blob: 70c3f56fa6573338c6e571cd58b9603baab83a0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function (angular, _) {
'use strict';
* AMS Datasource Constructor
function AmbariMetricsDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateSrv) {
this.type = 'ambari-metrics'; =;
this.url = instanceSettings.url;
this.withCredentials = instanceSettings.withCredentials;
this.basicAuth = instanceSettings.basicAuth;
var allMetrics = {};
var appIds = [];
* AMS Datasource Authentication
this.doAmbariRequest = function (options) {
if (this.basicAuth || this.withCredentials) {
options.withCredentials = true;
if (this.basicAuth) {
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers.Authorization = this.basicAuth;
options.url = this.url + options.url;
options.inspect = {type: 'ambari-metrics'};
return backendSrv.datasourceRequest(options);
//We get a list of components and their associated metrics.
this.initMetricAppidMapping = function () {
return this.doAmbariRequest({url: '/metadata'})
.then(function (items) {
items =;
allMetrics = {};
appIds = [];
_.forEach(items, function (metric, app) {
metric.forEach(function (component) {
if (!allMetrics[app]) {
allMetrics[app] = [];
//We remove a couple of components from the list that do not contain any
//pertinent metrics.
delete allMetrics["timeline_metric_store_watcher"];
delete allMetrics["amssmoketestfake"];
appIds = Object.keys(allMetrics);
* AMS Datasource Query
this.query = function (options) {
var emptyData = function (metric) {
var legend = metric.alias ? metric.alias : metric.metric;
return {
data: {
target: legend,
datapoints: []
var self = this;
var getMetricsData = function (target) {
var alias = target.alias ? target.alias : target.metric;
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "yarnqueues") {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.qmetric;
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "kafka-topics") {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.kbTopic;
return function (res) {
res =;
console.log('processing metric ' + target.metric);
if (!res.metrics[0] || target.hide) {
return $q.when(emptyData(target));
var series = [];
var metricData = res.metrics;, function (data) {
// Added hostname to legend for templated dashboards.
var hostLegend = data.hostname ? ' on ' + data.hostname : '';
var alias = target.alias ? target.alias : target.metric;
if(!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "yarnqueues") {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.qmetric; }
if(!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "kafka-topics") {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.kbTopic; }
if (!alias.includes("%") || !data.metricname.includes('live_hosts')) {
if (!alias || alias.includes("%")) {
alias = data.metricname;
var timeSeries = {};
timeSeries = {
target: alias + hostLegend,
datapoints: []
for (var k in data.metrics) {
if (data.metrics.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
timeSeries.datapoints.push([data.metrics[k], (k - k % 1000)]);
return $q.when({data: series});
// To speed up querying on templatized dashboards.
var allHostMetricsData = function (target) {
var alias = target.alias ? target.alias : target.metric;
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "hbase-users") {
alias = alias + ' for ' + target.hbUser;
// Aliases for Storm Topologies and components under a topology.
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" &&
!templateSrv.variables[1]) {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.sTopology;
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables[1]) && templateSrv.variables[1].name === "component") {
alias = alias + ' on ' + target.sTopology + ' for ' + target.sComponent;
// Aliases for Druid Datasources.
