blob: 0b66095ac1596c97e3486b50841889810cb771dc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# EMA <- w * EMA + (1 - w) * x
# EMS <- sqrt( w * EMS^2 + (1 - w) * (x - EMA)^2 )
# Alarm = abs(x - EMA) > n * EMS
ema_global <- function(train_data, test_data, w, n) {
# res <- get_data(url)
# data <- data.frame(as.numeric(names(res$metrics[[1]]$metrics)), as.numeric(res$metrics[[1]]$metrics))
# names(data) <- c("TS", res$metrics[[1]]$metricname)
# train_data <- data[which(data$TS >= train_start & data$TS <= train_end), 2]
# test_data <- data[which(data$TS >= test_start & data$TS <= test_end), ]
anomalies <- data.frame()
ema <- 0
ems <- 0
#Train Step
for (x in train_data) {
ema <- w*ema + (1-w)*x
ems <- sqrt(w* ems^2 + (1 - w)*(x - ema)^2)
for ( i in 1:length(test_data[,1])) {
x <- test_data[i,2]
if (abs(x - ema) > n*ems) {
anomaly <- c(as.numeric(test_data[i,1]), x)
# print (anomaly)
anomalies <- rbind(anomalies, anomaly)
ema <- w*ema + (1-w)*x
ems <- sqrt(w* ems^2 + (1 - w)*(x - ema)^2)
if(length(anomalies) > 0) {
names(anomalies) <- c("TS", "Value")
return (anomalies)
ema_daily <- function(train_data, test_data, w, n) {
# res <- get_data(url)
# data <- data.frame(as.numeric(names(res$metrics[[1]]$metrics)), as.numeric(res$metrics[[1]]$metrics))
# names(data) <- c("TS", res$metrics[[1]]$metricname)
# train_data <- data[which(data$TS >= train_start & data$TS <= train_end), ]
# test_data <- data[which(data$TS >= test_start & data$TS <= test_end), ]
anomalies <- data.frame()
ema <- vector("numeric", 7)
ems <- vector("numeric", 7)
#Train Step
for ( i in 1:length(train_data[,1])) {
x <- train_data[i,2]
time <- as.POSIXlt(as.numeric(train_data[i,1])/1000, origin = "1970-01-01" ,tz = "GMT")
index <- time$wday
ema[index] <- w*ema[index] + (1-w)*x
ems[index] <- sqrt(w* ems[index]^2 + (1 - w)*(x - ema[index])^2)
for ( i in 1:length(test_data[,1])) {
x <- test_data[i,2]
time <- as.POSIXlt(as.numeric(test_data[i,1])/1000, origin = "1970-01-01" ,tz = "GMT")
index <- time$wday
if (abs(x - ema[index+1]) > n*ems[index+1]) {
anomaly <- c(as.numeric(test_data[i,1]), x)
# print (anomaly)
anomalies <- rbind(anomalies, anomaly)
ema[index+1] <- w*ema[index+1] + (1-w)*x
ems[index+1] <- sqrt(w* ems[index+1]^2 + (1 - w)*(x - ema[index+1])^2)
if(length(anomalies) > 0) {
names(anomalies) <- c("TS", "Value")