blob: 7b223a28f7b6e93b24c14055296cb8633d3a4f1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.ambari.metrics.adservice.db
trait MetadataDatasource {
type Key = Array[Byte]
type Value = Array[Byte]
* Idempotent call at the start of the application to initialize db
def initialize(): Unit
* This function obtains the associated value to a key. It requires the (key-value) pair to be in the DataSource
* @param key
* @return the value associated with the passed key.
def apply(key: Key): Value = get(key).get
* This function obtains the associated value to a key, if there exists one.
* @param key
* @return the value associated with the passed key.
def get(key: Key): Option[Value]
* This function obtains all the values
* @return the list of values
def getAll: List[Value]
* This function associates a key to a value, overwriting if necessary
def put(key: Key, value: Value): Unit
* Delete key from the db
def delete(key: Key): Unit
* This function updates the DataSource by deleting, updating and inserting new (key-value) pairs.
* @param toRemove which includes all the keys to be removed from the DataSource.
* @param toUpsert which includes all the (key-value) pairs to be inserted into the DataSource.
* If a key is already in the DataSource its value will be updated.
* @return the new DataSource after the removals and insertions were done.
def update(toRemove: Seq[Key], toUpsert: Seq[(Key, Value)]): Unit
* This function closes the DataSource, without deleting the files used by it.
def close(): Unit