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "druidDataSources" &&
!templateSrv.variables[1]) {
alias = alias.replace('$druidDataSource', target.sDataSource);
return function (res) {
res =;
console.log('processing metric ' + target.metric);
if (!res.metrics[0] || target.hide) {
return $q.when(emptyData(target));
var series = [];
var timeSeries = {};
var metricData = res.metrics;, function (data) {
var totalCountFlag = false;
var aliasSuffix = data.hostname ? ' on ' + data.hostname : '';
var op = '';
var user = '';
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "hbase-tables") {
var tableName = "Tables.";
var tableSuffix = data.metricname.substring(data.metricname.indexOf(tableName) + tableName.length,
aliasSuffix = ' on ' + tableSuffix;
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "callers") {
alias = data.metricname.substring(data.metricname.indexOf('(') + 1, data.metricname.indexOf(')'));
// Set legend and alias for HDFS - TopN dashboard
if (data.metricname.indexOf('dfs.NNTopUserOpCounts') === 0) {
var metricname_arr = data.metricname.split(".");, function (segment) {
if (segment.indexOf('op=') === 0) {
var opKey = 'op=';
op = segment.substring(segment.indexOf(opKey) + opKey.length);
} else if (segment.indexOf('user=') === 0) {
var userKey = 'user=';
user = segment.substring(segment.indexOf(userKey) + userKey.length);
// Check if metric is TotalCount
if (data.metricname.indexOf('TotalCount') > 0) {
totalCountFlag = true;
if (op !== '*') {
alias = op;
} else {
alias = 'Total Count';
} else if (op !== '*') {
alias = op + ' by ' + user;
} else {
alias = user;
aliasSuffix = '';
if (data.appid.indexOf('ambari_server') === 0) {
aliasSuffix = '';
if (!alias || alias.includes("%")) {
alias = data.metricname;
timeSeries = {
datapoints: []
for (var k in data.metrics) {
if (data.metrics.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
timeSeries.datapoints.push([data.metrics[k], (k - k % 1000)]);
if ((user !== '*') || (totalCountFlag)) {
return $q.when({data: series});
var getHostAppIdData = function (target) {
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var instanceId = typeof target.cluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.cluster;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.metric + metricTransform +
metricAggregator + "&hostname=" + target.hosts + '&appId=' + + instanceId + '&startTime=' + from +
'&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
//Check if it's a templated dashboard.
var templatedClusters = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (o) {
return === "cluster"
var templatedCluster = (_.isEmpty(templatedClusters)) ? '' : templatedClusters[0].options.filter(function (cluster) {
return cluster.selected;
}).map(function (clusterName) {
return clusterName.value;
var templatedHosts = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (o) {
return === "hosts"
var templatedHost = (_.isEmpty(templatedHosts)) ? '' : templatedHosts[0].options.filter(function (host) {
return host.selected;
}).map(function (hostName) {
return hostName.value;
var tComponents = _.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) ? '' : templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return === "components"
var tComponent = _.isEmpty(tComponents) ? '' : tComponents[0].current.value;
var getServiceAppIdData = function (target) {
var tCluster = (_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables)) ? templatedCluster : '';
var instanceId = typeof tCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + tCluster;
var tHost = (_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables)) ? templatedHost : target.templatedHost;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.metric + metricTransform
+ metricAggregator + '&hostname=' + tHost + '&appId=' + + instanceId + '&startTime=' + from +
'&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
// To speed up querying on templatized dashboards.
var getAllHostData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var appId =;
if ((appId === 'nifi' || appId === 'druid') && !instanceId) {
instanceId = "%"
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var topN = "";
var isBottomN = "";
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables.filter(function (o) {
return === "instances";
}))) {
var metricTopN = _.filter(templateSrv.variables, function (o) {
return === "instances";
var metricTopAgg = _.filter(templateSrv.variables, function (o) {
return === "topagg";
isBottomN = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (o) {
return === "orientation";
=== "bottom" ? true : false;
topN = '&topN=' + metricTopN[0].current.value + '&topNFunction=' + metricTopAgg[0].current.value + '&isBottomN=' + isBottomN;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
var templatedComponent = (_.isEmpty(tComponent)) ? : tComponent;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.metric + metricTransform
+ metricAggregator + '&hostname=' + target.templatedHost + '&appId=' + templatedComponent + instanceId
+ '&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + topN + seriesAggregator
var getYarnAppIdData = function (target) {
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + encodeURIComponent(target.queue) + metricTransform
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=resourcemanager' + instanceId + '&startTime=' + from +
'&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
var getHbaseAppIdData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.hbMetric + instanceId + '&appId=hbase&startTime='
+ from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
var getKafkaAppIdData = function (target) {
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.kbMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=kafka_broker&startTime=' + from +
'&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
var getNnAppIdData = function (target) {
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.nnMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=namenode&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
// Storm Topology calls.
