blob: d830139e32d788f7a0eab5ba6f87fc5ff30a18d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as randomize from 'randomatic';
export const clusters: string[] = ['cl0', 'cl1', 'cl2'];
export const hosts: string[] = ['c64001', 'c64002', 'c64003'];
export const services: string[] = ['hdfs', 'ambari'];
export const users: string[] = ['hdfs', 'admin', 'user'];
export const components = [
export const levels = [
export function ucFirst(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
export function getRandomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max));
export function getRandomElement(list: Array<any>) {
return list[getRandomInt(list.length)];
export function generatePath(
c: number = 3,
addComponent: boolean | string = true,
addService: boolean | string = false,
folderNameMaxLength: number = 12
): string {
let path = '/var/log';
if (addService) {
path += ('/' + (addService === true ? getRandomElement(services) : addService));
c -= 1;
if (addComponent) {
path += ('/' + (addComponent === true ? getRandomElement(components) : addComponent));
c -= 1;
for (let i = 0; i < c; i += 1) {
path += ('/' + randomize('Aa0?', getRandomInt(folderNameMaxLength), {chars: '-_'}));
return path;
export function generateServiceLog(defaults?: {[key:string]: any}) {
const component = (defaults && defaults.type) || getRandomElement(components);
const host = (defaults && || getRandomElement(hosts);
return Object.assign({
'id': randomize('a0', 32, {chars: '-'}),
'bundle_id': null,
'case_id': null,
'cluster': getRandomElement(clusters),
'seq_num': randomize('0', 5),
'log_message': randomize('a0?a0', getRandomInt(1000), {chars: ' \n'}),
'logfile_line_number': randomize('0', 4),
'event_dur_ms': null,
'file': randomize('a0?a0', 16, {chars: '-_'}) + '.java',
'type': component,
'event_count': getRandomInt(1000),
'event_md5': randomize('a0', 32),
'message_md5': randomize('a0', 32),
'_ttl_': `-${getRandomInt(30)}DAYS`,
'_expire_at_': 1518188622956,
'_version_': randomize('0', 20),
'_router_field_': null,
'level': getRandomElement(levels),
'line_number': getRandomInt(999),
'logtime': moment().subtract(getRandomInt(14), 'days').valueOf(),
'ip': `${getRandomInt(255)}.${getRandomInt(255)}.${getRandomInt(255)}.${getRandomInt(255)}`,
'path': generatePath(3, component) + '.json',
'host': host + '',
'group': host + ''
}, defaults || {});
export function generateAuditLog(defaults?: {[key: string]: any}) {
const component: string = (defaults && defaults.component) || getRandomElement(components); // meta default
const service: string = (defaults && defaults.repo) || getRandomElement(services);
const time = moment().subtract(getRandomInt(14), 'days');
return Object.assign({
policy: 'policy',
reason: randomize('aA', {
length: getRandomInt(50),
chars: ' .:'
result: 0,
text: randomize('aA', {
length: getRandomInt(50),
chars: ' .:'
tags: [component],
resource: '/' + component,
sess: '0',
access: '0',
logType: ucFirst(service) + 'Audit',
tags_str: component,
resType: 'agent',
reqUser: 'admin',
reqData: 'data',
repoType: 1,
repo: service,
proxyUsers: ['admin'],
evtTime: time.valueOf(),
enforcer: service + '-acl',
reqContext: service,
cliType: getRandomElement(['GET', 'POST']),
cliIP: '',
agent: 'agent',
agentHost: 'localhost',
action: 'SERVICE_CHECK',
type: service + '-audit',
_version_: 2,
id: 'id0',
file: component + '.log',
seq_num: 3,
bundle_id: 'b0',
case_id: 'c0',
log_message: `User(${getRandomElement(users)}), Operation(SERVICE_CHECK)`,
logfile_line_number: 4,
message_md5: randomize('a0', 20),
cluster: getRandomElement(clusters),
event_count: getRandomInt(100),
event_md5: randomize('0', 20),
event_dur_ms: getRandomInt(900),
_ttl_: '+7DAYS',
_expire_at_: time.format(),
_router_field_: getRandomInt(20)
}, defaults || {});
export function generateDataCount(from, to, unit, gap) {
let current = moment(from);
const end = moment(to);
const data = [];
while (current.isBefore(end)) {
name: current.toISOString(),
value: getRandomInt(9000)
current = current.add(gap, unit);
return data;
export function generateGraphData(from, to, unit, gap) {
return => {
return {
dataCount: generateDataCount(from, to, unit, gap),
name: level