| # |
| # allura - TurboGears 2 testing environment configuration |
| # |
| # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file |
| # |
| debug = false |
| # make sure, since this extends development.ini |
| set debug = false |
| # Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports |
| # email_to = you@yourdomain.com |
| smtp_server = localhost |
| error_email_from = paste@localhost |
| |
| [server:main] |
| use = egg:Paste#http |
| host = |
| port = 5000 |
| |
| [app:main] |
| use = config:development.ini#tool_test |
| db_prefix = test_ |
| |
| base_url = http://localhost/ |
| |
| # Use test MongoDB DB server |
| # ming.main.master = mongo:// |
| ming.main.master = mim:// |
| ming.main.database = allura |
| ming.project.master = mim:// |
| ming.project.database = project-data |
| |
| # Use test SOLR core |
| solr.mock = true |
| |
| # Use mock AMQP |
| amqp.mock = true |
| |
| # Forgemail server |
| forgemail.host = |
| forgemail.port = 8825 |
| forgemail.domain = .in.sf.net |
| forgemail.url = http://localhost:8080 |
| |
| load_test_data = true |
| cache_test_data = false |
| site_admin_project = test |
| |
| # Set the locations of some static resources |
| # script_name is the path that is handled by the application |
| # url_base is the prefix that references to the static resources should have |
| ew.script_name = /nf/_ew_/ |
| ew.url_base = /nf/_ew_/ |
| static.script_name = /nf/_static_/ |
| static.url_base = /nf/_static_/ |
| |
| scm.new_refresh = true |
| |
| scm.host.ro.git = git://git.localhost$path |
| scm.host.rw.git = ssh://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.https.git = https://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.https_anon.git = https://ocalhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.ro.hg = http://hg.localhost$path |
| scm.host.rw.hg = ssh://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.https.hg = https://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.https_anon.hg = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path |
| scm.host.ro.svn = http://svn.localhost$path/ |
| scm.host.rw.svn = svn+ssh://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ |
| scm.host.https.svn = https://$username@localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ |
| scm.host.https_anon.svn = https://localhost:8022/scm-repo$path/ |
| |
| scm.clone.git = git clone $source_url $dest_path |
| scm.clone.hg = hg clone $source_url $dest_path |
| scm.clone.https_anon.svn = svn checkout $source_url $dest_path |
| scm.clone.ro.svn = svn checkout $source_url $dest_path |
| scm.clone.svn = svn checkout --username=$username $source_url $dest_path |
| |
| scm.repos.root = /tmp |
| |
| stats.sample_rate=0 |
| |
| disable_csrf_protection=1 |
| |
| [app:main_without_authn] |
| use = main |
| skip_authentication = True |
| |
| [app:main_with_amqp] |
| use = main |
| # Use test RabbitMQ vhost |
| amqp.mock = false |
| amqp.hostname = localhost |
| amqp.port = 5672 |
| amqp.userid = testuser |
| amqp.password = testpw |
| amqp.vhost = vhost_testing |
| |
| |
| # Add additional test specific configuration options as necessary. |
| [loggers] |
| keys = root |
| |
| [handlers] |
| keys = test |
| |
| [formatters] |
| keys = generic |
| |
| [logger_root] |
| level = INFO |
| handlers = test |
| |
| [handler_test] |
| class = FileHandler |
| args = ('test.log',) |
| level = NOTSET |
| formatter = generic |
| |
| [formatter_generic] |
| format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s |
| datefmt = %H:%M:%S |
| |
| [validation] |
| validate_html5 = false |
| validate_inlinejs = false |