var getStormData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.sTopoMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=nimbus&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
// Infra Solr Calls
var getSolrCoreData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.sCoreMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=ambari-infra-solr&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
var getSolrCollectionData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.sCollectionMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=ambari-infra-solr&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
// Druid calls.
var getDruidData = function (target) {
var instanceId = typeof target.templatedCluster == 'undefined' ? '' : '&instanceId=' + target.templatedCluster;
var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined' ? '' : '&precision='
+ target.precision;
var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
return self.doAmbariRequest({
url: '?metricNames=' + target.sDataSourceMetric + metricTransform + instanceId
+ metricAggregator + '&appId=druid&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator
// Time Ranges
var from = Math.floor(options.range.from.valueOf() / 1000);
var to = Math.floor( / 1000);
var metricsPromises = [];
if (!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables)) {
// YARN Queues Dashboard
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "yarnqueues") {
var allQueues = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "yarnqueues";
var selectedQs = (_.isEmpty(allQueues)) ? "" : allQueues[0].options.filter(function (q) {
return q.selected;
}).map(function (qName) {
return qName.value;
// All Queues
if (!_.isEmpty(_.find(selectedQs, function (wildcard) {
return wildcard === "*";
}))) {
var allQueue = allQueues[0].options.filter(function (q) {
return q.text !== "All";
}).map(function (queue) {
return queue.value;
_.forEach(allQueue, function (processQueue) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.qmetric = processQueue;
target.queue = target.metric.replace('root', target.qmetric);
return getYarnAppIdData(target);
} else {
// All selected queues.
_.forEach(selectedQs, function (processQueue) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.qmetric = processQueue;
target.queue = target.metric.replace('root', target.qmetric);
return getYarnAppIdData(target);
// Templatized Dashboard for per-user metrics in HBase.
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "hbase-users") {
var allUsers = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "hbase-users";
var selectedUsers = (_.isEmpty(allUsers)) ? "" : allUsers[0].options.filter(function (user) {
return user.selected;
}).map(function (uName) {
return uName.value;
if (selectedUsers[0] === "") {
selectedUsers = "";
_.forEach(selectedUsers, function (processUser) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.hbUser = processUser;
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
target.hbMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.hbUser) + metricTransform + '._' + target.aggregator;
return getHbaseAppIdData(target);
// Templatized Dashboard for per-table metrics in HBase.
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "hbase-tables") {
var splitTables = [];
let allTables = [];
const tables = templateSrv.index.Tables.options;
for (let table of tables) {
if (table.text.toLowerCase() === "all" && table.selected) {
allTables = "";
} else if (table.selected) {
while (allTables.length > 0) {
splitTables.push(allTable.splice(0, 20));
_.forEach(splitTables, function (table) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
var hbMetric = [];, function (tableMetric) {
hbMetric.push(target.metric.replace('*', tableMetric));
var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
hbMetric =, function (tbl) {
return tbl + metricTransform + '._' + target.aggregator;
target.hbMetric = _.flatten(hbMetric).join(',');
return getHbaseAppIdData(target);
// Templatized Dashboard for per-topic metrics in Kafka.
