blob: 29fb98a3f10e272fd79881dcdfe74cd814bd747f [file] [log] [blame]
import re, sys
signoff = re.compile('^Signed-off-by: (.*)$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
bug = re.compile('\[(?:.*:)?#\d+\]')
def deny_commit(message):
print message
def main():
# argv[1] is the name of the file holding the commit message.
# It is _not_ a commit, it has no headers. The first line is
# the subject.
with open(sys.argv[1]) as commit_msg:
subject = commit_msg.readline()
if not
deny_commit('Commit subject must reference a ticket.')
number_of_signoffs = 0
signoffs = set()
for line in commit_msg.readlines():
match = signoff.match(line)
# comment lines won't match signoff, so we effectively ignore them
if match:
number_of_signoffs += 1
# must be at least one sign-off
if not len(signoffs):
deny_commit('Commit must be signed-off.')
# and every sign-off must be different
if len(signoffs) < number_of_signoffs:
deny_commit('Duplicate sign-offs found.')
if __name__ == '__main__':