ember-cli

In development mode (and in non Ambari View mode), you might want to connect the UI with already running remote/local oozie server. To do so you can run the proxy so that UI can route the requests through it.

  • node proxy.js <local-port> <remote-oozie-host> <remote-oozie-port>

By default local port is 11002, default oozie host is localhost with default port as 11000

  • node proxy.js
  • Proxy on: localhost:11002 -> localhost:11000

If you want to use different local port (other than 11002) then update the API_URL in environment.js accordingly.

Building and Running through Maven

  • mvn clean package (Build web ui and puts into /dist)
  • mvn test -Pproxy (start proxy for the oozie API)
  • In another console tab mvn test -Pserver (does ember server)
  • Wheather you use maven or ember, your app would be accessible at http://localhost:4300.

Setup and Run sample Oozie workflows, bundles and coordinators

  • Get and start the latest Hortonworks Sandbox (if you haven't yet)
  • From the host machine, ssh root@ -p 2222 to get into Sandbox
  • Switch to a guest user using su - guest
  • Inside the sandbox, tar -xvf /usr/hdp/current/oozie-client/doc/oozie-examples.tar.gz
  • Correct find ./examples/apps/ -iname "" | xargs sed -i 's/localhost/'
  • Set hadoop user: export HADOOP_USER_NAME=guest
  • Move the examples into HDFS: hdfs dfs -put ./examples/ /user/guest/examples
  • Set oozie user export OOZIE_USER_NAME=guest
  • Submit and run all the jobs: find ./examples/apps/ -iname "" | xargs -i oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config {} -run

Oozie Ambari View

This UI can be built and deployed as an Ambari view. Below are the steps to build the Ambari view.

  • cd oozie-ambari-view
  • mvn clean package - This builds target/oozie-ambari-view-
  • cp target/oozie-ambari-view- </var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/>
  • restart your ambari server and Oozie Amabri View would be available in Ambari

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server

Further Reading / Useful Links

How the code is organized. There are 2 main components- Dashboard and Designer.

  1. Designer

  2. Dashboard.