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "kafka-topics") {
var allTopics = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "kafka-topics";
var selectedTopics = (_.isEmpty(allTopics)) ? "" : allTopics[0].options.filter(function (topic) {
return topic.selected;
}).map(function (topicName) {
return topicName.value;
if (selectedTopics[0] === "") {
selectedTopics = "";
_.forEach(selectedTopics, function (processTopic) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.kbTopic = processTopic;
target.kbMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.kbTopic);
return getKafkaAppIdData(target);
//Templatized Dashboard for Call Queues
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "callers") {
var allCallers = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "callers";
let selectedCallers = [];
const callers = templateSrv.index.Callers.options;
for (let caller of callers) {
if (caller.text.toLowerCase() === "all" && caller.selected) {
selectedCallers = "";
} else if (caller.selected) {
_.forEach(selectedCallers, function (processCaller) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.nnCaller = processCaller;
target.nnMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.nnCaller);
return getNnAppIdData(target);
//Templatized Dashboard for Infra Solr Cores
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "infra_solr_core") {
var allCores = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "infra_solr_core";
var selectedCores = (_.isEmpty(allCores)) ? "" : allCores[0].options.filter(function (core) {
return core.selected;
}).map(function (coreName) {
return coreName.value;
if (selectedCores[0] === "") {
selectedCores = "";
_.forEach(selectedCores, function (processCore) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sCore = processCore;
target.sCoreMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sCore);
return getSolrCoreData(target);
//Templatized Dashboard for Infra Solr Collections
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "infra_solr_collection") {
var allCollections = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "infra_solr_collection";
var selectedCollections = (_.isEmpty(allCollections)) ? "" : allCollections[0].options.filter(function (collection) {
return collection.selected;
}).map(function (collectionsName) {
return collectionsName.value;
if (selectedCollections [0] === "") {
selectedCollections = "";
_.forEach(selectedCollections, function (processCollection) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sCollection = processCollection;
target.sCollectionMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sCollection);
return getSolrCollectionData(target);
//Templatized Dashboard for Storm Topologies
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" && !templateSrv.variables[1]) {
var allTopologies = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "topologies";
var selectedTopologies = (_.isEmpty(allTopologies)) ? "" : allTopologies[0].options.filter(function (topo) {
return topo.selected;
}).map(function (topoName) {
return topoName.value;
if (selectedTopologies === "") {
selectedTopologies = "";
_.forEach(selectedTopologies, function (processTopology) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sTopology = processTopology;
target.sTopoMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sTopology);
return getStormData(target);
//Templatized Dashboards for Storm Components
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" && templateSrv.variables[1] &&
templateSrv.variables[1].name === "component") {
var selectedTopology = templateSrv.index.topologies.options[0].value || "";
var selectedComponent = templateSrv.index.component.options[0] ? templateSrv.index.component.options[0].value : "";
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sTopology = selectedTopology;
target.sComponent = selectedComponent;
target.sTopoMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sTopology).replace('*', target.sComponent);
return getStormData(target);
//Templatized Dashboard for Storm Kafka Offset
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" && templateSrv.variables[1] &&
templateSrv.variables[1].name === "topic") {
var selectedTopology = templateSrv.index.topologies.options[0].value || "";
var selectedTopic = templateSrv.index.topic.options[0] ? templateSrv.index.topic.options[0].value : "";
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sTopology = selectedTopology;
target.sTopic = selectedTopic;
target.sPartition = options.scopedVars.partition.value;
target.sTopoMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sTopology).replace('*', target.sTopic)
.replace('*', target.sPartition);
return getStormData(target);
//Templatized Dashboards for Druid
if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "druidDataSources" && !templateSrv.variables[1]) {
var allDataSources = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return variable.query === "druidDataSources";
var selectedDataSources = (_.isEmpty(allDataSources)) ? "" : allDataSources[0].options.filter(function (dataSource) {
return dataSource.selected;
}).map(function (dataSourceName) {
return dataSourceName.value;
if (selectedDataSources[0] === "") {
selectedDataSources = "";
_.forEach(selectedDataSources, function (processDataSource) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.sDataSource = processDataSource;
target.sDataSourceMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sDataSource);
return getDruidData(target);
// To speed up querying on templatized dashboards.
