blob: 10b3a71e7d4229fcbf4511f7f5470695d20cdecc [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.ambari.metrics.adservice.prototype.testing.utilities;
* Class which was originally used to send test series from AMS to Spark through Kafka.
public class MetricAnomalyTester {
// public static String appId = MetricsCollectorInterface.serviceName;
// static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MetricAnomalyTester.class);
// static Map<String, TimelineMetric> timelineMetricMap = new HashMap<>();
// public static TimelineMetrics runTestAnomalyRequest(MetricAnomalyDetectorTestInput input) throws UnknownHostException {
// long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// TimelineMetrics timelineMetrics = new TimelineMetrics();
// String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
// //Train data
// TimelineMetric metric1 = new TimelineMetric();
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(input.getTrainDataName())) {
// metric1 = timelineMetricMap.get(input.getTrainDataName());
// if (metric1 == null) {
// metric1 = new TimelineMetric();
// double[] trainSeries = MetricSeriesGeneratorFactory.generateSeries(input.getTrainDataType(), input.getTrainDataSize(), input.getTrainDataConfigs());
// metric1.setMetricName(input.getTrainDataName());
// metric1.setAppId(appId);
// metric1.setHostName(hostname);
// metric1.setStartTime(currentTime);
// metric1.setInstanceId(null);
// metric1.setMetricValues(getAsTimeSeries(currentTime, trainSeries));
// timelineMetricMap.put(input.getTrainDataName(), metric1);
// }
// timelineMetrics.getMetrics().add(metric1);
// } else {
// LOG.error("No train data name specified");
// }
// //Test data
// TimelineMetric metric2 = new TimelineMetric();
// if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(input.getTestDataName())) {
// metric2 = timelineMetricMap.get(input.getTestDataName());
// if (metric2 == null) {
// metric2 = new TimelineMetric();
// double[] testSeries = MetricSeriesGeneratorFactory.generateSeries(input.getTestDataType(), input.getTestDataSize(), input.getTestDataConfigs());
// metric2.setMetricName(input.getTestDataName());
// metric2.setAppId(appId);
// metric2.setHostName(hostname);
// metric2.setStartTime(currentTime);
// metric2.setInstanceId(null);
// metric2.setMetricValues(getAsTimeSeries(currentTime, testSeries));
// timelineMetricMap.put(input.getTestDataName(), metric2);
// }
// timelineMetrics.getMetrics().add(metric2);
// } else {
// LOG.warn("No test data name specified");
// }
// //Invoke method
// if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(input.getMethods())) {
// RFunctionInvoker.setScriptsDir("/etc/ambari-metrics-collector/conf/R-scripts");
// for (String methodType : input.getMethods()) {
// ResultSet result = RFunctionInvoker.executeMethod(methodType, getAsDataSeries(metric1), getAsDataSeries(metric2), input.getMethodConfigs());
// TimelineMetric timelineMetric = getAsTimelineMetric(result, methodType, input, currentTime, hostname);
// if (timelineMetric != null) {
// timelineMetrics.getMetrics().add(timelineMetric);
// }
// }
// } else {
// LOG.warn("No anomaly method requested");
// }
// return timelineMetrics;
// }
// private static TimelineMetric getAsTimelineMetric(ResultSet result, String methodType, MetricAnomalyDetectorTestInput input, long currentTime, String hostname) {
// if (result == null) {
// return null;
// }
// TimelineMetric timelineMetric = new TimelineMetric();
// if (methodType.equals("tukeys") || methodType.equals("ema")) {
// timelineMetric.setMetricName(input.getTrainDataName() + "_" + input.getTestDataName() + "_" + methodType + "_" + currentTime);
// timelineMetric.setHostName(hostname);
// timelineMetric.setAppId(appId);
// timelineMetric.setInstanceId(null);
// timelineMetric.setStartTime(currentTime);
// TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues = new TreeMap<>();
// if (result.resultset.size() > 0) {
// double[] ts = result.resultset.get(0);
// double[] metrics = result.resultset.get(1);
// for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) {
// if (i == 0) {
// timelineMetric.setStartTime((long) ts[i]);
// }
// metricValues.put((long) ts[i], metrics[i]);
// }
// }
// timelineMetric.setMetricValues(metricValues);
// return timelineMetric;
// }
// return null;
// }
// private static TreeMap<Long, Double> getAsTimeSeries(long currentTime, double[] values) {
// long startTime = currentTime - (values.length - 1) * 60 * 1000;
// TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues = new TreeMap<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// metricValues.put(startTime, values[i]);
// startTime += (60 * 1000);
// }
// return metricValues;
// }
// private static DataSeries getAsDataSeries(TimelineMetric timelineMetric) {
// TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues = timelineMetric.getMetricValues();
// double[] timestamps = new double[metricValues.size()];
// double[] values = new double[metricValues.size()];
// int i = 0;
// for (Long timestamp : metricValues.keySet()) {
// timestamps[i] = timestamp;
// values[i++] = metricValues.get(timestamp);
// }
// return new DataSeries(timelineMetric.getMetricName() + "_" + timelineMetric.getAppId() + "_" + timelineMetric.getHostName(), timestamps, values);
// }