AMBARI-24263. Restart services just before stack upgrade fails due to AMS package incompatibility errors, causing EU not to be started. (mpapirkovskyy) (#1707)

* AMBARI-24263. Restart services just before stack upgrade fails due to AMS package incompatibility errors, causing EU not to be started. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Scriptlets logic update. Nullable metrics template. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Conditional metrics templates. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Templates typo fix. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Fix template in config. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Fix IFS usage side effects. (mpapirkovskyy)

* AMBARI-24263. Restart services just before stack upgrade fails due to AMS package incompatibility errors, causing EU not to be started. (mpapirkovskyy)
3 files changed