let allHosts;
if (templateSrv.index.hosts) {
allHosts = [];
const hosts = templateSrv.index.hosts.options
for (let host of hosts) {
if (host.text.toLowerCase() === "all" && host.selected) {
allHosts = '%';
} else if (host.selected) {
metricsPromises.push(, function (target) {
target.templatedHost = allHosts ? allHosts : '';
target.templatedCluster = templatedCluster;
return getAllHostData(target);
metricsPromises = _.flatten(metricsPromises);
} else {
// Non Templatized Dashboards
metricsPromises =, function (target) {
console.debug('target app=' + + ',' +
'target metric=' + target.metric + ' on host=' + target.tempHost);
if (!!target.hosts) {
return getHostAppIdData(target);
} else {
return getServiceAppIdData(target);
return $q.all(metricsPromises).then(function (metricsDataArray) {
var data =, function (metricsData) {
var metricsDataResult = {data: _.flatten(data)};
return $q.when(metricsDataResult);
* AMS Datasource List Series.
this.listSeries = function (query) {
// wrap in regex
if (query && query.length > 0 && query[0] !== '/') {
query = '/' + query + '/';
return $q.when([]);
* AMS Datasource Templating Variables.
this.metricFindQuery = function (query) {
var interpolated;
try {
interpolated = query.split('.')[0];
} catch (err) {
return $q.reject(err);
var templatedClusters = templateSrv.variables.filter(function (o) {
return === "cluster"
var templatedCluster = (_.isEmpty(templatedClusters)) ? '' : templatedClusters[0].options.filter(function (cluster) {
return cluster.selected;
}).map(function (clusterName) {
return clusterName.value;
var tComponents = _.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) ? '' : templateSrv.variables.filter(function (variable) {
return === "components"
var tComponent = _.isEmpty(tComponents) ? '' : tComponents[0].current.value;
// Templated Variable for HBase Users
// It will search the cluster and populate the HBase Users.
if (interpolated === "hbase-users") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var hbaseUsers = allMetrics["hbase"];
var extractUsers = hbaseUsers.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("regionserver.Users.", 'g')));
var removeUser = "regionserver.Users.numUsers";
var i = extractUsers.indexOf(removeUser);
if (i !== -1) {
extractUsers.splice(i, 1);
var userPrefix = "regionserver.Users.";
var users =, function (user) {
return user.substring(userPrefix.length);
users =, function (userName) {
return userName.substring(0, userName.lastIndexOf("_metric"));
users = _.sortBy(_.uniq(users));
return, function (users) {
return {
text: users
// Templated Variable for HBase Tables.
// It will search the cluster and populate the hbase-tables.
if (interpolated === "hbase-tables") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var hbaseTables = allMetrics["hbase"];
var extractTables = hbaseTables.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("regionserver.Tables.", 'g')));
var removeTable = "regionserver.Tables.numTables";
var i = extractTables.indexOf(removeTable);
if (i != -1) {
extractTables.splice(i, 1);
var tablePrefix = "regionserver.Tables.";
var tables =, function (user) {
return user.substring(tablePrefix.length);
tables =, function (userName) {
return userName.substring(0, userName.lastIndexOf("_metric"));
tables = _.sortBy(_.uniq(tables));
return, function (tables) {
return {
text: tables
// Templated Variable for Kafka Topics.
// It will search the cluster and populate the topics.
