| # requirements for all deployment environments |
| |
| BeautifulSoup==3.2.0 |
| chardet==1.0.1 |
| colander==0.9.3 |
| # dep of pypeline |
| Creoleparser==0.7.3 |
| decorator==3.3.2 |
| # dep of pypeline |
| docutils==0.8.1 |
| EasyWidgets==0.2dev-20110726 |
| feedparser==5.0.1 |
| FormEncode==1.2.4 |
| # dep of Creoleparser |
| Genshi==0.6 |
| # dep of oauth2 |
| httplib2==0.7.4 |
| iso8601==0.1.4 |
| Jinja2==2.6 |
| Markdown==2.0.3 |
| mercurial==1.4.3 |
| Ming==0.3.1dev-20120323 |
| oauth2==1.5.170 |
| PasteScript== |
| PIL==1.1.7 |
| poster==0.8.1 |
| Pygments==1.5 |
| pymongo==2.1.1 |
| Pypeline==0.1dev |
| pysolr==2.1.0-beta |
| python-dateutil==1.5 |
| python-openid==2.2.5 |
| pytidylib==0.2.1 |
| # dep of pypeline |
| textile==2.1.5 |
| # dep of colander |
| translationstring==0.4 |
| TurboGears2==2.1.3 |
| # part of the stdlib, but with a version number. see http://guide.python-distribute.org/pip.html#listing-installed-packages |
| wsgiref==0.1.2 |
| |
| # tg2 deps (not used directly) |
| Babel==0.9.6 |
| Beaker==1.5.4 |
| Mako==0.3.2 |
| MarkupSafe==0.15 |
| Paste== |
| PasteDeploy==1.5.0 |
| Pylons==1.0 |
| simplejson==2.2.1 |
| Tempita==0.5.1 |
| Routes==1.12.3 |
| WebError==0.10.3 |
| WebFlash==0.1a9 |
| WebHelpers==1.3 |
| WebOb==1.1.1 |
| |
| # git deps |
| async==0.6.1 |
| gitdb==0.5.4 |
| GitPython==0.3.0-beta2 |
| smmap==0.8.1 |
| |
| # testing & development |
| datadiff==1.1.3 |
| mock==0.8.0 |
| nose==1.1.2 |
| pyflakes==0.5.0 |
| WebTest==1.3.1 |