if (interpolated === "kafka-topics") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var kafkaTopics = allMetrics["kafka_broker"];
var extractTopics = kafkaTopics.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("\\b.log.Log.\\b", 'g')));
var topics =, function (topic) {
var topicPrefix = "topic.";
return topic.substring(topic.lastIndexOf(topicPrefix) + topicPrefix.length, topic.length);
topics = _.sortBy(_.uniq(topics));
var i = topics.indexOf("ambari_kafka_service_check");
if (i != -1) {
topics.splice(i, 1);
return, function (topics) {
return {
text: topics
//Templated Variables for Call Queue Metrics
if (interpolated === "callers") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var nnCallers = allMetrics["namenode"];
var extractCallers = nnCallers.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("", 'g')));
var callers = _.sortBy(_.uniq(, function (caller) {
return caller.substring(caller.indexOf('(') + 1, caller.indexOf(')'))
return, function (callers) {
return {
text: callers
var cores = [];
//Templated Variables for Infra Solr Cores
if (interpolated === "infra_solr_core") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var solrMetrics = allMetrics["ambari-infra-solr"];
var extractCores = solrMetrics.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("^infra.solr.core.", 'g')));, function (core) {
// Core naming convention is infra.solr.core.<collection_name>.<shard>.<replica>.<metric_name>
// coreName should be <collection_name>.<shard>.<replica>
core = core.split('.');
var coreName = core.slice(3, 6).join(".");
if (cores.indexOf(coreName) < 0) {
return, function (cores) {
return {
text: cores
var collections = [];
//Templated Variables for Infra Solr Collections
if (interpolated === "infra_solr_collection") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var solrMetrics = allMetrics["ambari-infra-solr"];
var extractCollections = solrMetrics.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("^infra.solr.core.", 'g')));, function (core) {
// Core naming convention is infra.solr.core.<collection_name>.<shard>.<replica>.<metric_name>
core = core.split('.');
var collection = core[3];
if (collections.indexOf(collection) < 0) {
return, function (collections) {
return {
text: collections
var topologies = {};
//Templated Variables for Storm Topologies
if (interpolated === "topologies") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var storm = allMetrics["nimbus"];
var extractTopologies = storm.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("^topology.", 'g')));, function (topology) {
// Topology naming convention is topology.<topology-name>.component.
topology = topology.split('.').slice(0, 3);
if (topologies[topology[1]]) {
} else {
topologies[topology[1]] = [topology[2]];
return, function (topologyNames) {
return {
text: topologyNames
//Templated Variables for Storm Components per Topology
if (interpolated.indexOf("stormComponent") >= 0) {
var componentName = interpolated.substring(0, interpolated.indexOf('.'));
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var storm = allMetrics["nimbus"];
var extractTopologies = storm.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("^topology.", 'g')));, function (topology) {
topology = topology.split('.').slice(0, 3);
if (topologies[topology[1]]) {
} else {
topologies[topology[1]] = [topology[2]];
// Retrieve unique component names from the list.
var compName = _.uniq(topologies[componentName]);
// Remove "kafka-topic" from the list of components.
var remove = compName.indexOf('kafka-topic');
if (remove > -1) {
compName.splice(remove, 1);
return, function (components) {
return {
text: components
var stormEntities = {};
this.getStormEntities = function () {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var storm = allMetrics["nimbus"];
var extractTopologies = storm.filter(/./.test.bind(new
RegExp("partition", 'g')));, function (topology) {
topology = topology.split('.').slice(0, 5);
var topologyName = topologyN = topology[1]; // Topology
var topologyTopicName = topicN = topology[3]; // Topic
var topologyTopicPartitionName = topology[4]; // Partition
if (stormEntities[topologyName]) {
if (stormEntities[topologyName][topologyTopicName]) {
} else {
stormEntities[topologyName][topologyTopicName] = [topologyTopicPartitionName];
} else {
stormEntities[topologyName] = {};
stormEntities[topologyName][topologyTopicName] = [topologyTopicPartitionName];
//Templated Variables for Storm Topics per Topology
if (interpolated.indexOf("stormTopic") >= 0) {
var topicName = interpolated.substring(0, interpolated.indexOf('.'));
return this.getStormEntities().then(function () {
var topicNames = Object.keys(stormEntities[topicName]);
return, function (names) {
return {
text: names
//Templated Variables for Storm Partitions per Topic
if (interpolated.indexOf("stormPartition") >= 0) {
var topicN, topologyN;
return this.getStormEntities().then(function () {
var partitionNames = _.uniq(stormEntities[topologyN][topicN]);
return, function (names) {
return {
text: names
// Templated Variable for YARN Queues.
// It will search the cluster and populate the queues.
if (interpolated === "yarnqueues") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var yarnqueues = allMetrics["resourcemanager"];
var extractQueues = yarnqueues.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp(".=root", 'g')));
var queues =, function (metric) {
return metric.substring("yarn.QueueMetrics.Queue=".length);
queues =, function (metricName) {
return metricName.substring(metricName.lastIndexOf("."), 0);
queues = _.sortBy(_.uniq(queues));
return, function (queues) {
return {
text: queues
// Templated Variable for DruidServices.
// It will search the cluster and populate the druid service names.
if (interpolated === "druidServices") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var druidMetrics = allMetrics["druid"];
// Assumption: each node always emits jvm metrics
var extractNodeTypes = druidMetrics.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("jvm/gc/time", 'g')));
var nodeTypes =, function (metricName) {
return metricName.substring(0, metricName.indexOf("."));
nodeTypes = _.sortBy(_.uniq(nodeTypes));
return, function (nodeType) {
return {
text: nodeType
// Templated Variable for Druid datasources.
// It will search the cluster and populate the druid datasources.
if (interpolated === "druidDataSources") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var druidMetrics = allMetrics["druid"];
// Assumption: query/time is emitted for each datasource
var extractDataSources = druidMetrics.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("query/time", 'g')));
var dataSources =, function (metricName) {
return metricName.split('.')[1]
dataSources = _.sortBy(_.uniq(dataSources));
return, function (dataSource) {
return {
text: dataSource
// Templated Variable for Druid query type.
// It will search the cluster and populate the druid query types.
if (interpolated === "druidQueryTypes") {
return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
.then(function () {
var druidMetrics = allMetrics["druid"];
// Assumption: query/time is emitted for each query type.
var extractQueryTypes = druidMetrics.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp("query/time", 'g')));
var queryTypes =, function (metricName) {
return metricName.split('.')[2]
queryTypes = _.sortBy(_.uniq(queryTypes));
return, function (queryType) {
return {
text: queryType
if (interpolated == 'hosts') {
return this.suggestHosts(tComponent, templatedCluster);
} else if (interpolated == 'cluster') {
return this.suggestClusters(tComponent)
* AMS Datasource - Test Data Source Connection.
* Added Check to see if Datasource is working. Throws up an error in the
* Datasources page if incorrect info is passed on.
this.testDatasource = function () {
return this.doAmbariRequest({
url: '/metadata',
method: 'GET'
}).then(function (response) {
if (response.status === 200) {
return {status: "success", message: "Data source is working", title: "Success"};
* AMS Datasource - Suggest AppId.
* Read AppIds from cache.
this.suggestApps = function (query) {
appIds = appIds.sort();
var appId =, function (k) {
return {text: k};
return $q.when(appId);
* AMS Datasource - Suggest Metrics.
* Read Metrics based on AppId chosen.
this.suggestMetrics = function (query, app) {
if (!app) {
return $q.when([]);
var keys = [];
keys =[app], function (m) {
return {text: m};
keys = _.sortBy(keys, function (i) {
return i.text.toLowerCase();
return $q.when(keys);
this.suggestClusters = function (app) {
if (!app) {
app = '';
return this.doAmbariRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: '/instance?' + 'appId=' + app
}).then(function (response) {
var clusters = [];
var data =;
for (var cluster in data) {
if (data[cluster].hasOwnProperty(app)) {
clusters.push({text: cluster});
return $q.when(clusters);
* AMS Datasource - Suggest Hosts.
* Query Hosts on the cluster.
this.suggestHosts = function (app, cluster) {
if (!app) {
app = '';
if (!cluster) {
cluster = '';
return this.doAmbariRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: '/instance?' + 'appId=' + app + '&instanceId=' + cluster
}).then(function (response) {
var hosts = [];
var data =;
for (var cluster in data) {
var appHosts = data[cluster][app];
if (appHosts) {
for (var index in appHosts) {
hosts.push({text: appHosts[index]});
return $q.when(hosts);
* AMS Datasource Aggregators.
var aggregatorsPromise = null;
this.getAggregators = function () {
if (aggregatorsPromise) {
return aggregatorsPromise;
aggregatorsPromise = $q.when([
'none', 'avg', 'sum', 'min', 'max'
return aggregatorsPromise;
return {
AmbariMetricsDatasource: AmbariMetricsDatasource